In this episode of Haystack Nation, Vanessa and our in-studio guest Maliyah pose some challenging questions about prayer, faith and life’s twists and turns and Jesse once again gives his unscripted and unrehearsed answers.
Published 12/03/22
Published 12/03/22
Life is full of good questions, and someone has to ask them. On this podcast Vanessa challenges Jesse with a few questions about spiritual battles and Jesse gives his unscripted and unrehearsed answer. Let's see how this goes...
Published 10/06/22
Father’s Day is here, but where are all the fathers? Is there a fatherhood crisis in our homes, our churches, our communities and in our country? Does having a father really make that much of a difference? Jesse and Vanessa talk about the importance of fatherhood, salute fathers everywhere for their presence and dedication, and acknowledge our heavenly Father who is our ultimate source of love, care and security.
Published 06/19/22
Graduating from college can be exciting but thinking about what’s next can sometimes be daunting. No doubt life is challenging, so what can lead you to succeed in the school of life? On this episode Jesse and Vanessa talk about how the challenges of the “real world” can leave you broken, but through Jesus you can find the wisdom, love and healing you need to make life a success.
Published 05/16/22
When people find out you're an Adventist it can lead to all kinds of conversations and questions. Some think you're Jewish, others think you belong to a cult and others think you're just odd. On this episode Jesse and Vanessa share some of their experiences explaining Adventism to others and share some thoughts on how you might approach someone who wants to know more about your Adventist faith. 
Published 04/10/22
Love can be expressed in many different ways. It can be funny, serious or romantic. But where does it come from and what is it? Is the world’s definition and expression of love the same as the Bible’s? In this episode Vanessa and Jesse take a look at the “L” word and explore the kind of love God wants us to have in our lives.
Published 03/05/22
Everyone starts off the new year hoping it will be better than the last in some way. But what keeps our hopes alive even when things go wrong? Jesse, Vanessa, Doane, and Evanette (Hopey One Kenobi), start off the new year sharing resolutions, talking expectations and looking to Jesus to renew our hopes for 2022. 
Published 01/09/22
The holidays can be full of fun activities and wonderful moments but sometimes they can be a time of unexpected crisis. On this last podcast of 2021, Jesse, Vanessa, Doane, and Evanette revisit some positive holiday moments and Doane talks about his recent trip to help tornado victims find hope and faith in time of crisis.
Published 12/25/21
There’s a lot to do during this time of year. Holiday parties, shopping, traveling, visiting family and other activities compete for our time and attention. But what’s the point of it all and what should be our attitude? On this episode, Jesse, Vanessa, Doane and Evanette try to make some sense of it by sharing their do’s and don’ts of Adventist holiday parties, discussing the spirit of Christmas and reflecting on the blessings of this past year.
Published 12/04/21
An old familiar hymn calls us to stand in the promises of God but for whatever reason we all wrestle with trusting in God's promises. Even people in the Bible struggled to fully trust in what God promised. Jesse and Vanessa share their thoughts and own "ups and downs" with claiming God's promises and explore ways God can help us be more confident when pursuing His promises and blessings.
Published 10/09/21
With all the things happening in the world today, there is enough fear, anxiety, and worry to discourage even the most devout believer. So what can we do about it? Jesse, Vanessa, Doane and Evanette share some Biblical advice along with their own personal experiences about dealing with fear and worry and provide some encouraging news about how fear can bring about an opportunity for something life changing.
Published 09/12/21
Ever feel like you're stuck in a rut spiritually speaking? What if all you had to do was start walking? Jesse and Vanessa talk about the challenges of being spiritually stuck and Vanessa shares her story of how a simple habit changed her spiritual life and got her out of a rut.
Published 08/11/21
What happens when Haystack Nation gives a young couple advice about being soon to be parents? They give them pandas. Jesse, Vanessa, Doane and Evanette share some interesting advice on what to expect when expecting.
Published 07/24/21
Life can be so full of demands, distractions and stressors and if you don't take time for your spouse they can turn into a complete stranger. Jesse, Vanessa, Doane and Evanette talk about how dating your spouse can help you stay compatible, in tune, and more importantly Christ-centered. 
Published 07/04/21
With all the things moms and dads have to handle and manage each day, is being saintly asking way too much? Jesse and Vanessa talk about the high standard parents are called to and how God can help moms and dads be the special and saintly examples he wants them to be in the home.
Published 06/13/21
Just because you're a Christian doesn't always mean you have a happy home. Jesse, Vanessa and Doane talk about the challenges any Christian faces when trying to maintain a good godly home and how you can start making your home a better and happier place for you, your family and society.
Published 05/30/21
The Haystack Nation crew talk with guest Jordan Delarmente about the challenges of finding love these days as a young single Adventist/Christian
Published 02/21/21
Haystack Nation guest Brian Valendez shares his personal story of how God works things out even when it all seems to go wrong
Published 02/07/21
The new year just started and its already been eventful and challenging! Where will you focus your attention? Join the Haystack Nation crew as they talk about finding peace, security and joy in Jesus-the desire of 2021
Published 01/13/21
It's Haystack Nation's first holiday show ever! Join the crew as we quiz guests on their knowledge of Christmas and talk about favorite holiday traditions!
Published 12/25/20
Perspective is defined as: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. Join the Haystack Nation team and our special guests as we wrestle with an ancient Japanese word and discuss how having a biblical perspective impacts our daily lives and those around us. Also, has anyone ever tried wasabi on a haystack?? 
Published 12/04/20
The current pandemic crisis has a lot of people talking and wondering about what lies ahead. Jesse and Enrique open up and share some thoughts on what our approach should be in times of crisis and how God wants to prepare us for something big. We also share some thoughts from Haystack Nation followers and touch on the Haystack Nation mission.
Published 07/19/20
Jesse, Rudy and Annamarie share stories from Haystack Nation's trip to Broken Bow, OK (a place that's been on Annamarie's bucket list for a looonnng time!) Also, Rudy shares an incredible personal testimony filled with suspense, drama, love, faith, survival and an ending that will blow you away! You might want to put your haystack down for this one! 
Published 07/05/20
After a full day at Palo Duro Canyon, TX, Jesse, Enrique, and Doane decide to kick-off Haystack Nation from a picnic table.Click to watch drone footage of our Texas Panhandle adventure!  
Published 05/25/20