Is it better to be visible, or valuable? Most folk tell you to post more, share more, do more, but if all you do is talk shite, then all you're doing is highlighting the shite you talk. On the flip side, some folk have incredible value to share but they keep it low key, for a variety of reasons. Here's the deal, there's a perfect balance that you can strike between the two. I want to share it with you, in a way that helps you generate more business and gain more exposure, whilst delivering...
Published 12/14/18
"It's all slowing down for the holidays." "Let's chat in January..." No, let's talk NEVER! Have you heard this kind of chat from business owners? "It's all slowing down..." Maybe in your world, but not in mine. While some folk take their foot off the gas over Christmas, others use the opportunity to overtake and kick ass. You can still be a devoted partner and parent, soak up the holiday spirit and enjoy many special moments, but why on earth would you kill your momentum? Why on earth would...
Published 12/13/18
After a short break to bring the 10X Business Bootcamp across the UK, the Hardcore Entrepreneurship Podcast is back and I'm kicking off by bringing 10X to you...
Published 12/12/18
Join Grant Cardone, Billy, and friends, for 2 days at the 10X UK Business Bootcamp in London or Glasgow. Don't know who Grant Cardone is? Shame on you. Haven't bought your ticket yet? Shame on you. Let's discuss, and rectify immediately... ;) For more info and tickets: 10Xuktour.com 
Published 10/06/18
Congratulations to the winner of our LinkedInferno Training Competition. Contact us at mail@tmdmedia to claim your prize.
Published 09/17/18
I hate to tell you this, but it gets harder before it gets easier. That being said, it does get easier. Most people give up in business, three feet from gold. The reality of what it takes to succeed is very different from what we've been taught, but thankfully, not in a bad way... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/14/18
If something is worth doing, then go all in. Why half-ass it through life, dipping your toe in the water, when the real rewards are in full immersion. In business, anything less than going all in can be dangerous. Let's explore... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/13/18
How exactly are people supposed to get in touch with you? Look you up? Search for you? Remember your full name in the first place? What about business cards? I'll crack the jokes. What if there were a way you could very easily have the people you meet on your business travels see exactly what you want them to see about you, in one place? Lets explore... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/12/18
To mark our 100th episode, we've decided to give one person full access to our LinkedInferno training for free. LinkedInferno is your opportunity to become the authority and pre-eminent voice in your industry. We've banked BIG from LinkedIn, as have those who've gone through the system, and now it's your turn. Listen up, take notes on exactly what to do, and we'll be announcing the winner on the 17th of September.
Published 09/11/18
History echoes the sound of silk slippers coming down the stairs, and worn boots charging up. Comfort, is the enemy of progress, and the chances are, you've settled at a level far below your potential. Let's see what's still in you... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/11/18
Going the extra mile, is advice we've all been given when it comes to servicing clients and potential clients, however, there's one piece of the puzzle that's never mentioned. Get this wrong, and your best intentions can dramatically backfire... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/10/18
The coward dies 1000 deaths, the hero only one. As human beings, our minds tend to think of the worst possible scenario, and project it into our minds. The reality is, rarely do events transpire as we imagined they would. The only thing to truly fear, is fear itself... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/07/18
Very rarely, when someone makes a business decision that hurts your personally, is it personal. Just as when you hurt others, which you will, was it intended as anything other than business. This is the real world. People are out for their own "greater good." Naivety of this fact will merely see you as being consistently on the receiving end of it... Click here for show notes and more
Published 09/06/18
Ever get the opportunity to speak in front of a room? To present who you are and what you do, essentially, your elevator pitch? Great. Try not to do what most folk do. If you get this right, you'll make an impact and you'll be memorable. If you get this wrong, you'll be another face in the sea of business cards I have no idea who gave me... Click here for show notes and more
Published 07/02/18
It's easy to work when the boss is watching, but what happens when you're the boss? The truth is, most of us should fire ourselves. There's a lot to be learned from the employed masses. Perhaps not the hump day attitude or the relentless pursuit of Friday, but the structure, routine, and forced performance, regardless of whether we're in the mood or not. Let's explore... Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/29/18
The things you once found uncomfortable, are what I like to call "The new normal..." With that being said, the things that currently terrify you, in business, and in life, are simply a "comfort zone stretch" away from becoming your new normal. If you're comfortable, chances are, you're not growing. Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/28/18
Whatever business you're in, the sale starts way in advance of the sale ever taking place. Get this right, and your closing rate will go through the roof. Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/27/18
Depression sucks, and yet, many folk suffer in silence. Albert Einstein acknowledged the fine line between genius and madness. In business, many folk face the black dog. Many folk, aren't content with the norm, and that energy that drives them, that gives them the entrepreneurial spark, can many times be the same energy, that pulls us into the pit of despair. If you're facing this, you are not alone. It's more common than you think. Let's explore this idea. Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/26/18
When we focus on the thing we don't want to happen, it tends to happen. What we think about, comes about. Don't want to hit the wall? Focus on the road ahead. Let's talk about target fixation. Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/25/18
There's a reason why certain quotations, poems, and messages are shared among those committed to personal and professional growth. Allow me to break down the most powerful poetic text ever written as it relates to entrepreneurship. If you can get the point in this episode, you'll be a man, my son ;) Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/22/18
World cup fever is upon us. I think it's a great thing. It brings people together, it creates camaraderie, it's good fun, it's competitive, and all the rest. However, I won't be watching it. While competitors relax and settle into the energy of the world cup, I, and hopefully you, will be dominating the s**t out of my own game, in business... Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/21/18
The moment that you definitely commit yourself, providence moves too, and all sorts of things occur that would never have otherwise occur, to assist you on your entrepreneurial journey. In today's episode, we dig into Scottish Mountaineer William H Murray's infamous inspirational text, on commitment... Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/20/18
Live from Property Protege May 2018, here's a short clip detailing Billy's own story from getting started in business, through to now, the good the bad and the ugly. Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/19/18
As entrepreneurs, we are unconventional people operating in a conventional world. As we step out and do something different, we incur the opinions and criticism of our families, our friends, social media, the pundits, and every other human being watching; but it is not the critic who counts. Today, let's break down Teddy Roosevelts classic quote, and apply it to modern life in business.  Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/18/18
Nothing screams "newbie" or "inexperienced" like overloading on industry jargon. Whilst every industry has it's own language, you'll very rarely find entrepreneurs walking around talking like corporate pawns. Drop the jargon. Be real. Be raw. Stop talking like an arsehole... Click here for show notes and more
Published 06/15/18