What if? If we’re honest, that question can get out of control pretty quickly. We easily spiral into worry and anxiety. In today's episode of Wild Grace, we will hear about worry from the Gospel of Matthew. We will also enter into the passage with an imaginative contemplation exercise. If you have a tendency to worry, this episode is for you.  www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray  
Published 01/17/24
Published 01/17/24
WAIT -- don't skip this episode! I know that silence and solitude are often not at the top of our to-do lists, but what if I said they are essential for a deep spirituality? If you're longing to be in God's presence, to grow in your faith, or to experience God's love -- then this episode is for you! I'm going to talk about the practice of silence and solitude and what it might look like to incorporate this into your own life.  www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social ...
Published 09/06/23
How do we know what God wants us to do? What does the process of discernment look like? As a pastor, I'm often asked about discerning God's will. Is there a magic formula? In today's episode, I'm walking you through three types of prayers for discernment. These are not to-do list prayers. These are the get your hands dirty, repeat often kind of prayers - and they will transform your life. www.amberleagray.com  www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray www.amberleagray.social   
Published 08/23/23
Deep breath. Episode one. Holy Listening.  Listening is central to our spiritual lives. It is the work of discernment -- not just for the big decisions but for the everyday choices. Learning to with grace changes everything. It cultivates space for transformation, where we are becoming our most true, authentic selves. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray [email protected] 
Published 08/09/23
I'm Amber Lea - a pastor, creative, and spiritual director and I have a lot more questions than answers.  I know we just met, but will you go on a journey with me? Just a heads up, I don't have a map or a guide, or a daily itinerary. This is more like one of those old choose your own adventure books. It is a journey of wild grace. I believe that grace woos us and confronts us and comforts us. It holds our hand, pushes us over the edge, and catches us at the bottom. Grace is raw. It is...
Published 05/18/23
Resistance is often seen as a bad thing, but I'm not sure I agree. I think resistance can be an invitation to pause. Resistance is natural. In this episode of the podcast, I talk about what resistance is and some practical ways to deal with resistance in your own life. Whether it's resistance in your personal life or resistance at work, this episode is for you!  www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray  
Published 03/07/23
Y'all, I'm in a season of life where I have A LOT more questions than answers. Please tell me that I'm not alone. Today on the podcast, I'm going to share a little bit about this season of life, what it looks like, and why it might not be a bad thing. www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray  
Published 02/28/23
Let's be honest, making friends as an adult is hard. I think for that reason, sometimes we ignore friendship red flags. Let's talk about it.  www.amberleagray.com  Substack Community: www.amberleagray.social www.intagram.com/amber.lea.gray  
Published 02/21/23
It's the 200th episode of Growth & Grace!! How is that even possible?  I took all of Janurary to process 2022, and today I'm sharing some of the things I learned. If I'm honest, it was one of the hardest years of my life. So much happened out of my control, and I had a hard time knowing who to trust. This episode shares some of the lessons I learned. It's full of both growth and grace!  www.amberleagray.com  Substack Community & Newsletter: www.amberleagray.social ...
Published 02/14/23
HEY FRIENDS!  I've missed you, seriously! I took the month of January off, and if I'm honest... I struggled with the pause. I felt like I was letting you down and letting myself down. Today I'm going to talk a little about the last month and what it it means to restart something. I'm excited to be back, and the things planned for Growth & Grace the next few months.  I'd love to hear from you! How is 2023 going so far?! www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray www.amberleagray.com  ...
Published 02/07/23
This is the most listened-to episode of 2022!  Y'all, humans are seriously the worst listeners. I think that so much conflict and hurt feelings could be avoided if we had better listening skills. So on today's episode, I'm giving you some practical things that you can start doing today to develop your listening skills!  www.amberleagray.com  www.amberleagray.social  
Published 12/28/22
This is the season when we sing Joy to the World! What does Joy mean at Christmas? How does Joy feel? It has to be more than holiday lights and presents, right? Let's talk about Joy this week.  www.amberleagray.com  www.amberleagray.social  
Published 12/20/22
We talk about love a lot, but what does love mean? Does love change anything? What does love look like? We are in the season of Advent, which is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas. There are four traditional Advent themes: peace, hope, love, and joy.  Today I'm talking about love. I'm sharing a little about what love is and how we can cultivate love in our lives. www.amberleagray.com - Shop my art!  www.amberleagray.social - Subscibe to the newsletter today!   
Published 12/13/22
Hope is more than wishful thinking. Okay, but does hope change anything? What does hope look like? We are in the season of Advent, which is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas. There are four traditional Advent themes: peace, hope, love, and joy.  Today I'm talking about hope. I'm sharing a little about what hope is and how we can cultivate hope in our lives.  www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social  
Published 12/07/22
It's the season of Peace on Earth, but what does peace even mean? Is peace possible? I look at the state of the world, and I have some serious doubts! We are in the season of Advent, which is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas. There are four traditional Advent themes: peace, hope, love, and joy.  Today I'm talking about peace. I'm sharing a little about what peace is and how we can cultivate peace in our lives. Spoiler alert: I actually do think it is possible.  ...
Published 11/30/22
It's the holiday season when all the expectations begin to surface. We're around family who have expectations for us. Maybe we have expectations of them? We have expectations about what the holidays will look like and how other people will act. Today I'm talking about what it looks like to release those expectations so that you can find peace! www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social  
Published 11/22/22
If you have been struggling at work. If you have been unhappy at your job. If you have felt like something is off. If you are constantly stressed about work. This episode is for you! We spend so much time at our jobs, and so knowing these work red flags can be helpful to know if you should be looking into other opportunites. Here are the things to look out for!  www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social  
Published 11/15/22
Hey friends! This episode is a pep talk with you in mind. Find joy. Make yourself a priority.  Life is hard and beautiful. Both are true. You only get one life. Enjoy it. Have fun. Do things that bring you joy. This your one wild and precious life. Much love :) 
Published 11/08/22
There has been a stirring in my soul the last few months, and I've been wrestling with the idea that there is abundance in the wilderness. My idea of abundance has shifted, and the wilderness seems a little less scary. On today's episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a little of my heart and how the Spirit has been moving in my life. If you feel like you've been in a wilderness lately, this episode is for you. If you struggle with a scarcity mindset, this episode is for you.  ...
Published 11/01/22
Mindfulness is another word for prayerful attention to God’s presence right here, right now. It is simply becoming aware of God in this moment, without an agenda. On today's episode of the podcast, I'm going to talk a little about what spiritual mindfulness is and give you some tips on how you can cultivate this practice in your own life.  www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social Balance App: https://www.balanceapp.com  
Published 10/25/22
Have you ever been told that there are no bad questions? In today's episode, I want to challenge that. I believe that transformation happens when we are willing to engage in good questions. So today, I'm going to talk about what makes a question good or bad. TIP: If you're a leader, then this episode is a MUST for you!  www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social Instagram: www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray  
Published 10/19/22
If you struggle to see your worth or value your gifts, then this episode is for you! Today I'm sharing a sermon based on Luke:13-21 where I talk about the story of small beginnings.  www.amberleagray.com Sign up for my newsletter here:  www.amberleagray.social  
Published 10/11/22
We live in a culture that tries to 'hold' people accountable. Today on the podcast, we're going to think about accountably in a different way. Let's talk about accountability as freedom, as a choice. Peter Block says that accountability is the willingness to care for the whole. How can we care for one another?  www.amberleagray.com Sign up for the weekly newsletter here:  www.amberleagray.social  
Published 10/04/22
Today on the podcast I'm sharing a sermon on Luke 16, the parable of the dishonest manager. This text challenged me and my perceptions of fairness. Spoiler alert: The Gospel is not fair. Grace is not fair. What does that mean for us today?  www.amberleagray.com substack: www.amberleagray.social  
Published 09/27/22