As you reflect on the double-edged sword of memory, which side will you choose? The Wisdom that God freely gives to all that ask can easily transform memory into a source of comfort. The same recollection that brings so many dark omens in its left hand can be trained to carry a wealth of hopeful signs in its right. Memory does not need to wear a crown of iron; it can adorn its brow with a golden band. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation...
Published 06/20/24
God is at work in our daily lives in miraculous ways, so much so that we don’t see it, we don’t acknowledge it, we don’t give thanks to Him for it, and we don’t enjoy it. This all needs to change. It is time for the remnant of God to come alive to supernatural Holy Spirit power that is resident inside of every born again child of God - every Christian who walks the planet. It is time for your life on a daily basis to manifest the resurrection power of Jesus Christ at work in His created...
Published 06/17/24
In 107:7 it says - “He led them by the right path to go to a city where they could live.” Tests and trials strengthen your faith—they are waves pushing you further onto the rock—they are winds carrying your ship swiftly towards the desired haven. By all these means is the life of your soul sustained, and by each of these are you helped along your journey. God is faithful, and you can rest in peace in His HOLY WILL! DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal...
Published 06/13/24
Our nation is in a tailspin of crisis. Our entire future as a constitutional republic is at stake. We must pray daily for God to give us a clearly fair and honest election. The stakes are high, and without faith we will not make it. I invite and encourage you to pray "The Chariot Wheel Prayer" daily. Here is the YouTube short to share will everyone you know..."They Chariot Wheel Prayer" DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make...
Published 06/10/24
This is episode #5, "Compromised Convictions and Cultural Conformity," a five part miniseries "Unveiling Apostasy: Recognizing Signs of the Apostate Church." These are perilous times. We must get our game face on if we are to navigate these murky waters with success and the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. To deny the reality of this moment is to submit to defeat, both in this hour and perhaps for eternity. This is the time to make your calling and election sure and prepare for...
Published 06/06/24
This is episode #4,"Distorted Doctrine," a five part miniseries "Unveiling Apostasy: Recognizing Signs of the Apostate Church." These are perilous times. We must get our game face on if we are to navigate these murky waters with success and the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. To deny the reality of this moment is to submit to defeat, both in this hour and perhaps for eternity. This is the time to make your calling and election sure and prepare for maximum impact. Its not gloom...
Published 06/03/24
This is episode #3, "NOW? Is This the Great Apostasy NOW?"," a five part miniseries "Unveiling Apostasy: Recognizing Signs of the Apostate Church." These are perilous times. We must get our game face on if we are to navigate these murky waters with success and the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. To deny the reality of this moment is to submit to defeat, both in this hour and perhaps for eternity. This is the time to make your calling and election sure and prepare for maximum...
Published 05/30/24
This podcast is a call to pray to God and ask Him for a fair and honest election on November 4, 2024. There will be a follow up episode, "Exodus 14 Revisited", where we will reflect back on that supernatural night when God upended the logistics of Pharaoh and his forces to provide safe passage for the children of Israel through the Red Sea. Election derailment takes a vast logistical system to pull off, we must pray that God will block and dismantle any person, place, or things that seeks to...
Published 05/27/24
This is episode #2, "Abandonment of the Apostolic Era," a five part miniseries "Unveiling Apostasy: Recognizing Signs of the Apostate Church." These are perilous times. We must get our game face on if we are to navigate these murky waters with success and the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. To deny the reality of this moment is to submit to defeat, both in this hour and perhaps for eternity. This is the time to make your calling and election sure and prepare for maximum impact....
Published 05/23/24
This is episode #1, "Roots of Apostasy," a five part miniseries "Unveiling Apostasy: Recognizing Signs of the Apostate Church." These are perilous times. We must get our game face on if we are to navigate these murky waters with success and the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. To deny the reality of this moment is to submit to defeat, both in this hour and perhaps for eternity. This is the time to make your calling and election sure and prepare for maximum impact. Its not gloom...
Published 05/20/24
In our modern context, where various forms of temptation abound, adherence to Christ"s Word remains your surest safeguard. Rooted in God's faithfulness, Christ's grace, and the Holy Spirit's power, assures you of divine aid in the times of trial. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered...
Published 05/16/24
Circumstance and Lifestyle have been the cesspools of ensnarement into temptation among the rich and famous of our nation...their public failures serve as a lesson to us all of the severity of temptations assault on the soul, dispelling any false sense of security and the need for vigilant self-examination. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174....
Published 05/13/24
Whatever part of the soul harbors the lust connected to the temptation, it draws the entire soul AFTER IT through various means, heading off any opposition. Public and private temptations offer different allurements, but the same outcome is to dishonor God and ruin your soul. My friend, the hour is getting late, and you need to clean up and prepare for the reception of Jesus Christ. This episode is profound in what the Lord is saying. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our...
Published 05/09/24
Temptation clouds your mind, distorting your judgement, so that you are not able to make the right judgement about things, as you did befor entering into it. When the storms of temptation are crashing around you...STAY IN THE BOAT WITH JESUS! DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered...
Published 05/06/24
2 Peter 1:3 says, "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his ownglory and goodness." This episode gives you six strategies from God to avoid temptation. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)   The...
Published 05/02/24
Proverbs 28:26 says, "The one who trusts in his heart is a fool but one who walks in wisdom will be safe." This episode addresses the precarious nature of trusting your heart to protect you from succumbing to temptation. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)   The Four...
Published 04/29/24
In this episode I share with you a major impactive truth that "into temptation" is a place. You have to listen to fully grasp what I am sharing with you. On the front end of the episode is a major call for you to stay the course...to keep on keeping on, in spite of what appears to be happening on our planet. We must stay in the game. This podcast will greatly encourage you as you listen to it. In the podcast it sounds like I say "we're not liquid, we're solid" My garbled speech was saying...
Published 04/25/24
We need to stop and thank God for the recent disaster averted in Israel and Iran. God is on the move, hearing the cries of His Saints! Friend, do you believe in miracles that can occur when Christian's pray? This episode encourages you to stop for a moment and pray for the peace of the World. God can give us a reprieve! Let's ask Him for it! DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box...
Published 04/22/24
During these trying days, we do best to evaluate our walk with Jesus Christ and focus our mind on Him. To enjoy the full benefits of His good pleasure, we should do as he told us to do, and ask Our Father to "lead us not into temptation, but to deliver us from evil." As individuals on the planet, walking among power brokers who have the ability to cause us great harm, one thing we can do and excel in is to avoid sin and honor Jesus with our obedience that makes Him happy and pays eternal...
Published 04/18/24
In the midst of these challenging days, we must stay focused on the basics and insure that we are walking in Godliness with regards to temptation. This mini-series is based on the writings of puritan John Owens, who lived in the 1600s, which are in the public domain. His writings are powerful and full of thought provoking and spiritually inspiring words. Thank God for the development of the printing press! These podcast are born out of my own quiet times with the Lords. I pray that they will...
Published 04/15/24
Psalm 23 continually soothes our weary and fearful souls. Today is a great day to revisit the power of God that is experienced in knowing Jesus as your Good Shepherd. The key verse for this episode is verse 4, "Even though I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and staff-they comfort me." As the day of Christ's returns draws near we must prepare our hearts and minds to respond to the turmoil on this sad planet with the success of a stable, humble,...
Published 04/11/24
This is the true story of a recent miracle of the lost and found ring. God is here and He is on His throne! Look to Him and be saved and encouraged! DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)   The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life? The Spirit...
Published 04/08/24
Mark 12:41- "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself". When you love your neighbor you follow the footsteps of Jesus. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)   The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life? The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day...
Published 04/04/24
Psalm 39:1- "I will guard my ways." Another way to say this is "I will be mindful of my actions." The road of life is treacherous and demands vigilance. Not a vigilance that steals away your peace and joy, but. vigilance that sees us safely home. DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered...
Published 04/01/24