4.pt1. Why Does Organic, Non-GMO Matter for the Gut?
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Why is high quality food important for gut health Following a restrictive diet can cause malnourishment What are we actually eating? What is a high quality food Greenwashing Why is it important to eat Organic and Non-GMO food? History of chemical fertilizers Round Up - Glyphosate Glyphosate contaminated the water and air Glyphosate, Root Cause of Inflammation  Download this publication- Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health inthe United States of America  Current Secretary of Agriculture- Tom Vilsack, has ties with Monsanto Genetically Modified Food (GMO) uses the most chemicals It's worth looking into the creation of GMOs  Zach Bush webinar about GMOs  Altered Genes and Twisted Truth by Steven Druker Why bother if even organic food is contaminated? USDA require buffer zones between organic and non organic farms Natural pesticides Monica's Instagram Monica's Website Download The Holistic Healing Questionnaire Get your copy of The Holistic Healing Guidebook for SIBO, IBS and Gut Dysfunction This episode is edited by The Pod Launchpad Music by Aaron Taos
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Supplementing and eating through the terrain perspective. Watch on my YouTube Channel mind-your-gut.com FREE TRAINING on balancing your nervous system to heal your gut.
Published 02/20/23
Published 02/20/23
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