I will give an overview and insight about the diverse work of the BRI and you can ask whatever you always wanted to know about the BRI.
Published 10/23/20
Published 10/23/20
1. Your Way or My Way - deals with the will of God in prayer 2. Tough Times - deals with needs and how to approach God when praying about our needs 3. Really Forgiven - deals with forgiveness and very importantly also self forgiveness 4. From The Bottom of My Heart - Talking with God This series of workshops guides us through some of the very very important steps in prayer. It is personal and very practical. If you really want a vibrant active prayer life and desire to know that God lives...
Published 10/23/20
1. Your Way or My Way - deals with the will of God in prayer 2. Tough Times - deals with needs and how to approach God when praying about our needs 3. Really Forgiven - deals with forgiveness and very importantly also self forgiveness 4. From The Bottom of My Heart - Talking with God This series of workshops guides us through some of the very very important steps in prayer. It is personal and very practical. If you really want a vibrant active prayer life and desire to know that God lives...
Published 10/23/20
1. Your Way or My Way - deals with the will of God in prayer 2. Tough Times - deals with needs and how to approach God when praying about our needs 3. Really Forgiven - deals with forgiveness and very importantly also self forgiveness 4. From The Bottom of My Heart - Talking with God This series of workshops guides us through some of the very very important steps in prayer. It is personal and very practical. If you really want a vibrant active prayer life and desire to know that God lives...
Published 10/23/20
1. Your Way or My Way - deals with the will of God in prayer 2. Tough Times - deals with needs and how to approach God when praying about our needs 3. Really Forgiven - deals with forgiveness and very importantly also self forgiveness 4. From The Bottom of My Heart - Talking with God This series of workshops guides us through some of the very very important steps in prayer. It is personal and very practical. If you really want a vibrant active prayer life and desire to know that God lives...
Published 10/23/20
The Evangelism Special will deal with how to plan and set up and run a Digital Evangelism Campaign. The specifics of narrative Social Media, the teams required and the registration of interests. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get first hand information of successful campaigns of AWR360. We will talk about: Social Marketing and Networking; Copywriting; Storyboards; Websites and how to use them effectively; Task Teams to drive Marketing Narrative; Prayer Groups; Graphic Design; Sermon...
Published 10/23/20
In this workshop we talk about evangelism and sharing your faith on the cellphone digital platforms. We look at the practical side of setting up your phone, how to find contacts, marketing on social media, involving your church and youth, where do you get the material to use and how do you do follow up This is a very practical workshop and will enable the participant to start working as a cellphone evangelist.
Published 10/23/20
Churches are closed in some cities, social distancing enforced, movement control and public gathering is risky for COVID-19. How can we be effective in outreach when people are looking for answers?  How can we be church for fellowship as well as finishing the work?  We will look at how the Spirit of prophecy has given us guidance for home groups, digital church and digital marketing.  If you are afraid to change the current paradigm this workshop is not for you. We will present what a 'new...
Published 10/23/20
Most people today would affirm without a doubt that the people in biblical times were very superstitious and because of that, every single natural phenomenon they didn't understand would be attributed to God. In this presentation we will debunk this wrong thinking and learn that Moses, Gideon, Daniel and many others in the Bible used scientific reasoning once confronted with unknown issues.
Published 10/20/20
Most people today would affirm without a doubt that the people in biblical times were very superstitious and because of that, every single natural phenomenon they didn't understand would be attributed to God. In this presentation we will debunk this wrong thinking and learn that Moses, Gideon, Daniel and many others in the Bible used scientific reasoning once confronted with unknown issues.
Published 10/20/20
It takes 20 years to build a reputation of trust and goodwill and 5 minutes to ruin it.  If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” (Warren Buffet).  The biggest asset for our church is people – it is internal.  The biggest risk for our church is people – it is internal.   We need the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and minds (daily) to be ambassadors of reconciliation, trust and goodwill in words and actions.  Our only priority is to seek what God desires on our knees and...
Published 10/20/20
In this lecture we will look at mutations and natural selection as the proposed methods of evolution. Who was Cain’s wife? and What was the biblical created kind?
Published 10/20/20
This is an introductory lecture where we will investigate a number of different topics including the two different views on our origins (creation/evolution), different sciences, laws of nature, irreducible complexity and the dangers of evolution.
Published 10/20/20
In this two-part seminar, Dr. Nedley will discuss the latest research in healing emotional disturbances and how the brain can be transformed by utilizing the same principles that God used in creating the world to re-create the human brain. We’ll examine fascinating research in positive neuroplasticity along with case reports that demonstrate that any human brain has the capacity to change for the better, often in dramatic ways.
Published 10/20/20
In this two-part seminar, Dr. Nedley will discuss the latest research in healing emotional disturbances and how the brain can be transformed by utilizing the same principles that God used in creating the world to re-create the human brain. We’ll examine fascinating research in positive neuroplasticity along with case reports that demonstrate that any human brain has the capacity to change for the better, often in dramatic ways.
Published 10/20/20
Have you have ever desired a vibrant walk with God, but instead experienced a dry, difficult spiritual experience? Have you ever wanted to enjoy the Bible, but instead found it uninteresting? You are not alone, but there is something much better to be had! Come and learn the secrets to a consistently vibrant devotional life and ever deepening connection with God.   
Published 10/20/20
As we are living in the time of the end and sexuality is changing its borders and parameters in society and around the world, how can we make sure that our salvation is intact and that we are not compromising and allowing the world's standard to become ours?
Published 10/20/20
Although music is a wonderful means of praising God there is lots of tension around the topic, sometimes even amounting to "worship wars". What are the main questions at stake? How can we as Adventists navigate through this minefield? How can we understand and experience music in a deeper way?
Published 10/20/20
How has the silence of addressing sexuality and expression in the church, affected the church? We want to address the movement and celebration of sexual freedom and how it has crept into church culture and the effect it has on our younger generations. Exposing the challenges of living as a Christian, and the biblical ideal of sexuality.
Published 10/20/20
You don’t have a college degree, or feel you are not knowledgeable enough to give Bible studies?  This seminar is for you. Learn how to, and the nuts and bolts on developing a Bible study.  
Published 10/20/20
Have you given many Bible Studies without much results?  Leading you to feel that you just don’t have the skill to lead people into a decision.  This seminar is a must for you.  Learn how to recognize the movings of the Spirit, and what to do to lead people to Christ
Published 10/20/20
What we inherit contributes, for most of us, to just 20% of our health and well-being. You probably already know what is good for your health, but have you ever wondered how it actually works? Let us discover together the incredible mechanisms in our cells that translate our habits into health outcomes. You will be amazed how they work and have an impact on your life and that of your children and grandchildren! 
Published 10/20/20
Many of us will go through periods of life that are challenging and could lead to depression. But there are a number of factors over which we have control that counteract negative processes and can be used preventively or as part of a treatment. 
Published 10/20/20
What is the meaning of the faith of Jesus? Steps of how to incorporate the experience of the faith of Jesus and the righteousness of Christ into your daily walk with God. 
Published 10/20/20