A bank account is very important for participating in life in Germany. A lot of transactions rely on those and this is why BR journalist Henry Lai explains how refugees can open an account.
Published 11/13/15
It is common knowledge that education is the best way to integrate into a new society. Some refugees asked us how they can study in Germany. BR journalist Henry Lai explains how this can be done.
Published 10/30/15
What can refugees do if they need medical help in Germany? BR journalist did some research and these are the results.
Published 10/23/15
Traffic signs in Germany can be confusing - even for Germans. BR journalist Henry Lai explains the most common signs and their meaning.
Published 10/16/15
In one of the previous episodes BR journalist Henry Lai talked about getting refugee children in school. This video is about special support for school kids, the socalled "Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket".
Published 10/09/15
In a previous video, BR journalist Henry Lai talked about how to buy basic tickets for trains and buses. In this video he shows how to save with special and group tickets.
Published 10/02/15
One of the topics that came up most during conversations with refugees during research for the video guides is working in Germany. BR journalist gives an overview, how refugees can start to work in the new country.
Published 09/29/15
How do refugees get from point A to point B? Mobility is a very important topic for refugees. In this video BR journalist Henry Lai explains how and where to buy train and bus tickets.
Published 09/29/15
Having access to the internet is very important for refugees. It is often the only way to keep contact with their families at home. Unfortunately refugees have to some obstacles when they want to gain access to the web.
Published 09/29/15
How do refugees get their kids in school? To answer this question BR journalist Henry Lai covers the topic of school registration for refugees and gives some helpful information about it.
Published 09/29/15