Donald Trump is indicted for mishandling classified documents, but do Republican voters care? Kristen Soltis Anderson, founding partner of Echelon Insights, joins to contextualize the recent polling while Steve worries that no amount of indictments will get him out of buying Sarah a steak dinner. -CBS Indictment Poll -Bill Barr: “He is not a victim” -The Hayes' creamed spinach recipe remains classified. To easily follow High Steaks on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Overcast please follow...
Published 06/12/23
Published 06/12/23
Donald Trump is back on CNN and the live audience... loved him...? Does that tell us something about the soul of the GOP, or can we safely compartmentalize it as we check the odds of an astroid pivoting us away from a 2020 repeat? And how are we all feeling about ketchup?
Published 05/11/23
With a hot take that went bad faster than a wheel of cheese on a tanning bed, Jonah dials in to see whether Sarah and Steve can cut him into the bet. Is Biden planning to sit out the 2024 elections, as Jonah argues, or is he actually planning to announce next week, as The Washington Post reported mere hours after recording this podcast? Only history will tell.
Published 04/22/23
Sarah and Steve are on the road catching up on the latest in Trump world. Can an increasingly-worried Steve trick Sarah into downgrading the terms of the bet? Get the full High Steaks feed as a Dispatch member: https://members.thedispatch.com/account/feeds
Published 04/04/23
In this debut episode, Sarah and Steve review (and contest) the terms of the bet, before plunging into the red-meat analysis we're all here for. Can anything hinder Trump's odds at the nomination? Is Biden ready for another round? How dark will this first episode get? And how many steaks are actually... at stake? (I'll see myself out.) To get access to the full feed, participate in the drama and ask questions, and ensure you don't miss a single twist or turn in this epic contest, become a...
Published 03/21/23