Based on a practice taught by Dr. Patrick MacManaway, this meditation attunes you to the magnetic field of your heart, which not only envelops every cell of your body but has been shown by sensitive magnetometers to extend out in all directions into the space around you. It influences your environment and those around you. Through meditative stillness, you can experience this energy field, bless it with your love, and bring greater coherence to your life. Music by Christopher Lloyd...
Published 05/15/23
Based on the teachings of Tibetan Buddhist monk Pema Chödrön, this meditation builds your capacity to cultivate stability and foster a friendly relationship with your mind. It uses breath, posture, and mindful awareness to strengthen your inner stability and wellbeing. I highly recommend all of Pema Chodron's books. Relax and enjoy. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clark | Photo by Abhijeet Gourav Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 05/08/23
Based on a meditation in Adyashanti's "Guided Meditations," this offering evokes heart connection, restoration, and remembrance of who you are. Adya says "redemptive love comes from the dark womb of the unknown and flows into the core of our being as redemptive grace." He invites us to meet all life, all sorrow, with love. The key to this meditation is to relax into a receptive mode. Simply let the words wash through you, restoring you to wholeness. Music: C. Lloyd Clarke Photo: Davide...
Published 05/01/23
This meditation offers guided spiritual hygiene to purify your heart and mind for sleep, followed by the setting of an intention for a lucid dream, and ending with a 21-breath sequence to help you drop off to sleep effortlessly. Inspired by lucid dreaming teacher Andrew Holecek, the combined practices do not guarantee lucidity on the first try, but over time they will cultivate deep restorative sleep and greater lucidity in life and in sleep. Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Tess on Insight...
Published 04/24/23
Indra’s Net is a Buddhist metaphor for the interconnectedness of the universe, or what modern physics might call the quantum field. Alan Watts said: “Imagine a multidimensional spider’s web in the early morning covered with dewdrops. And every dewdrop contains the reflection of all the other dewdrops. And so ad infinitum." Meditating on Indra’s Net reminds us of our unity with each other and all of creation. Let yourself bask in this deep connection. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo...
Published 04/17/23
This practice transforms the corrosive aspects of worry into healing energy for you and the person you worry about. It is useful when you feel helpless to relieve their pain, and invites you to notice your projections around it. The practice can be used to offer healing energy to a family member, friend, stranger, pet, landscape, or the planet itself. Drawing from the teachings of Adyashanti, the key is to radically trust the other’s journey as well as your own. Music by Christopher Lloyd...
Published 04/10/23
This simple meditation is inspired by the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza and is designed to spread love within and around you. Relax into this healing experience. Enjoy. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo by Jamie Street. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 04/03/23
In the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tonglen, “taking and sending,” you visualize taking in the pain of another on the in-breath and sending out healing energy on the out-breath. The process deepens your heart, widens your circle of compassion, and frees you from the mire of pity. You cultivate love, and begin to access the open dimension of your being. This meditation emulates the style of Tonglen taught by Pema Chödrön. 11hz alpha wave music by Nature’s Eye. Photo by Lahiru...
Published 03/27/23
This meditation is inspired by one in Adyashanti's audiobook, "Guided Meditations." Using a Tibetan singing bowl and gentle words, it is designed to evoke awareness of the divine ground of your being, which Adyashanti calls "pure potentiality" or the "unknown self." If you like this meditaion, I highly recommend his books. He has been an important teacher for me. I wish you a calm mind and an awakened heart. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.  Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's...
Published 03/20/23
This track includes a 2-minute introduction followed by a meditation on your intimate connection to the Earth and your part in the unfolding consciousness of the planet. It includes a quote from Eckhart Tolle adapted from the 12th-century mystic Ibn Arabi. When challenges arise, it's useful to remember your connection to the greater fabric of life. Relax and enjoy. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clark | Photo by Joseph Barrientos. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels:...
Published 03/15/23
Let your heart bloom with life. This healing meditation is inspired by the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza and the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. It invites you to feel more alive today than yesterday and to never forget that you are a divine being waking up in this lifetime. The lines from Rilke are translated by Joanna Macy. Relax into the healing theta binaural beats. Enjoy. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 03/13/23
This guided visualization is based on a near-death experience described by Carl Jung in his memoir Memories, Dreams, and Reflections. Jung experienced this vision as he hung on the edge of death after a heart attack. Following a brief relaxation exercise, you will be guided through Jung’s vision as if you are experiencing it for yourself. Feel free to replace the particularities of his vision with your own and let it unfold as it wishes.  Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels:...
Published 03/06/23
Stillness of the body invites stillness of the mind. Inspired by a breath practice taught by Adyashanti in his audiobook, "Guided Meditations," this style of meditation has been used by humans for thousands of years. It is extraordinarily simple, yet yields profound inner peace, clarity, and ultimately enlightenment. Practiced daily with or without the recording, the effect on your inner life and consequently your outer life will be transformative. Give yourself this gift.  Music:...
Published 03/01/23
Use this guided visualization to move effortlessly into your own innate stability and groundedness. Let the deep unshakable rootedess of a tree guide you to the peace at the core of your being. From this place of calm stability, you will be more able to respond wisely and effectively to life's challenges. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo by Jeremy Bishop. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 02/22/23
Access the stillness and serenity already within you. Let this calming body scan sink you into gentle relaxation for deep restorative sleep. Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo: Benjamin Suter. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 02/20/23
Notice, savor and bask in the love that resides in your heart. Inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza's heart coherence work and psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson's research on self-nurturing, this practice invites you to reach through time to support yourself at difficult moments in the past and future, bathing yourself in tender awareness when you need it most. The ocean of love that dwells in your heart wants to be noticed. When prompted to call to mind a person you love a pet works equally well. Relax...
Published 02/14/23
Strengthen your inner balance and deepen your sense of interconnectedness through the practice of equanimity. This meditation draws from the Buddhist teachings of Alan Wallace and Jack Kornfield. It includes a short breath practice, a guided visualization to expand consciousness, and ends with a prayer from the Christian mystic Teresa of Avila, "Let Nothing Disturb You." Relax and enjoy. Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo: Denis Altindas. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's...
Published 02/06/23
Seed your future with three questions: What would I love to receive? Who do I want to become? What mark do I want to make on the world? Based on a loving-kindness meditation from THE ATTENTION REVOLUTION by Buddhist scholar Alan Wallace, this practice invites you to visualize and step into a more intentional and fulfilling life.  Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke: https://enlightenedaudio.com/ Photo: Daniel Öberg  Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 02/01/23
Have you ever had your life flash before your eyes? This meditation gently invites you into that experience not by chance, but by choice. With intention, curiosity, and compassion, witness your life in reverse, reaching back through time to offer your younger self some loving support. If you do this practice regularly, you will likely find different memories arising each time. Enjoy the ride. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo by Patrick Fore. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on...
Published 01/30/23
Notice your habitual mind state operating below conscious awareness. Once seen, old emotional patterns circling within you like eddies in a river can be freed. By reclaiming energy spent on anxiety and despair, you strengthen your life force and invite wisdom and clarity. This meditation invites you to offer this practice for yourself and others. It is partially inspired by a compassion exercise in the book THE ATTENTION REVOLUTION by Alan Wallace. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.  Tess on...
Published 01/25/23
This guided visualization invites you to call to mind a wisdom figure or spiritual guide, to merge your heart with theirs, and together to take wing over the many landscapes of the planet for a soaring experience of expansiveness and gratitude. Bless the land, bless others, and bless yourself in this journey of intimate connection. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Photo by Alex Wigan. Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 01/23/23
Enjoy this invocation from your "Inner Council" to wake up, take heart, and trust yourself. This meditation was indirectly inspired by the poet Joy Harjo's mention of her "inner council" to author Cheryl Strayed on the podcast Dear Sugars. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 01/19/23
Designed for the solstice, this meditation can be enjoyed anytime you wish to offer healing energy to the Earth, and feel her healing power in return. Inspired by a Marko Pogacnik LifeNet Telepathic Workshop, the practice invites you to connect your heart and mind with others across space and time in a gesture of love for the planet and all its beings, human, animal, elemental, and angelic. Relax and enjoy. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels:...
Published 12/20/22
A clean request generates its own organizing power. When your desire aligns with your soul's purpose, the universe wants to conspire. But you must ask in order to receive. Inspired by Eckhart Tolle's conscious manifestation teachings and Clare Dimond's "Three Principles" work, this meditation opens your heart to germinate the abundance already within. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Tess on Insight Timer Tess on YouTube Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Published 12/14/22
Yoga Nidra relaxes your body into restorative sleep while your mind, like a night-blooming flower, opens to formless awareness. Based on the teaching of Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati this short version offers a 61-point body scan. See the long version if you also want the additional practices. Yoga Nidra deepens meditation and unhooks the neuro-conditioning that keeps you stuck. Studies show regular practice alleviates stress and improves wellbeing. Enjoy. Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Tess...
Published 12/07/22