Connect with DonnaThis Meditation connects you to your BALANCED, authentic Power. On a Starry Night in nature, when you look up at the Milky Way - you can’t help but realize your own smallness and insignificance. In the face of the great mystery of the Universe, we are all teeny-tiny. And when you are in the middle of your day-to-day life it can be easy to feel Significant or to have a longing to feel significant and important. The Balancing of the Polarities of Significa...
Published 09/11/24
Connect with DonnaThis Guided Meditation will lead you to feel deeply grounded and stabilized in your energetic relationship with Money.Created and Guided by Donna McCallum Do you have a deep longing to live a Magical, Abundant and AMAZING Life? Since 2005, I’ve taught thousands of conscious, aware women just like you about Manifesting + Money + Magic… … Manifesting your Authentic Soul-Desires (whether that’s travel, building a business, being a great Mom, writing a book, finding your soul-ma...
Published 09/04/24
Connect with DonnaThis short Guided Meditation will support you when you are feeling Rushed or Stressed. Use this Meditation to bring yourself back into the Peace of this moment.It will help you to Calm and Centre yourself, Bringing you into Silence and Stillness.Because it is a short Meditation, it can be done any time of the day, just when you feel the need to create some clear headspace again.Enjoy!Created and Guided by Donna McCallum Do you have a deep longing to live a Magical, Abundant ...
Published 08/28/24
Connect with DonnaWhen you want to attract more money and if you want to improve your relationship with Money, it is important to be in a state of Ease and Relaxation around Money. This guided meditation helps you to connect with the parasympathetic nervous system, where you will find the key to relaxation of your body, mind and soul.You are encouraged to imagine money entering this energy space of relaxation and calm and to ask for wisdom from the energy of money.Find answers locked ins...
Published 08/21/24
Connect with DonnaFeeling that you're not in the Driver's seat and that Doubt, Perfectionism, Comparison or another Inner Voice has taken over the controls?This Guided Meditation will connect you to the Inner part that is creating the thoughts and actions that do not serve you.You'll be guided to recognize, value and integrate this Inner Part so that it aligns with your Thriving rather than being a destructive influence. Acknowledging, honouring and loving ALL of your Inner parts will su...
Published 08/14/24
Connect with DonnaImagine that your dreams and goals - the known and the unknown - are energy. This Guided Meditation will support you to connect to this Energy and you will dance with them, feel them and enjoy the potentiality of your Dreams. Use this Guided Meditation to enhance your Manifesting and Connect to the enlivening Feeling of Possibility, Potential and Joy about your Dreams and Goals. Experience your Dreams and Goals in their purest energy form and connect with them for...
Published 08/07/24
Connect with DonnaIn my work with my students about money and their finances and creating financial freedom, my main foundation is an invitation for my students to imagine money as a person and personify money.And to imagine that they are in a relationship with money, like you're in a relationship with a lifelong partner with a husband or a wife. Because we are in a lifelong relationship with money.When you come from that context of you are energy, money is energy and you're in a relationship...
Published 07/31/24
Connect with DonnaAre you seeking to cultivate a mindset of abundance, attract more of what you desire in life, or simply relax and recharge your energy?Tap into Universal Abundance and Life Force Energy with this Guided Meditation.Open yourself up to MORE - more time, more clients, more money, more joy, more pleasure, more travel… whatever the MORE is that you wish to expand into. Experience Opening to Receiving. Increase your capacity for Receiving gracefully and gratefully. This Medi...
Published 07/24/24
Connect with DonnaWant to Connect to your Soul Tribe? The people who “get you” and who will be incredible friends, allies and supporters - present and future. Feel and experience the Heart Connection and Love between you and current friends as well as Future Soul Connections who are destined to come into your life. Allow this energy to nurture and replenish you from the inside out.This Guided Meditation is relaxing and soothing, feel the kindness, compassion, love, connecti...
Published 07/16/24
Connect with DonnaThis Guided Meditation will Balance, Re-energise and Nourish your Chakra System. We’ll work through each of the 7 Chakras individually, making you more aware of your energy body. I will guide you step by step to become present with the energy of each Chakra.And then we connect the Chakras to honour the system that creates both the energy of Liberation and the energy of Manifestation. This full circle will create Balance and will leave you Energised.En...
Published 07/16/24
Connect with DonnaWhen you are feeling Alone, Unsupported or finding it difficult to Connect to Faith…… This Guided Meditation will connect you with the presence of the Divine - whatever the Divine is for you. You’ll rest in the support of the Divine and feel held by spirit. Deep breathing, Relaxation, Grounding and Divine Support... you will experience it all in this Guided Meditation.Enjoy!Created and Guided by Donna McCallum Do you have a deep longing to live a Magical, A...
Published 07/15/24
Connect with DonnaCan you keep and hold some of the Money that flows into your Life? Can you Contain your Money? So that in time you can use it for the things you truly want - holidays with your kids, renovating your kitchen, going on a retreat, buying your art supplies to feed your passion, and feeling peaceful about your retirement. A key Money skill is to be able to HOLD and CONTAIN the money that you attract so that it doesn’t all just gush out of your...
Published 07/15/24
Connect with DonnaThe Sacral Chakra is the energy centre for our Desire and Primal Creativity. It’s not just sexual desire that originates here, but the Desire for EVERYTHING that we wish to create and manifest. Thus PLANTING the seeds of your Dreams, Goals and Wishes into the Fertile Energy of your Sacral Chakra, is a key step in manifesting your ideas of what you want into physical reality. Bringing your Goals into your Sacral Chakra takes them out of the mental and mind realms ...
Published 07/09/24