Many of you have experienced rebound weight gain when losing weight on any diet you've done. You may be shocked by the reasons why, and there is an inexpesive solution to your problem. The number one reason for weight gain is usually a comrpomized metabolism and low human growth hormone levels. As we age, we lose HGH, making it more diffuclt for us to hold onto lean muscle, which typically causes the body to add body fat. We often lose some lean muscle when following a conventiional...
Published 03/11/21
Stop Following Dr. Simeons Original HCG Diet Many people have great success following Dr. Simeon's original HCG diet, which includes me, eleven years ago. However, over the years, I've coached thousands of people to massive success using our advanced HCG diet approach; I know why people have success the first time and then have difficulty repeating that success. The weight loss they've achieved is often a combination of water, body fat, and lean muscle, which subsequently causes rapid...
Published 02/22/21
WHen you find yourself wanting to step outside your HCG diet bounderies, ask yourslf who is actually running the show. The adult you, or the 5 year old you who wants what they want now. Most people do not realize the their inner chaild is running the show most of the time. The key to your success is bringing the adult back into th room and taking control. This is a one day at a time journey. Make sure you're the adult in the room when it comes to show up for yourself while on the HCG...
Published 02/10/21
How to Stop Emotional Eating and Stick to Your Diet Every Time. Many of you have found yourselves amid a binge eating night after a stressful day, or when we're too tired to resist the temptation of grabbing that bag of chips or the cookies hidden in the back of the pantry, we hide from ourselves just in case of emergencies. The truth is that we've become experts at stuffing our feelings and smothering that energy that needs to be released from our bodies if we genuinely want to heel our...
Published 02/07/21
MINDSET HACK TO GETTING YOURSELF INTO THE ZONE| AND CRUSHING YOUR HCG DIET GOALS @ https://colinfwatson.com and https:/?HCGRX.com If all three of these "M's" mindset, motivation, and method or methodologies, are in sync are on point, the odds of reaching your desired outcome are increased exponentially. I hope these simple tips and action steps will help you get the very best results from any weight loss goals you set for yourself. Make sure you believe what you want to accomplish is...
Published 01/31/21
Taking Personal Inventory of The Five to Seven Most Important Areas of Your Life and Look For Opportunities to Improve Each Area. Just a quick and easy simple daily exercise that will give you an opportunity to make small subtle changes each day to improve the quality of your life, health, and happiness. Check out my new book at https://www.10dayketoresetdiet.com Checkout my website for anything HCG @ https://colinfwatson.com See you next time.   Namaste,   Colin
Published 05/06/20
If you're listening to this podcast or reading this page, you're most likely a woman over 30 who is trying to lose weight and are completely frustrated because your slow metabolism is STEALING your quality of life. Simply put, if your ENERGY PROCESSOR (your metabolism) is out of whack, your body will most likely start packing on the pounds, no matter what you do. Or, the weight refuses to come off even when you eat healthily and exercise your butt off. And if that's not bad enough, when you...
Published 04/28/20
COVID-19 is more likely to kill black Americans, and for those that survive, the pandemic will take a devastating toll on their jobs and future earning potential, a new McKinsey & Co. report finds. Black Americans are about 30% more likely than white Americans to have health conditions that exacerbate the effects of the virus, such as hypertension and diabetes, the report published Tuesday says. Black workers are also overrepresented in high-contact essential services, making up 33% of...
Published 04/21/20
How I Met God... In this episode, I share with you the strange event that completely changes the direction of my life and led me to spiritual awakening and daily practice that's been life-changing. Why I write a three-page letter to God each gay and how this daily DMO has created huge personal, spiritual, physical and financial breakthroughs.   Namaste, Colin F. Watson
Published 03/04/20
If you're tired of being sick and tired and are looking for a fast, safe, and effective way to lose body fat and get in the body of your life, this episode is for you.  To DOWNLOAD A FREE COPY OF MY NEWEST EBOOK - Burn The Fat Reveal The Muscle... Click HERE now to grab your copy why they still last.  Namaste Colin F. Watson.
Published 10/30/19
In this episode I explain in detail why our advanced HCG protocol ROCKS and how it differs from Dr. Simeons Origianl HCG Diet Protocol. To DOWNLOAD A FREE COPY OF MY NEWEST EBOOK - Burn The Fat Reveal The Muscle Clcik HERE To Download.    Namaste,   Colin  
Published 10/23/19
If You Don't Gain Sufficient Weight I HCG diet Phase 1, You Wont Lose Effectivelyt In HCG Diet Phase 2. This Is one of the most crucual mistakes new and repeating HCG dieters make when following the advanced HCG diet. Failure to gain sufficient weight in phase 1 can be a recipe for desater, In this new episode I explain why.  To DOWNLOAD A COPY OF MY NEWEST EBOOK -Burn The Fat Reveal The Musscle Click HERE to get your FREE Copy.  Namaste, Colin F. Watson The Heavenly Body Magician  
Published 10/16/19
Why Dr. Simeons HCG Protocol Is Out-Dated and Causing You to Lose Muscle and In Some Cases Hair. Many who follow the old out-dated Dr. Simoens protocol are experiencing loss of lean muscle, low energy, repeated weight stalls, and in extreme cases in a woman especially, hair loss. In this podcast, I share with you why we made the necessary changes to the HCG diet to update it and bring it into the 21st century. By implementing the changes we've made in our advanced HCG protocol you'll not only...
Published 10/09/19
I'll Never Make You Responsible For My Feelings:. On Valentine's day Jayne and I shared our philosopy on dealing wiht emptions, and making a vow to never make either of us responsible for THE OTHER PERSONS feelingd. Namaste, Colln
Published 02/21/19
FOR MORE INFO CLICK HERE https://linktr.ee/colinfwatson I BROKE MY BACK LAST YEAR AND COULDN'T WALK  WITHOUT A WALKER FOR OVER 7 MONTHS. Today I'm about 85% recovered I still have some lower back pain daily and nerve damage in my left leg but I'm so grateful for this product "THE GEL" that helped me put back on more than 20 pounds of lean muscle. In this Podcst Jayne and I discuss our personal results after being on the NEW HGH Gel for 6 months. The benefit of using the gel is highly...
Published 02/09/19
How To Use Intermittent Fasting with The HCG Diet. Intermittent fasting is the ancient secret of health. It is ancient because it has been practiced throughout all of human history. It’s a secret because this powerful habit has been virtually forgotten. But now many people are re-discovering this dietary intervention. It can carry huge benefits if it is done right: weight loss, increased energy, reversal of type 2 diabetes and many other things. Plus, you’ll save time and money. Combining...
Published 01/31/19
A few weeks ago I was asked to consider a compelling thought process by my spiritual adviser. I was asked this very question. "Would you be open to the concept that you have created every aspect of your life that you feel is not working for you," I asked Steve to clarify what he meant. If you don't like how your wife speaks to you, you created that. If your business isn't running like a well-oiled machine and isn't as profitable as you'd like, you created that. If your relationships with...
Published 11/08/17
Join me LIVE for another no holds bard conversation on why you keep struggling to lose weight and keep it off for life. Once you understand why you've failed, you can finally begin to learn the how. I'm also going to share with you why I feel my simple three part system can help anyone who wants to achieve their New Years resolution to lose weight by Spring Break do so easily and effectively. Thursday, January 26th at 6 pm PST, 8 pm CST, and 9 pm EST. Until then Live Life...
Published 01/27/17
In my first radio Podcast of 2017, I will be discussing a topic I've never discussed before. The curse of the HCG diet. Why those who have done the HCG diet successfully can never forget their first HCG round and the success they experienced with relative easy, and how that success becomes the focal point of every following method used to release body fat for years to come. It is my sincere hope that shedding light on this real phenomena, will help many of you realize what's been getting...
Published 01/12/17
Join Me Live at 5:30pm PST Thursday March 24, 2016 I've seen so many perfectly successful weight loss journey's sabataged do the miss understood the feedback from your home scale. or by one having an unhealthy relationship with their scale. It's just a number... Right? But it's all too easy to become a slave to your scale—letting that number dictate how you feel about yourself and your body,your day, your spouse and the list goes on. Experts say focusing too intently on what you weigh can...
Published 03/25/16
Tonight Live at 6 PM PST and 9 PM EST What to do when your favorite diet (HCG) stops working, and you need a new lifestyle plan for long-term success! Why you should never give up on your dream of looking great, feeling amazing and having the health and body of your dreams. If I were not willing to look beyond my program, and be open to something new, I would not be experiencing the renewed, health, energy and fitness level I have been able to achieve over the last 42 days. Tonight I'm...
Published 03/04/16
Tonight 6PM PST NutritionPlanX Part II - How to get nutritionally balanced, detox your body, and live a Fat-Metabolized life in 30 days.. The buzz about my all new nutritionplanX is trending in a big way... Because everyone who hears about NutritionPlanX and gets it, has to have it! Until you detox the body and get it nutritionally balanced, you can pretty much forget about getting lean, fit and sexy. PERIOD!!! Join me tonight LIVE and I will share with you what I've...
Published 02/11/16