You asked for a review with 5 stars, even if you didn't asked for it I would give you the maxium rating! Because there is nothing to revieuw I write something about a stranger who I never will forget. This week two years ago I went with some friends to a weekend for many other young adults. It was on al island from the Netherlands. To get there we have to go with the train then with the bus en the boat. The boat would leave at 18:00 and 20:00. We would get the boat at 18:00 so we could spent the most time possible on the island. At the railway station we could chose between two buses. One goes direct to the place were the port is, the other one with a detour. We choosed for the one with the detour so whe could also see something from the surroundings. When we were on the bus it turned out that we had to transfer to a dial-a-bus that you have to call an hour in advance. Ofcourse we were to late to call, so we ended 5 km from the port. It was very stormy, it was raining very hard and it was almost freezing and dark. Not the ideal wheather to walk 5 km with al your bagage (air mattres etc.) but is was so fun. At some point me and a other friend needed to go to the toilet, but ofcourse there was no petrol station or shop (it was the middel of nowwhere). We really needed to go to the toilet, so we decided we have to asked sombody at that house (1 km father). When whe came by that house it looks empty, but after 3 minutes someone opend the door. It was an old man alone, he saw us standing outside and had pity with us. So he decided to open the door, I was soooo happy that he trusted us! We could by him to the toilet en even get some drinks because we didn't have anything. We maked his whole house wet ooopss, but he loved that he had someone to talk to! After 15 minutes we leaved very relieved en happy. We didn't get the boat from 18:00 but it was the best thing what could happen! Afterwards we send the man a card as thank you! I hope you can understand my story, because my English isn't very good. Btw I discoverd you channel when I was searching for English youtube videos to improve my English and it helped so thank you!Read full review »
Orgininal nickname via Apple Podcasts · Netherlands · 01/07/21
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I’m so exited to listen to what more amazing things you have to say!!
brecken g via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/07/21
You make a big change in the world
penutbutterandj via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/07/21
This is a great concept for a podcast. I’m looking forward to the first episode. I think it will be great!
pm8891 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/07/21
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