Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode we talk about setting intentions for this year, anxiety, and some great takeaways we had from a recent IBD conference we attended. We start off this episode discussing intentions and what they mean to us. When we set intentions we think about honesty, awareness of the whole picture of our life and being decisive. We reflect on how it can be beneficial to shift how we approach...
Published 01/18/23
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode we touch upon how this time of year can be challenging for a lot of people and how the decreased light and coldness in winter can be hard. We also talk about panic attacks and how we navigate through them. We discuss how social media can be a double edged sword and while great for some things, it can be detrimental when not used in moderation. We talk about the beneficial aspects...
Published 01/06/23
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode, we talk about how memories can trigger deep feelings and fears. Our bodies can hold memories and trauma and sometimes our fears can be a way for our bodies to try to protect us from perceived harm. Rebecca talks about a recent experience and how she was reliving pain and revisiting fears from the past. She discusses how she accepted what was happening in the moment, without...
Published 12/30/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode, Rebecca talks about her recent colonoscopy and a few things she learned about Ulcerative Colitis during that experience. We also talk about a Microscopic Colitis study and some interesting findings from that.  We discuss a large long term study that was done on the risk factors of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis.  This study looked at many risk factors including smoking, exercise,...
Published 12/09/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode Ashley and Rebecca discuss how IBD affects every facet of life including basic necessities such as sleeping and eating. We talk about what good quality of life means to us and that often the goal is that IBD is not at the forefront of every single thing so we can have some ease in our day to day lives. We think that the answer to what good quality of life means will change because...
Published 12/02/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode Ashley and Rebecca talk about their early days of IBD and also challenges with disordered eating.  Ashley starts off the episode talking about how when she was a runner in college she would often push her body beyond it's limits and through injuries, IBD and asthma. She realized that she needed to be paying more attention to her body's signals that it was overtaxed.  Rebecca talks...
Published 11/18/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode Ashley and Rebecca talk about the question of: Who am I? So often we identify with our job, our diagnosis and other titles and labels. We talk about how this can limit your perspective of yourself and it can be beneficial to be curious about our authentic selves.   Rebecca talks about how she has been putting herself out there more and trying to be friendly and connect with...
Published 11/11/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode we talk about moving through the discomfort of changes in our treatment, such as new medication. We also share what we value in friendships and how IBD can make socializing challenging. We discuss how sometimes we can face judgment, insensitivity and a lack of understanding from others when we tell them about our IBD.  Rebecca and Ashley talk about the challenge of going out to eat...
Published 11/04/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related. In this episode we dive into a lot of different topics: what it means to truly be heard, being in denial about what is going on with our body and creating a community of connection and safety.  Rebecca starts off the episode talking about the fact that her GI doctor will be changing her medication and how those type of changes can be difficult. We also talk about how we can evaluate if new...
Published 10/20/22
What is a flare and how does it pertain to us?  We take a deep dive into understanding what the literature says according to The Manitoba living with IBD study. 
Published 08/30/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians get honest and real about living with IBD and today we talk about colonoscopies.  Ashley discusses her recent colonoscopy in which inflammation was found even though she has been feeling good. She talks about how it's important to keep up with colonoscopies even if we're symptom free and even though they are not fun! Ashley talks about an easier prep she did this time and how she tried to not have resistance with the procedure,...
Published 08/29/22
Ashley and Rebecca from The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk about all things IBD-related.  From getting diagnosed to navigating our health-care system. We also discuss a study that showed IBD patients had a higher amount of microplastics in their stool vs. non IBD patients.  We are back and of course we are discussing everything about IBD in an honest and direct way! And that includes a conversation about poop! Even though IBD can be a serious challenge it can help to be lighthearted...
Published 08/26/22
On this episode Ashley Hurst & Rebecca Goodrich of The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians talk with Dr. Vena Martinez who specializes in Neuroscience and Pharmacology. Dr. Martinez has a PhD in Pharmacology and Chemical Biology from Baylor College of Medicine. Her work has been published in many notable scientific journals and she was given the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology award. Dr. Vena and Ashley are also good friends who once were lab partners in organic chemistry. We...
Published 08/25/22
Hosts Ashley Hurst & Rebecca Goodrich of The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians chat IBD.  In this episode, Ashley and Rebecca have an unfiltered discussion about their nightly routines, including walks, CBD, music and enemas! We are often asked whether patients should use medication OR dietary interventions and we believe it's important to integrate both. We don't think it has to be one or the other and a collaborative approach is best to increase the likelihood of remission and decrease...
Published 08/25/22
Hosts Ashley Hurst & Rebecca Goodrich of The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians chat IBD. We discuss: Our diagnosis of IBD and private practice - The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians, why we are here and why we are glad you are here too and who we would like to interview on our podcast.
Published 08/24/22