Today's' lesson will dive into the benefits and the necessity of foot reflexology. With our guest FD Guyton, the foot Doctor, we'll stress the importance of understanding the connection of the entire body to the soles of the feet.
Published 01/11/18
Published 01/11/18
Today's' lesson will dive into the benefits and the necessity of foot reflexology. With our guest FD Guyton, the foot Doctor, we'll stress the importance of understanding the connection of the entire body to the soles of the feet. There is a reason why the bottoms of our feet are called "souls". Our entire physical body, from the inside out, are connected along meridian lines, down to our feet. There are benefits not only of the physical, but also mental and emotional nature. We also are...
Published 01/11/18
Copper Toxicity is rampant across the world today. This is one of the main reasons for the gender war and chronic relationship problems that we continue to see daily. Dr. Rick Malter, Ph.D is one of the pioneers of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Science.
Published 12/28/17
Copper Toxicity is rampant across the world today. This is one of the main reasons for the gender war and chronic relationship problems that we continue to see daily. Dr. Rick Malter, Ph.D is one of the pioneers of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Science. He along with Dr. Paul Eck, Dr. Larry Wilson, and a multitude of doctors and scientists have written extensively on the effects of copper toxicity. Relationships of all kinds, especially marriages suffer greatly because of copper toxicity. Many...
Published 12/28/17
On today's dynamic lesson, we will be joined by Intuitive Energy Healer, Douglas Peacock. Quantum Physics tells us that the observer influences the energy to act as a wave or particle, which in turn gets different results.
Published 12/21/17
On today's dynamic lesson, we will be joined by Intuitive Energy Healer, Douglas Peacock. Quantum Physics tells us that the observer influences the energy to act as a wave or particle, which in turn gets different results. (In a nutshell that means that you affect your reality by your unconscious thoughts and feelings.) Through my gift. Our guest this week, Douglas Peacock is able to see how you are making the energy respond within you and your environment. He can then help you clear the...
Published 12/21/17
The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (NIIH) is a leading-edge nonprofit dedicated to THERAPIES, to RESEARCH, and to EDUCATION in the fields of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology.
Published 12/14/17
The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (NIIH) is a leading-edge nonprofit dedicated to THERAPIES, to RESEARCH, and to EDUCATION in the fields of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. Research has shown that emerging methods such as mindfulness, stress reduction, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and the Relaxation Response are “evidence-based” practices for addressing both emotional trauma and physical symptoms. NIIH is dedicated to conducting empirical research in these...
Published 12/14/17
During today's lesson, we will be joined by Dr. Todd Lizon, founder, CEO, and lead Practitioner of Lifestyle Integration. Dr.
Published 12/07/17
During today's lesson, we will be joined by Dr. Todd Lizon, founder, CEO, and lead Practitioner of Lifestyle Integration. Dr. Lizon practices in Australia and is a leading expert in Nutritional Balancing Science along with the excellent healing modality, Chiropractic. During this lesson we will be speaking on a myriad of topics pertaining to health, Nutritional Balancing Science, and will be focusing in detail on the importance and the effectiveness of Infrared Sauna Therapy. Infrared Sauna...
Published 12/07/17
This week's lesson with dive right into the worldwide HIV/AIDS hoax. HIV as a so called "Retrovirus" doesn't exist, and has never been proven to exist.
Published 11/30/17
This week's lesson with dive right into the worldwide HIV/AIDS hoax. HIV as a so called "Retrovirus" doesn't exist, and has never been proven to exist. Author, speaker, and researcher Curtis Cost has spend decades studying and writing about verifiable data and analysis pertaining to the subject of HIV and AIDS. You will be completely blown away when you find out what's really going on. How is HIV and AIDS propaganda used to reduce the world's population, while enriching the pockets of a...
Published 11/30/17
Today, my guest, Dr. Curtis Duncan and I will be discussing a very hot, passionate, and debated topic amongst many health circles.
Published 11/16/17
Today, my guest, Dr. Curtis Duncan and I will be discussing a very hot, passionate, and debated topic amongst many health circles. Veganism and vegetarianism, is it a good and healthy lifestyle, or does it destroy the body and the mind? Is meat eating evil? Does eating meat clog the arteries and make one sluggish? Or do we need the protein and nutrient combinations that animal meats provide, which cannot be gained through any other foods? In this episode we will finally lay to rest the meat...
Published 11/16/17
This week we will continue our lesson on the importance of healing our Chakra Soul Centers.
Published 11/09/17
This week we will continue our lesson on the importance of healing our Chakra Soul Centers. We will look into practical and real every day ways to gain more control, balance and health in regards to our energy generating spiritual points inside of our bodies, along with healing and regenerating our organs and glands. With a focus again on child rearing, this is an excellent and informative episode, filled with wisdom.
Published 11/09/17
This week's lesson will break down a certain metaphysical concept that has been confusing to people over the years. Energy points are also known as "Chakra Points".
Published 11/02/17
This week's lesson will break down a certain metaphysical concept that has been confusing to people over the years. Energy points are also known as "Chakra Points". Whatever you decide to call them, these points within the essence of all humans are very real. They can be better understood as different components of the Soul. Each of these 7 parts must be developed according to a specific pattern. Each of these points also correlate to specific organs and body parts. Many ailments and diseases...
Published 11/02/17
Do you know that chronic anger and negative attitudes generate a sluggish and unhealthy liver.
Published 10/26/17
Do you know that chronic anger and negative attitudes generate a sluggish and unhealthy liver. Did you know that overworked and exhausted adrenal glands and kidneys can cause one to be timid in their demeanor, suffer from severe anxiety, nervousness, and a lack of self esteem. Health is not just physical, but is also emotional, spiritual, and mental. All of these components must work together as a system to create optimal health. Childhood trauma, life circumstances, mental attitudes, wrong...
Published 10/26/17
Sickle Cell Anemia is a growing congenial condition that plagues many in the Black races, and also is beginning to grow in other races as well.
Published 10/19/17
Sickle Cell Anemia is a growing congenial condition that plagues many in the Black races, and also is beginning to grow in other races as well. The symptoms of Sickle Cell are chronic pain, infections, slow growth, failure to thrive, and many negative mental conditions. These symptoms are not only preventable, but can be corrected with proper wisdom and understanding of science and of the human body. Dr. Agbai and I will discuss these topics within this hour's show. We will discuss some of...
Published 10/19/17