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Dr. Connie Cheung
Mind Your Health Podcast with Dr. Connie Cheung
The Mind Your Health Podcast is about all things Gut Health! As a healthcare practitioner with over 25 years of experience, Dr. Connie Cheung focuses on a holistic approach integrating her educational background in Psychology, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Functional Medicine, and Yoga. She started the Mind Your Health Podcast to help as many people as possible get rid of pesky gut symptoms so that they can look and feel their best while living their fullest lives. Dr. Connie has struggled and lived with life threatening autoimmune conditions, and she’s personally experienced the...
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Ratings & Reviews
4.9 stars from 17 ratings
I sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge with us, both the good times and the more difficult times. Listening to your podcasts and reading your posts and emails, inspires and motivates me. You are helping me see that Lupus doesn't have to define who I am. It's...Read full review »
YourTribeMember via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/12/20
A rare gem!
Dr. Connie is a rare gem! When most doctors are trying to push pills on you, she’s helping you get to the root of the issue and solving that instead of masking your symptoms with band-aids (pills). I’ve been to my fair share of doctors and they just aren’t educated on how the mind affects the...Read full review »
Humor Me Well via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/08/20
I have been recently diagnosed with lupus and was very scared about this disease I knew nothing about. Listening to this podcast has completely changed my point of view on how to handle this disease. I’m very happy to have found Dr. Jeon.
michie0610 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/05/20
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