After a long hiatus we are back!  Its been a minute since we recorded and we definitely had to brush the old mic's off when we recorded this one.  In the end, we are happy to be back together and doing what we love.  Today we reviewed the Wrath of Man with Jason Statham directed by Guy Ritchie.  Hope you enjoy it and we will be trying to release episodes every 2 weeks but if things keep going well, we hope to up it to once a week!
Published 05/28/21
Hey guys! We're always excited for new movies, but we're especially excited for the summer. AHCK. Also, this movie was hilarious! Check out Master Samurai for a hilarious movie, or Samurai Sensei for a tv-series! The manga is also titled Samurai Sensei
Published 02/29/20
The boys review the amazing amazing Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn.  They talk about Margot Robbie's hilarious performance, the dope fight choreography and the awesome supporting cast.   www.instagram.com/hstsc33
Published 02/21/20
Its been a while, and that's because we're working on a lot of stuff! Sorry! More importantly: Watching all 3 Matrix movies took a bit as well. Also happy Valentine's Day! The Hero's Journey is a classic format and honestly, The Matrix still stands up today. Easily a classic 3
Published 02/14/20
The boys review the new movie Weathering with you and talk about the many works of Makoto Shinkai.  
Published 01/31/20
Happy new years Hidden Shadows!  Here is the first episode of the year, of the decade!  We take time to review the final movie we watched in 2019, Uncut Gems.  We were absolutely blown away by Adam Sandlers' performance and just the experience this movie gave us.  Unlike nothing we've ever experienced...made us feel like a virgin....like a vi-iirgiiin.  At the end of the episode we review our top 5 movies from 2019 and all the magical things to come to your earholes and eye holes if you're...
Published 01/10/20
Number 3 on our December line up y'all!  We are reviewing Jumanji: The Next Level.  It was a super blast reviewing this movie guys, let alone watching it.  We were astounded from the level of acting on everybody's part.  But the man we gotta give it to is Dwayne Johnson with his impression of Danny Devito's impression of a Grandpa.  Enjoy the episode!
Published 12/21/19
Feliz Navidad mi gente desviada, estrenamos un nuevo episodio esta semana. En este episodio queriamos hablar acerca de otra cosa verde aparte del arbol navideño. Genial lo adivinaron, es la marijuana. Hablamos acerca de los atitudes de los papas Mexicanos con el movimiento de marijuana y tambien del tiempo que Alex se puso cuete una Navidad.
Published 12/19/19
Second movie of our December movie down!  We caught the incredibly witty whodunit movie Knives Out!  We had a blast reviewing this one, and we discussed why James Bond AKA Daniel Craig was the perfect Private Eye with a southern draaaaawwww.  Enjoy!
Published 12/13/19
It's the holidays and we are officially starting the December line up with reviewing White Snake.  And as the title suggests we are not reviewing the 80s metal hair band.  So sadly fathers who just discovered to podcasts...this isn't the episode you were hoping for.  I hope you stick around and listen anyway because our episodes aren't unlike a White Snake concert.  There's lights, their pyrotechnics, and chest hair....well, enjoy the review! www.instagram.com/hstsc33 #podcast...
Published 12/06/19
Patty no podia grabar este episodio entonces felicidades a ustedes les toca una media hora escuchando los pensamientos de Alex sin filtros. Alex habla acerca de la habilidad de manejar conflictos, el miedo de pelear y cenas navidiensas de la oficina. Gracias por escuchar! www.instagram.com/sid3trckd #sidetrackedpodcast #navidad #podcastenespañol
Published 12/05/19
Thanksgiving episode! I hope you all have been enjoying the November Challenge we are winding it down. Patty exceeded her goal of losing 7 pounds and dropped 9 pounds! Alex will be seeing his improvement this Saturday to see how close he is to touching the rim. Today we busted out a new segment called the Topics bowl where we have 10 different bad habits written down, we each pick one, and debate which one is worse. Enjoy! #sidetrackedpodcast #thanksgiving
Published 11/29/19
The boys jump on the mics to review the brand new show on the brand new streaming service Disney plus. Just another subscription slowly adding up to cost as much as cable did. But before the review, June clears up some feelings about the new Pokemon Sword and Shield review, and reveals that in fact, he was not on the previous episode and it was some kind of imposter shadow. Enjoy the episode! #mandalorianreview #mandalorian #disneyplus Instagram: www.instagram.com/hstsc33
Published 11/22/19
En este episodio Alex y Patty hablan de su viaje a Ensenada Baja California. Llevaron a sus amigos Americanos y aunque fueron con much miedo, llegaron con un amor para el pais de Mexico. Tambien hablaron del famoso Castillo del Diablo y lo que hay adentro de ahi.
Published 11/20/19
Due to scheduling conflicts Alex, not unlike Kobe Bryant vs. the New York Knicks, carries the entire podcast on his back and does the episode solo. In this filler episode Alex talks about his experience at the San Diego Asian film festival, he does his best impressions of his missing co host and recommends music, animes, and games he thinks you, dear listeners, should be consuming. Cheers! www.instagram.com/hstsc33 #fillerepisode #hiddenshadowsofthesecretchamber #violetevergarden
Published 11/15/19
Are people at da club ok y'all? Alex and Patty psychoanalyze the psyche of the club going folk. No not in a snobby I'm better than these people way, but in a I was once of you and still kind of am and I'm concerned for you...also..by the end of the episode they kind of feel like going to a club. They also check in on their november challenge so far, and talk a little bit about the world of dating. www.instagram.com/sid3trckd #sidetrackedpodcast #clubmusic #novemberchallenge
Published 11/15/19
What's that?? Don't throw all your money away at another nostalgia bait movie again? There's actually other things to watch than 75 year old action movie stars try to convince you that they're somehow faster and stronger than the 25 year old super villains that they're fighting in the movie?? Find out all the answers to these questions, along with Nakonsy's security questions to reset his password on this episode!! #parasite2019review #moviereview #funnyreview
Published 11/08/19
Alex y Patty revelan los detalles del reto que van estar haciendo durante el mes de Noviembre. Se encuentran muy cansados, muy adoloridos, y con mucha hambre pero todo va valer la pena al fin del mes...esperemos. O y tambien se quejan de Trump. Disfrutan!! www.instagram.com/sid3trckd #sid3trckd #novemberchallenge #sid3trckdpodcast
Published 11/06/19
Alex and Patty put out a message to our listeners to send us in some questions and we answer them. We get into some deep stuff but all in all it was a good time. We also talk about a workout/diet challenge that will be starting at the beginning of November for 1 month! Keep track of our progress or join us by following us on www.instagram.com/sidetrackedpodcast #sidetrackedpodcast
Published 10/31/19
The boys get together to review 2 very monumental movies for the Halloween season. Well as monumental as Alex can handle since he can't handle scary movies. When is Tim Burton going to make another cute claymation movie for him?? The boys have a hilarious debate showing how strong their friendship is about what was missing in Maleficent 2 and brought it home with a silly and laugh filled review of Zombieland 2. Enjoy and thanks for sharing! #maleficent2review #zombieland2review...
Published 10/26/19
Hola todos soy Alex, del podcast Desviado.  Yo y Patty tubimos el gran honor de ser una entrevista con Baruch y Javier de Mas Que un trio Podcast.  Fue nuestra primera colaberacion y fijansen que fue muy divertido. Javier Y Baruch son de Bronzeville Texas y tienen un podcast bien divertido.  Bueno disfrutan el show y nos vemos en una semana! www.instagram.com/masqueuntrio www.instagram.com/sidetrackedpodcast
Published 10/23/19
Hey! Don't listen to Rotten Tomatoes, Will Smith and Ang Lee made an amazing movie. The boys talk about their favorite moments in Gemini man and how Ang Lee would have liked the movie to be viewed. Nakonsy also talks about how all the Will Smith movies are connected and it's all part of the Will Smith universe/cosmere and that he's just leading us along to the answers of the universe.  Enjoy! #geminimanreview #willsmith #rottentomatoes www.instagram.com/hstsc33 Please like, comment, and...
Published 10/18/19
Alex and Patty decided to talk in depth about why we spend so much time doing online quizzes and reading our horoscopes. They wanted to see how accurately their signs and element described them. Alex also discloses that he's a Hufflepuff, not sure if that's something you want to be bragging about boyo. At the end they talked about how horoscopes can be used in a positive way. Enjoy!
Published 10/16/19