Gavin Eastham's school would have been in trouble after lockdown if he hadn't applied these strategies to his martial arts business.
Published 08/19/20
Many people chase abundance but how do we possess and be it lets dive in
Published 07/10/20
The 3 stages of wealth and how to climb the ladder
Published 07/03/20
How I created my Six Figure after expenses martial arts school which gave me the freedom I desired.
Published 06/26/20
You are going to want to listen up if you want your future to be bright.  Martial arts business podcast
Published 06/17/20
Confidence is that thing that we all want to feel and possess, it creates such positive responses and results when you have it so let's dive in on how to create it.  Head over to leemainprize.com for your free powerful training,
Published 02/17/20
Published 02/17/20
Self sabotage is very common and its an inside job it shows up in unwanted result, procrastination, fear, lack of self worth and it f%ucks up peoples lives and prevents them from having the love, happiness, success and health that they really desire so let begin
Published 02/03/20
Never has there been a time where you need a strong inner game, people are constantly in fight or flight and getting triggered on social media about what other people think and measuring their life against others, so let's get into how to create a bulletproof mindset.
Published 01/31/20
Life rewards those with clarity and punishes those that don't have it, often in business without clarity we can live in chaos which creates burn out or we get bored because we lack the motivation to do work so let's get into this episode on how yo create clarity to know what we want.
Published 01/20/20
Feeling like a failure can be very disempowering and make you feel low and depressed so here I break down how to feel confident and empower instead.
Published 01/10/20
A special live training on how to create your best year ever to create freedom and abundance
Published 01/06/20
If you experience disempowering emotions like sadness, anxiety, negative, doubt, fear and worry and want to change these to feel EMPOWERED on a daily basis then listen in.  Grab your free mindset upgrade guide here http://leemainprize.com/
Published 12/23/19
A lack of self-worth is something that holds a lot of people back from stepping into their truth and power and going for their dreams - today lets look at how we shift from feelings of unworthy to creating self-worth.   Grab my free mindset upgrade guide here http://leemainprize.com/
Published 12/19/19
A lot of people disconnect from themselves even more at Christmas with alcohol, divorce and domestic's increase over this period.  Because the pain and problems in people's life reach a peak, so here is how you can stop disconnecting and start turning pain into power and purpose.  Grab your free mindset upgrade guide http://leemainprize.com/
Published 12/16/19
Is fear holding you back from stepping into your truth and power and playing a bigger game in business and life?  Let me help you overcome fears with 3 powerful ways.  Grab your free mindset upgrade guide http://leemainprize.com/
Published 12/14/19
We all get into bad ruts at times, when I hit rock bottom it was hard for me to get out of bed and have the desire to do anything this lead to depression and anxiety so here I share 3 ways you can change these negative patterns and get back your passion and purpose.  Grab my free mindset upgrade guide now http://leemainprize.com
Published 12/10/19
Your mind determines your life, the quality of your health, wealth, happiness and relationships, let me know show you how to change you feel by changing the way you think.  Grab your free mindset upgrade guide http://leemainprize.com/
Published 12/05/19
Anxiety affects millions of people today and it is something I have battled with daily in the past here I share 6 ways that help me master and not allow anxiety to hold me back from having it all.  Grab your free upgrade guide at http://leemainprize.com
Published 12/04/19
5 years ago my hit rock bottom I was facing 6 years in prison for a crime I didn't commit, divorce and served with a bankruptcy notice on Christmas eve every day was a battle with anxiety and depression, I was in a deep dark pit of despair! Now I am on stages sharing my story and inspiring others on how I rose back up to create freedom and abundance Everybody goes down at some point it's rising back up to be an even better YOU and that power is within us all!  Grab your free business and life...
Published 11/30/19
Many people try and hide from the truth or kid themselves with a positivity mask which prevents them from actually taking action and creating real change, it's time to get real and learn my 3 step process to upgrading your life.  Grab you free life upgrade guide at http://leemainprize.com
Published 11/30/19
When you learn that you have a lot of control of your mind, mood and energy levels you can become a powerful, abundant being even if you suffer from depression or anxiety learn how to take control of yourself and life.  For more stress-free abundance help and to have it all visit http://leemainprize.com
Published 11/24/19
It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from.... Most of your beliefs were downloaded on you by your parents between the ages 0-7 So basically you have a tape player that keeps playing on a loop that is responsible for all the patterns and results you create in life Your relationships Your business Your health Your mindset In this episode I discuss how you can change your programs to change your life For more stress-free abundance help and to have it all visit...
Published 11/15/19
Not feeling enough and not believing there is enough to go around creates feelings of lack and scarcity and these can block your success, love and happiness so let's discuss how we can become more abundant. For more stress-free abundance help and to have it all visit http://leemainprize.com
Published 10/28/19
Only 5% of our behaviour is conscious and 95% of what controls what we do and ultimately our life results is our sub conscious and thats a pretty scary thought, so in order to live in our fullest truth and power we have to remove these programs.. For more stress free abundance help and to have it all visit http://leemainprize.com
Published 10/22/19