Another episode, another failed attempt to keep it short and sweet 😂🙈 But don’t give up on us guys, we’ll get it right eventually! Loved this discussion, it was very insightful and allowed us to be candid and vulnerable with some of our struggles. Listen, share and let us know what you think about this episode by taking the poll below.
Published 12/18/23
We can't believe we’re already 6 months into the year already. Seems like only yesterday we were excited about 2023, but the year has flown by so fast and now its June already! Anyway, we thought we'd do a little catch up on how the year has been so far for us, although we got stuck talking about things the Holy Spirit has been teaching us ( us = Nana Yaa 🥴). We hope you enjoy this episode and it at least gives you the opportunity to do a quick assessment of your year so far. Oh and feel free...
Published 06/21/23
Did you know that the word “friend” is arguably one of the most loosely used terms ever? Today we’re talking about everything friendship and we unpack what it really means to be a friend. Enjoy !
Published 02/27/23
Happy New Year Guys!!!  We are so excited about our first official episode of the year. Great first topic if we do say so ourselves and interestingly, it happens to be a topic suggestion from one of you! Thank you, whoever you are, we appreciate you x But for real for real, being a christian in the 21st century is no joke. There was a lot to unpack; how to navigate these modern times as a Christian, what it even means to be a Christian, the dynamics of the 21st century, what could potentially...
Published 01/26/23
Last year, we spoke on expectations and we did an overview on the topic. This year, we wanted to focus more on the expectations God has of us and how to expect by him for the new year. We reflected on the expectations we had last year and Nana Yaa saw that she spoke from her left kidney with one of her expectations lol. But this new year, we want to be very intentional as a community with asking God what he sees this year to be so we can all align. Write down what God says, and let's hold him...
Published 12/31/22
As promised, part 2 of Managing the Moola is here! We visited a fave at home (hence all the homely background noises 🙈) and had an insightful chat with him about Moola from a professional’s perspective. We learnt so much, we hope you do too 🥰🙏🏽
Published 10/11/22
In this episode, we explore another ‘taboo’ in a typical Christian, African society: Mental Health. Is it possible for a Christian to be depressed? Are mental health struggles an indication of weakness in your faith? Is going to therapy a sin? We discuss all these burning questions on this episode. This one’s a little long, but bear with us, we had lots to say (don’t we always haha 🤦🏾‍♀️) We really enjoyed this episode, and we pray that it blesses you as much as it blessed us.
Published 09/05/22
We all know how sensitive finance can be as a topic, especially considering the current state of the economy 🥴 BUT, as you already know, we love to talk about the sensitive topics! This was pretty much a rant by two women sharing their two cents (get it? 😉) on how to navigate their financial life with the help of the Holy Spirit. ie; our financial adviser and provider. We hope you pick up a tip or two !
Published 07/18/22
Guys let's be honest, it's not easy to be vulnerable and open as a Christian especially on the topic of sex and its numerous friends. But in this episode, we shared as much as we could, we were open and candid and we hope this encourages you guys to not be scared to share your experiences as a testimony to a trusted community. We pray for healing for anyone who has gone through trauma or is currently still walking through trauma, addictions, guilt and/or shame. Jesus set us all free so we can...
Published 03/27/22
First of all, Happy New Year guys!! We decided to start the year off with a topic that seems awkward to talk about especially in the Christian community; sex. We’re pretty excited about this episode and even more excited about our special guest 🥰🥳 It’s our sincere prayer that this conversation impacts you in one way or the other. Enjoy !
Published 02/15/22
I know, I know... You are probably wondering what angle we went with this topic but to be very honest there was a lot to unpack and think through and we hope that this last episode of the year will speak to you even as we enter the new year! Happy Holidays from Nana Yaa & Adoma to you and yours!
Published 12/31/21
Finally!!! We get to have a discussion on the guys’ perspective on finding the one. We evidently had so much fun recording this, we even exceeded our normal recording time! 🙈 Shots were fired, facts were shared, lessons were learnt. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did sharing our thoughts and perspectives with you.
Published 11/21/21
For the first time ever, we had guests today!! We had a very exciting conversation about navigating these streets as single women pursuing God. Guys, honestly it can be hard but in today's episode we talk about how we can be successful at it! This was so fun to record, and is a little longer than our usual episodes but we hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
Published 09/29/21
A lot of people spend time figuring out everyone around them but themselves. In this episode, we discover the most important relationship in our life and how to build that. To be honest, we could go on and on about what the world tags as "self love" vs. what it truly reflects, but we hope this episodes sheds enough light and we hope it blesses you as much as it did us!
Published 09/12/21
We truly had an amazing time recording this episode!! In this episode, we talk about tracing our roots back to who we belong and birthing our identity in a place of discovery. We understand how easy it is to wear labels that friends, family and society throw at us but we challenge you to put on the words and promises of God as a custom-made piece instead and track the growth! This episode blessed us and we pray that is does same for you. Enjoy!
Published 08/28/21
The world today screams so many labels at us, and imposes so many standards in a way that can be very confusing and overwhelming. In this first episode, we chat about what identity is and how we can navigate it in a world such as ours.
Published 08/15/21