Dissatisfaction is a major symptom of success. Something that will drive you and your business to new levels. Have you ever achieved a goal and thought, “Was that it?” Chances are you have. You can allow yourself to become deflated when this happens, or you see the power it truly holds for your business. Let’s discuss how dissatisfaction can bring you success…
Published 01/25/19
With so much information on business available; who do you study, and how do you do so "strategically?" Social media is awash with self-proclaimed guru's. The problem, however, is learning to tell the good from the bad. And when we do find good content, how do we strategically consume it? Let's discuss strategic study...
Published 01/23/19
If there's one thing we all have in common, it's time. We all have the same amount of time available. How we use it is another matter. I was asked how I fit it all, by a friend. This friend knows that I have 4 young children, a wife I'm devoted to, a motorbike addiction, and shareholding & controlling interests in multiple active and aggressive companies - among other things. He also knows I seem to make it work. Let's discuss how to succeed in spite of yourself, by setting the game up to...
Published 01/22/19
The recent #10yearchallenge has been interesting to watch. That being said, a picture doesn't tell a 10 year story. Apart from the growth of my awesome beard, the past 10 years for me, in business, have been enlightening. It's been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and as someone who doesn't share content for vanity; rather than posting a 10 year now and then pic, I decided to record a podcast sharing what I've learned in 10 years of business, going from absolute failure, to where I am today.
Published 01/18/19
When everything is up in the air, and the s**t hits the fan, we can either succumb to it, become emotional, feel stressed and overwhelmed, and be weighed down by whatever is going on, or, we can find clarity in the chaos, and turn that chaos into power.
Published 01/17/19
"There's no point going into business, all the best ideas have been taken." B******t. There has never been a better time to get into business. There has never been a time with more opportunity. There are a handful of elements that must be in place, but when you get them right, that world of opportunity is literally wide open for the taking...
Published 01/16/19
Here's where the magic truly happens in business, and believe me, it's applicable no matter what you do. Adopt this mentality, and you will grow beyond whatever you imagine possible.
Published 01/15/19
We all have our stories and ideas of where we fit in the world, and what's possible for us. For the most part, our stories and ideas are b******t. Thankfully, I hit absolute rock bottom and learned a thing or two about changing the self imposed stories and ideas about where I was going in life. I want to share two key ideas with you, that will absolutely change the direction of your life and what's possible for you, if you let them. 
Published 01/14/19
Is it really a big deal to "put things off" until tomorrow? Absolutely it is! Here's the problem. When you push important tasks into the next day; you don't just innocently push one or two things forward. You push "the entire chain of events" between you and your goals, between you and what you said you want, further back. And then you wonder why progress is slow. Sound familiar? Here's how to permanently change this...
Published 01/11/19
In this clip from a Property Protégé event, I ask why it is that some people can lose all their money and make it back, while others never do. Simply, it all comes down to their mindset. Their mind is prepared to deal with wealth, and therefore it’s used wisely, or it’s not, and it’s gone. Let’s explore what it takes to master the money mindset…
Published 01/10/19
Business is hard work, and all the motivational quotes on the planet won't change this. The sooner you realise that, the sooner you have a chance. I was criticised recently by a young lad. He said I was negative, and discouraging for being blunt. The reality, and what he doesn't realise yet, is that no one is coming to save him. Business is hard fricken work. Those who tell you otherwise, generally haven't been there. It's hard, but it's also awesome and worthwhile. There's a whole world of...
Published 01/09/19
If we're really honest about it, most of the bad s**t that happens to us, is our own fault. Sure, things happen that we didn't see coming, but the reality is, most things in business are predictable. It comes down to our moment to moment choices; and most bad s**t that happens, is on you. Let's explore this idea...
Published 01/08/19
“How do I get the attention of my market?” Wrong question... Who do you need to become to be worthy of their attention? How do you need to be perceived to make them want to work with you? People follow people who are going somewhere. If you want to be that person, you need to establish yourself as an authority. Let's discuss what it takes to be seen as a leader...
Published 01/07/19
When someone tells you that your goals are impossible, they're not actually talking to you, they're talking to themselves. Never let the limitations of others become your own. It's too easy to let our minds be infected by the small thinking of others. Some folk just want to protect us. Others are just d******ds :) If you're not too careful, you'll be dragged the wrong way...
Published 01/04/19
If someone is just getting started, should they be sharing content online? Very interesting question. You may be the person just getting started. Or you may be the person with experience and an opinion. Let's discuss...
Published 01/03/19
Ever see someone in your industry sharing content online, and you just think, "You are absolutely full of it..?" This used to drive me nuts. But then I realised something. These people were banking all the cash. These people were getting customers. Not only was I missing the opportunity to gain business; but I was hurting my potential customers by leaving them to the lesser experienced and ill-informed newbies or charlatans. If you are killing it in your game, you have a responsibility to...
Published 01/02/19
"What new marketing strategies should I be excited about in 2019?" None, if you aren't already using what's available. It's the magic bullet, or get rich quick... Looking for that big thing that changes everything. Most folk in most businesses simply aren't taking advantage of what's out there. "But hey, what's the next "big thing..." Wrong attitude... Unless you're currently kicking ass with other strategies. Let's take a deeper look at what we should have our eyes on in 2019, as well as...
Published 01/01/19
"2019 will be my best year yet." Really? If last year was awesome, despite the challenges, then I believe you. If your interpretation of last year was that it sucked, then chances are you'll end 2019 with the same attitude. Why wait for New Year, or Monday, to make a change? Let's take a deep dive into how to ensure that 2019 is TRULY your most successful year yet.
Published 12/31/18
Overwhelm is a massive problem. If you're a driven person, this can happen too often, and sadly, the more successful you become, and the bigger you get, the more likely it is to happen. Let's discuss the very real reality of overwhelm, and a handful of strategies to push through it...
Published 12/28/18
Most business owners are on the wrong side of social media. Most professionals and Entrepreneurs are doing it wrong. Forget how big or engaged your audience is. It's not about that. It's about which side of the social world you land on...
Published 12/27/18
We all have one thing in common; we all have the same amount of hours in the day. How we use them, is a different story... Master how you look at time and you can easily extend yourself beyond what you think is possible. In this clip from a recent Property Protege event, I discuss how to re-take control of our lives, and this thing called time...
Published 12/21/18
"Show me the money." "Show me the strategy." "Show me how to do the marketing." "Show me how to do the deals." There's one problem with this line of questioning. Just as lottery wins rarely hold onto the money, business owners are unlikely to reach their full potential unless certain elements are first in place. Let's talk about what has to happen before you get the money...
Published 12/20/18
Should we focus on getting leverage? Or should we focus on hustle and grind? The better question to ask, is why not focus on both? For what is the point of getting leverage, if not to FREE you up to CREATE even more with it? People who speak in a language of EITHER-OR, as it relates to what can be accomplished in life and business, simply haven't figured it out yet. The question isn't "leverage" or "hustle." The question isn't "family" or "work." The question is "Why not BOTH," if that's what...
Published 12/19/18
Enjoyed catching up with an absolute legend in the MLM world, Max Knowles, on a recent trip to Miami. The conversation; around Network Marketing, business, making your first Million, developing thick skin, and so on, got so INTENSE, we decided to hit the record button...
Published 12/18/18
"I'm working on multiple deals..." Let's see. Is it noise? Or is there something to it? Too often, people will tell me about all of the wonderful opportunities they're working on - which is great - but they often lack substance. Sometimes, we get caught up and seduced, by our own excitement. We let big chat, big ideas, and noise, throw us off track. It's an easy trap to fall into. Better to focus, and work to get s**t done, than be a busy fool, achieving nothing...
Published 12/17/18