This is the second in a series of 3 sleep mantras.
This one is focusing on bringing awareness into specific parts of our body to promote relaxation.
By focusing on specific parts of the body, we can relax the body deeper as a whole.
Published 01/02/22
This episode is to help people fall asleep.
It'a a manta to help focus the mind on something other then the stresses of the day.
It's energy following thought and allowing the body to relax to allow sleep to come in.
Published 11/10/21
This episode is a way to help keep you in a state of gratitude.
When we focus on the blessings in our life instead of the negative, positive shift can happen.
You don't need to be in a negative space for this mantra, that is the beauty of it.
Repeating the mantra lets the Universe know how grateful you are for your blessings which then allows more blessings to come in. It's quite a lovely cycle.
Published 08/07/21
This episode is for anyone who is facing a challenge in their life right now and needs a little help getting through it.
This mantra is to replace the self doubt we sometimes get when the hill seems to steep to climb.
You've got this, you can do anything!!
Published 06/29/21
This episode is about law of attraction and how you raise you vibration to bring in all good things.
Mantras can be used to heal and raise the vibration to allow more good things to come into your life.
Published 06/08/21
This episode is about Time and how we create more space in our day to get all the things finished that we have on our To Do lists.
This mantra helps to give your mind something else to do while the clock is ticking down. Its to help you stay in a peaceful state and keep you away from the stress and anxiety that Time can cause.
Published 03/17/19
This episode is about letting of your anger.
There is a lot going on in our world today and there are many buttons being pushed.
Instead of processing our emotions, people are simply going straight to anger.
Anger is one of the lowest vibrations. Staying in the place of anger will only bring more negativity. This episode is to help release that and move more into a higher vibration.
Published 10/07/18
This episode is for healing the body.
When we don't feel good because we are sick, it can be really challenging to stay in the light.
This healing mantra is to help stay in a high vibration to promote faster healing and recovery.
Published 05/07/18
Loving ourselves is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. This healing mantra is a tool for that journey.
Published 03/12/18
This healing mantra is to help release the old programming for those of you who have ever been down on yourselves or thought you could never have all the good things others have because someone in your life indicated, you weren't good enough.
Published 02/15/18
The journey from the B Team to the A Team.
Published 02/01/18
Have you ever wanted to do something really bad but you chose not to because you were afraid? Whether it was fear of failure, fear of being judged or worried that it just wasn’t good enough, that you would be criticized or even made fun of?
That is what this episode is about.
Published 02/01/18
The intention of these healing mantras is to help change your state from the negative to a more positive mindset, therefore changing your vibration to a higher level raising your awareness and consciousness allowing healing and transformation to happen.
Operating at a higher vibration allows more abundance in all good things.
Published 10/09/17