Last week on the podcast I talked about how problem solving does not work. It's was a HUGE mindset shift for me. Today we're talking about an alternative to problem solving, possibliites. What is the crossroad you currenly find yourself? That is the question that a conversation about possiblities asks. For me this coversation feels like freedom, and I'm excited that you're on this journey with me.  www.amberleagray.com  Substack: www.amberleagray.social     
Published 09/21/22
Pour a glass of your favorite beverage and pull up a seat. Today we're talking about a HUGE mindset shift I have had over the last few weeks. It is the idea to STOP problem solving. Trust me. Y'all this is idea may sound wild, but I think it is essential in order to create authentic community and real transformation. On today's episode of the podcast I'm talking about why problem solving does not work.  www.amberleagray.com  Substack Community: www.amberleagray.social Book referenced in...
Published 09/12/22
As a society we have come a long way, but there is still stigma around seeking professional help when it comes to mental illness. We have assumptions and expectations about therapy, that may or may not be true! In this conversation with Monica DiCristina, MA LPC, we answer all the questions. Who should go to therapy? What can you expect when you get there? What the heck is confidentiality? What if I see my therapist out in public? If you've been in therapy or want to learn more, this episode...
Published 09/05/22
In the therapy - coaching - self-help world we talk a lot about doing 'the work.' I reference 'the work' in the intro of this very podcast - change takes courage and a little hard work.  But what does that even mean?! What is this work that we are encouraged to do? That’s what I unpack this week on the Growth & Grace Podcast! www.amberleagray.com  amberleagray.blog  
Published 08/29/22
STOP! Don't scroll away just yet. I know that the idea of vulnerability is scary, but trust me. There is value in vulnerability! It is a key element of cultivating deep relationships, developing self awareness, and learning leadership skills. The world need more people who are willing to be vulnerable. The world needs you.  www.amberleagray.com
Published 08/23/22
Today on the podcast I'm talking about self advocacy. When is it appropriate to speak up for yourself? What should you say when things don't feel right? When should we advocate for yourselves? What if goes bad? I'm talking through all these things and more. This episode is a mix of pep talks and practical tips to help you advocate for yourself.  www.amberleagray.com
Published 08/15/22
Last week I got the opportunity to preach a sermon on the Prophet Hosea. I'm not going to lie, it was a hard text. It also reminded me of a truth that my soul needed to hear. It's my prayer that episode encourages you. Most importantly, I want it to remind you that no matter what, God loves you. www.amberleagray.com
Published 08/08/22
The world is changing and how we lead is changing to too. In today's episode I talk about what the old leadership models look like, and where I believe leadership trends are headed. We're talking about adaptive leadership and what adaptive leadership looks like.  www.amberleagray.com
Published 08/01/22
Life is constantly chaning, and there is nothing we can do about it. I've had a lot of change in my life recently, and so it's been on my mind. How can we culitivate the skill of embracing change? What does embracing change look like? How does embracing change relate to the life of faith? I talk through all these things and more in today's episode!  www.amberleagray.com
Published 07/25/22
Saying no can be hard. Especially if you're a recovering people pleaser, like me. At the same time, saying no is essential to protecting your boundaries. Sometimes we have to say no to be able to say yes to the things that matter most. In this episode, I unpack 5 tips with will make saying no easier, and you might be a little surprised by what you hear!  www.amberleagray.com
Published 07/18/22
It's time for a pep talk. Despite what the highlight real on social media might say, we're all on the struggle bus. Tell your story. You have no idea who you might impact. The more we share real life, the less people feel alone. Your story matters.  www.amberleagray.com
Published 07/11/22
What are spiritual practices? How do you care for your soul? What do you do to cultivate your spiritual life? How are you growing on your spiritual journey? I'm talking about all those things and more on today's episode of the podcast. Wait to the very end for a massive list of different spiritual practices you can try!  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 07/04/22
Can you guess one of the top reasons people are switching jobs? Yep, you guessed it - a toxic culture! Research even shows that employees value a healthy work environment more than compensation! *mind blown* In today's episode I'm sharing some signs of a toxic work culture and what you can do if you find yourself in one.  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 06/27/22
Listener Requested: Last week I did an episode on Relationship Red Flags, and a number of listeners reached out to me wanting some practical tips on what to do if you find yourself in a relationship with these red flags. So that's what I'm doing today! I'm sharing some things you can do to address relationship red flags.  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 06/20/22
Summer lovin' happened so fast!  Listener Requested: Today on the podcast I'm talking about relationship red flags! Whether you've been in a long-term relationship or are still looking for love, this episode is for you. It can be applied to relationships of all kinds!  www.amberlegray.com
Published 06/13/22
If you've been on a self-growth, spiritual journey for any length of time, you've probably heard the phrase, "your authentic self." It's thrown around a good bit, but I'm not sure that too many people take the time to explain it. So if this is day 1 or 1 million of your journey to wholeness, this episode is for you!  So much of 'the work' that we talk about boils down to finding and stepping into your authentic self!  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 06/06/22
Bible Byte - Ephesians 6, The Armor of God Today on the podcast, I'm doing something a little different. You might know that I'm an ordained pastor, and today I'm sharing some thoughts on a Bible passage that I have heard misused a good bit. Several years ago I did a study on Ephesians, and it completely changed how I read this passage. In light of recent headlines, I think this might be helpful... whether you're a Christian or not!  HINT: This is not about an individual call to arm...
Published 05/30/22
It's time for a pep talk episode! I've had multiple conversations recently where people are doubting themselves. Here's what I want to say to you!  www.amberleagray.com
Published 05/23/22
Have you ever found yourself disappointed, but don't know why? Have you struggled with resentment or shame, but cannot identify why you keep finding yourself in these types of situations? You might be experiencing stealth expectations. I learned about this and it was a game-changer!  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 05/17/22
Your feelings are valid, but that doesn't mean they are true. Have I confused you yet?! Let's talk about what it means to validate your feelings. Honestly, there is more to it than you probably think! www.amberleagray.com
Published 05/09/22
This is the MOST listened to episode of the Growth & Grace podcast to date! Want to become more self-aware? Want to have more grace for yourself and others? Want to develop better leadership skills? Want to make more money? Want to be a top performer at your job? Want to be successful? Want to have healthy relationships?  Then, let's talk about Emotional intelligence!  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 05/03/22
Today I'm putting on my pastor hat and sharing with you 3 rules to live by-- that I believe can change both your life and entire communities!   www.amberleagray.com 
Published 04/26/22
Did you know that Easter is not just one day, but an entire season in the church? Today on the podcast I'm sharing an Easter sermon based on John 20:1-18 that I preached in 2021. It's my prayer that this sermon gives you hope!  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 04/19/22
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information. It can be hard to distinguish between what you believe and what you've been told. That is the work of discernment. In today's episode, I'm talking about some practical things you can do to find your voice. Why? So that you can authentically show up in the world and share your truth!  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 04/12/22
Today let's talk about the power of curiosity. It's more than an emotion, but is a way we position ourselves in the world. That every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. In this episode, I unpack what curiosity is and share two important things that cultivating curiosity can bring to your life.  www.amberleagray.com 
Published 04/05/22