Ainsley Gough discusses the New Lanark model industrial community and its textile legacy, as part of the Economies & Culture of Wool workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Rosemary Eribé of Eribé Knitwear Design talks about her experiences in the Scottish hand-knitted textile business, as part of the Economies & Culture of Knitting workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Sarah Laurenson of Jamieson & Smith wool exporters, speaks as part of the Economies & Culture of Knitting workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Di Gilpin, an experienced hand-knitter and historian talks about her work with the Gansey Project, as part of the Economies & Culture of Knitting workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Edith Rattray of Moray-Firth Gansey Project, which is preserving the patterns of traditional hand-knitted fishermen's jerseys; part of the Economies & Culture of Knitting workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Roslyn Chapman speaks about her research into Shetland lace and the letters of Mrs Leonard Lyle, as part of the Economies & Culture of Knitting workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Edith Rattray of Moray-Firth Gansey Project, which is preserving the patterns of traditional hand-knitted fishermen's jerseys; part of the Economies & Culture of Knitting workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Oliver Henry of Jamieson & Smith wool exporters, talks about crofting and wool production in Shetland, as part of the Economies & Culture of Wool workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
John Holland of the Scottish Agricultural College talks about sheep farming in the Highlands, as part of the Economies & Culture of Wool workshop, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12
Professor Lynn Abrams, of the Centre for Gender History, introduces the workshop topic of Hand-knit Textiles & Economies of Craft in Scotland, April 2012.
Published 06/15/12