Welcome back to the fairytale kingdom for Super Shrek Sunday! That’s right, this week we’re gonna do an animated flick, and it’s the mad ogrish, Shrek.  Shrek is all about the loveable, curmudgeonly ogre who goes on a mission to win back his swamp and ends up with a half-woman, half-ogre side piece and a talking donkey. Shrek made an ass load of dough, became a new cultural phenom, and delivered too many annoying quotes from everyone who thought they could do a Scottish accent…you know who...
Published 09/03/23
We are travelling to the year 1990 this time, and we arrive from down under. Under where? Under Tom Selleck’s sexy Australian moustache, of course, while we check out his western drama, Quigley Down Under. QDU tells the tale of an American cowboy who heads to Australia for a job using his special skill, long-distance shooting. However, when he finds out he’s been hired by a genocidal Rickman, he flips sides and declares war on the homicidal maniac and his gang to save the Aboriginals and f**k...
Published 08/27/23
In 1995 Sam Raimi woke up from his slumber to find Bruce Campbell running his fingers through his hair. “Quickly want some head?” Bruce asked. Sam, a still groggy little spoon, misheard him and the rest is history, Quick and the Dead was born. Quick and the Dead tells the story of a small town gun fighter tournament which acts as the setting for a revenge and redemption plot featuring Sharon Stone, Leo DiCaprio, Gene Hackman, and an unknown Russel Crowe. This flick brought mixed reviews and...
Published 08/20/23
In 2010 the Coen brothers brought us a remake with real sand when they emerged from their Hollywood sex grottos with True Grit. Starring Jeff Bridges in the John Wayne role as Rooster Cogburn alongside Matt “rape stache” Damon, and Hailee Steinfeld in her breakout role as a young girl looking to avenge her father’s murder. This flick brought in a butt load of award nods and made a bushel full of cash along the way. But does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and Brent debate the age limits...
Published 08/13/23
In 2012 a man who goes by the name Tarantino brought us a story about a man named Django and his chains or lack thereof in Django Unchained! Tarantino brought another amazing cast together for this love story backdropped in a terrible, and not-too-distant past, featuring Jamie Foxx, Samuel Jackson, Leo, and Christoph Waltz alongside many bit parts by faces like Walton Goggins, Don Johnson, and even Jonah Hill. This flick brought Tarantino and Waltz an Oscar each, overcame a pile of...
Published 08/06/23
In the ‘90s we were spoiled by Roland Emmerich as he first birthed the timeless classic, Universal Soldier, only to follow it up with the stellar, Stargate. This flick takes us across the universe through a goopy portal as we follow a suicidal soldier and a fringe scientist into an alien desert to anger the sun god himself. No, not George Hamilton, the other one… Anywho, this flick made an ass load of dollars and even spawned a group of superfans called, Gaters…I know, right? But does it hold...
Published 07/30/23
In the year two thousand there was a guy named Guy who made a movie that snatched our attention called Snatch. Coincidence? I think not… This was the movie that really birthed Jason Statham’s career and gave the world one of Brad Pitt’s most beloved characters, Mickey, in addition to like 30 more characters for you to fall in love with too. Snatch snatched $85 million quid(?) from Mr. Ritchie’s initial $10 million budget, found a large cult following, and was good enough that they let him...
Published 07/23/23
Just before the new millennium, Joe Johnston brought a young Jake Gyllenhaal to the screen with October Sky. Coming to us from the dawn of the space age as Sputnik eclipsed the stratosphere and ignited a passion in a few kids and their town, despite a couple of dads being dicks all the time... Jake plays Homer, the key ingredient in a rocket group soup and along with his friends they fight against tradition and black lung as they try to win a college scholarship to escape their hellscape of a...
Published 07/16/23
In 1999 a strange thing happened—an unknown writer and two unknown directors decided to make an R-rated titty movie for teens and sexually repressed adult men who didn’t get laid in high school, and it f*****g worked! It also spawned a movie franchise with a total of nine films and countless exposed nipples, and the rest is history! The story follows our hero Jim and his horny friends Kevin, Oz and Finch (aka Shit Break) who all make a pack to punch their V tickets before they graduate. It...
Published 07/02/23
In 2004, Quentin Tarantino concluded Beatrix Kiddo's revenge saga as she works to complete her journey to the showdown with the deadliest snake-charming hippy ever in Kill Bill Volume 2. KB2 has a wild cast, with Uma Thurman as the Bride, David Carradine as the Bill to be Killed, Michael Madsen as Bill's brother Budd, Daryl Hannah as one-eyed Elle, Gordon Liu as the man who eats Pies in May, Michael Parks as a Latino baby daddy, and a host of other familiar faces. Made for $30M, Kill Bill 2...
Published 06/25/23
Hold onto your butts, folks, because on the latest episode of Hold Up, Jon, Colin, and Brent are locked, loaded, and ready to tackle the cinematic masterpiece known as "Enemy at the Gates." Is it a timeless war epic or a relic gathering more dust than grandma's strap-on collection? Well, strap in for a wild ride as these three self-proclaimed film aficionados take their shots at dissecting this flick. Picture this: Jon unleashes his witty banter like a sharpshooter aiming for your funny bone....
Published 06/18/23
Today we are going waaaaaay back in time to 1957 as we go for a long walk on a short bridge with David Lean’s, The Bridge on the River Kwai. This is a World War 2 epic about a bunch of POW’s that are captured in a dense jungle prison camp and are at odds with the camp general who has been tasked with having them build a railroad over the aforementioned bridge, over a river called “Kwai”. But why? Supplies! Anywho, this has the guy that played Obi-Wan, so that’s cool. Oh, also, it was the...
Published 06/11/23
In 2007 Zack Snyder took the grand challenge of converting a beloved graphic novel into a film. He immediately crammed as many hot dudes as he could find into a gym and began work on his historical action adaptation, 300. Starring the chinniest man of them all, Gerard Butler, as the Spartan king Leonidas who will disobey the council and take 300 of his best soldiers to a doomed battle against the evil Xerxes and his overactive glands. This flick took the world by storm when it came out...
Published 06/04/23
Did you know San Diego means whale vagina in German? Good morning, San Diego, and welcome to the Hold Up Podcast, I’m T**s McGee, and today we’ll be going over Adam McKay’s 2004 guffaw-inducing, Anchorman. This flick is responsible for more requoted lines than any other movie (source needed) and cemented Will Ferrell’s place in the comedy Hall of Fame. Starring some famous faces earlier in their career, Anchorman is joined by Paul Rudd, David Koechner, Steve Carrell, the beautiful Christina...
Published 05/28/23
Marc Forster went for an ambitious trip down a fantastical dramedy avenue when he brought us his 2006 feature, Stranger Than Fiction. Showing Will Ferrell in a more sincere role than he’s typically known for, Stranger Than Fiction brings us into the world of the writer as God; toiling with their creations until somehow one becomes aware of their puppet strings and must find a reason behind them or risk seeing his early demise. This film has a great supporting cast, featuring Maggie...
Published 05/21/23
Today we’re going old school with Todd Phillips' 2003 comedy hit, Old School. Luke Wilson stars as a loveable bachelor who finds his wife banging a ton of people and, as a result, finds himself learning how to live again. Fortunately, he has friends who help him get back under his feet by starting a frat full of mismatched outcasts. This flick modernized the old frat tropes, bringing a budding cast of comedy superstars and becoming an instant classic. But does it hold up? Listen in as Jon,...
Published 05/14/23
In 2010 Adam McKay taught us how to do a desk pop with his star-studded action comedy, The Other Guys. This flick brings us to the other side of the police force, the paper bitches and Yankee clippers, who support the hero’s doing the real police work. Well, this flick is about them getting their chance and people were all about it; making $170 million from a budget of roughly $90 million and unseating Inception at the top of the box office. But, does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and...
Published 05/07/23
In 2010, Simon Pegg allowed Edgar Wright to do a film without him, and the result was a stylish, mountain dew fueled, Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Based on the graphic novel, we are brought into the world of Scott Pilgrim, the 22-year-old loveable loser who is trying to get a record contract while dating a 17-year-old and also battling the seven evil exes of his new-new gf. Let’s be honest, this flick ate shit at the box office, but it was really well-reviewed and won a cult following in the...
Published 04/30/23
In 1988 Ron Howard released a long movie about little people with his fantasy adventure classic, Willow. We journey alongside a 17-year-old Warwick Davis as the title character, Willow. He is tasked with saving a child and achieving self-actualization as a scoundrel, and some brownies join him to fulfill his destiny. This movie made back a bunch of money but initially wasn't enough for the bougie bitches in Hollywood. They eventually reached a climax as the home market exploded, and it became...
Published 04/23/23
In 2008 Darren Aronofsky decided to unleash his emo rainbow in his ongoing quest to make humanity sad with, The Wrestler. Aronofsky unleashes the powerful Mickey Rourke as the title character, Randy “The Ram” Robinson, a superstar wrestler whose star has since faded and is unable to pursue his passion because his heart did a 30-foot powerbomb from the top of the ribcage. So, the Ram is determined to find another purpose in life, like strippers and kids. This flick fixed a career, made some...
Published 04/16/23
In 2001 Steven Soderbergh released his remake of the rat pack classic Ocean's Eleven featuring a cast to rival the star quality of the original. George Clooney stars as the man with the plan as he assembles a killer crew of thieves to rob 3 casinos while also stealing back his girl. This flick took a massive payday and birthed a few sequels but does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and Brent discuss proper villains falling into plot holes and debate our odds as we see if this caper stole...
Published 04/09/23
In 1997 Big Bobby Zemeckis connected us to the universe with Contact, a sci-fi drama based on Carl Sagan’s novel. Contact is about a brilliant scientist with daddy issues who is motivated only by her search for life in the cosmos. However, things get complicated when she finds a preacher with cum-gutters and actual alien messages. This flick was a hit with critics and featured some industry leading effects, including an Oscar nod for sound. But, does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and...
Published 04/02/23
Today we are racing back to 2003 to the exciting world of horse racing and oceanic snacks with Seabiscuit as we wrap up animal sidekick (almost) month. Gary Ross wrote and directed this Hollywood epic about an unlikely champion racing horse and his team of mismatched handlers and how they captured America’s hearts and gave them hope…it was a long time ago before influencers. Anywho, this little bastard is fast, but the movie is not, as we have a deep and thorough look at the time and place...
Published 03/26/23
For our second animal sidekick movie, we are rolling over to another buddy cop movie minus one Belush, add Tom Hanks and a different pooch, and you’ve got Turner and Hooch. This flick takes off after an old friend of Turner’s is killed, and he takes his giant mess of a dog to avoid it being put down. Then, T&H work together on solving the crime, and maybe they get laid a little, but they are at odds because one is a neat freak and the other a drooling slob, and then they do or don’t solve...
Published 03/19/23
Welcome back suckers! This week we kick off animal sidekick month, albeit a little late, with K-9. “What’s that?” you think to yourself, “a dog, cop movie or something?”. Good guess genius, that’s exactly what it is, a buddy cop dog flick starring none other than the Belush himself. Not that Belush, the other Belush. Anywho, this thing stars James Belushi, Ed O’Neill, Mel Harris, and Jerry Lee the loveable pup who has a thing for poodle pussy. This thing didn’t win any accolades and likely...
Published 03/12/23