Published 11/25/19
This podcast highlights National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, to increase awareness of the disproportionate impact of HIV on the Hispanic or Latino population in the United States and dependent territories. The podcast reminds Hispanics or Latinos that they have the power to take control of their health and protect themselves against HIV.
Published 10/14/14
Este podcast destaca el Día Nacional Latino para la Concientización acerca del SIDA, para aumentar el conocimiento sobre el impacto desproporcionado del VIH en la población hispana o latina en los Estados Unidos y sus territorios dependientes. El podcast hace recordar a los hispanos o latinos que ellos tienen el poder de tomar el control de su salud y protegerse contra el VIH.
Published 10/14/14
Como parte de la campaña Podemos Detener el VIH, Una Conversación a la Vez, este anuncio de servicio público de 30 segundos que anima a los hispanos o latinos a hablar abiertamente sobre el VIH/SIDA con la familia, los amigos, las parejas y en las comunidades.
Published 08/28/14
As part of the We Can Stop HIV One Conversation at a Time campaign, this 30 second PSA encourages Hispanics/Latinos to talk openly about HIV and AIDS with their families, friends, partners, and communities.
Published 08/28/14
Jamie Foxx, Academy Award winning actor and singer, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Jamie Foxx, Academy Award winning actor and singer, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Jamie Foxx, Academy Award winning actor and singer, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Jamie Foxx, Academy Award winning actor and singer, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Ludacris, award winning singer and actor, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Ludacris, award winning singer and actor, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Ludacris, award winning singer and actor, urges everyone to talk about HIV/AIDS and its prevention.
Published 07/24/12
Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, explains why it is important for people living with HIV to be tested for TB.
Published 07/23/12
In this podcast, singer Jamar Rogers shares his personal story in the Let's Stop HIV Together Campaign.
Published 07/16/12
In this podcast, singer Jamar Rogers shares his personal story in the Let's Stop HIV Together Campaign.
Published 07/16/12
In this podcast, singer Jamar Rogers shares his personal story in the Let's Stop HIV Together Campaign.
Published 07/16/12
In this podcast, singer Jamar Rogers shares his personal story in the Let's Stop HIV Together Campaign.
Published 07/16/12
This podcast features 22 individuals who encourage others in the fight against HIV.
Published 07/16/12
This podcast features 22 individuals who encourage others in the fight against HIV.
Published 07/16/12
This podcast features 22 individuals who encourage others in the fight against HIV.
Published 07/16/12
In observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Dr. Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, talks about the HIV/AIDS among African Americans and what steps can be taken on the national, state, local, and individual levels to address this epidemic.
Published 02/01/12
In observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Dr. Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, talks about the HIV/AIDS among African Americans and what steps can be taken on the national, state, local, and individual levels to address this epidemic.
Published 02/01/12
In observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Dr. Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, talks about the HIV/AIDS among African Americans and what steps can be taken on the national, state, local, and individual levels to address this epidemic.
Published 02/01/12
In observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Dr. Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, talks about the HIV/AIDS among African Americans and what steps can be taken on the national, state, local, and individual levels to address this epidemic.
Published 02/01/12