Phased music for anxious minds.
Published 12/14/22
Published 12/14/22
Allen H Greenfield on UFOlogy, evil magick, and parenting.
Published 11/28/22
Bigness, ugliness and beauty as it relates to Berlin’s Schwerbelastungskörper.
Published 11/09/22
Sign up at HBMpodcast.com/art
Published 10/24/22
The kid of a famous UFO hunter tells stories about the occult and food poisoning.
Published 08/24/22
Can you taste the past?
Published 06/22/22
A street preacher tries to convince Jeff of his views about the role of gender in Christianity.
Published 06/02/22
Field recordings and discussions of sound and heart from across Germany (and a tiny bit from Czechia).
Published 05/04/22
Body composting in the Evergreen State
Published 03/30/22
Season 10 of Here Be Monsters starts and host Jeff Emtman hallucinates his adolescence while working long hours.
Published 03/09/22
It'll be here March 9th, 2022.
Published 02/11/22
Explaining my recent decision to remove Here Be Monsters from Spotify.
Published 02/08/22
Julia found a solution in the ocean.
Published 07/01/21
An episode from Jeff’s new project, Neutrinowatch: A Daily Generative Podcast. This episode *should* update itself daily with new content. Delete and re-download to hear the latest version.
Published 06/16/21
HBM149 requires explanation. So here’s a lengthy one.
Published 06/16/21
Jeff tries to become the world’s first slumbering podcast advice columnist.
Published 06/02/21
Cheap thrills from squeezing damp moss.
Published 05/19/21
HBM146’s AI-powered speech bot nows offers strange advice several times daily at https://twitter.com/hypo_inspo
Published 05/05/21
Can computers learn to speak with emotion and conviction?
Published 04/28/21
A paranoid fruit punch expert meets an aspiring valkyrie.
Published 04/14/21
Capturing the sonic fingerprints of important places before they’re gone forever.
Published 03/31/21
Maybe you just need some odd animal sounds.
Published 03/17/21
The effort to find intelligent extraterrestrial life is hampered by the slowness of light, the bigness of space, and some humans who don’t follow the rules.
Published 03/03/21
Chance encounters in food waste bins.
Published 02/17/21