Make a list of ALL the worst case scenarios and you will be enlightened to see that the worst that we think could happen isn't even the worst but yet we let is hold us back from doing the things we want to do. 
Published 04/08/19
Published 04/08/19
We need to acknowledge our creativity more and not be afraid to share it with the world. Embracing our creativity allows us to show up as our best because we are indulging in things that we actually enjoy and make us feel good. Make time to embrace your creative side and don't over think posting it and sharing it. 
Published 04/01/19
It's on us to communicate what we expect so that others can understand our needs. People are not psychic or mind readers, we have to clearly explain what our expectations are. We can't be upset when things don't work out and we discover people are not on the same page as us when we didn't take the time to facilitate the conversation about those core things that are important to us. 
Published 03/18/19
sometimes you just have to remind yourself why you are doing what you're doing and remind yourself the things you are grateful for, all the blessing over your life so that you can re gain perspective not to sweat the small stuff and get through a tough day or moment. 
Published 03/11/19
Touched on a couple of topics. Realizing that no one is coming helps keep you focused and hungry for your goals. Confidently making decisions without seeking validation and how we are filling up our tool belts.
Published 03/04/19
It's easy to become in autopilot mode where you are putting on a face to get through something rather than willingly showing up as your authentic self. What are the areas in your life where you are almost having to put on a face in order to show up and get through it?
Published 02/24/19
Why do we allocate so much time to moping around ? Dwelling is honestly so pointless. This is obviously difficult to gear into when things happen, but we know what's done is done and we should just put all our energy into the moving forward positively part. We allocate way too much time to dwelling. There is so much brightness and positive when we gear our effort in that direction.
Published 02/20/19
Are we doing enough to set ourselves up so that we experience less anxiety ? Yes it happens, it can just hit you, but what are we actually doing to try and help ourselves ?
Published 02/14/19
We just need to be more kinder to ourselves. It's easy to be hard on yourself when you're already down, but how about just acknowledging what you feel and just having your moment. You're human though boo, it's okay.
Published 02/04/19
Diving deeper into what the actual root of the root is. We have to be open and honest about the root of the root in order to start doing the work to eliminate these false limiting self beliefs. You gotta get to the root of the root. Not always easy conversations to have but it's where healing starts. 
Published 01/28/19
Once we figure out and acknowledge what the root is for some of these insecurities we have, then we can actually start to set ourselves up to overcome them. It's hard sometimes to go to that place of the actual why, but that's where the progression and over coming starts. 
Published 01/14/19
No more over thinking it, just go and do it now. You might as well just try right away, just jump right in, it feels right right now you know you want to do it so just do it now. Why keep procrastinating ? You've over analyzed enough you might as well just try it and get it out the way that you applied yourself and tried that thing. You're not a magician you can't thing-a-magic the outcome so just do it and get your answer.
Published 01/09/19
Your journey is about going through experiences so that you can figure out your worth. You get to set the standard in your life for how people should treat you. Ultimately how people are treating you is what you are allowing. Know your worth and keep that standard in your life.
Published 12/17/18
I recorded this right when i was leaving the gym on Saturday, Dec 8 morning. Right in the moment i wanted to share with you what i've been doing, what's working for me right now and remind you to push yourself and as always to just find what works for you and rock with that.
Published 12/10/18
Audit your circle, audit who you are spending your time with, are they bringing you value, are you bringing them value and if they are bringing value to your life, take a moment and acknowledge them.
Published 12/03/18
All my goal crushers who are grinding hard and putting your best effort forward towards what you want for yourself, take a minute and just give yourself a pat on the back, take a minute and acknowledge how bad ass you really are. This is a reminder of how amazing you are and how much all you're putting in will pay off. Sometimes we get so into it because that's just how our ambition and drive is set up, so please take this moment and acknowledge your bad ass self.
Published 11/26/18
Appreciate your lone wolf journey/stage of your life and use it to get to know you, do the things you love, fall in love with yourself and become confident that you alone are enough. Don't be ashamed of this time in your life, every season of our life, every chapter of our life is necessary for our growth and in order for us to reach our fullest potential.
Published 11/19/18
We are all tired, we are all busy, we all have things going on, excuses are excuses, it's either you're doing it or not. Stop complaining, it's either you want it and your actions will show that. Enough excuses and complaining. Enough already!
Published 11/12/18
It's not too late to commit to just going all in on your goal. Going tunnel vision for months to a year can be what will take you to that next level. Saying no to certain activities and people, really practising discipline, utilizing all the minutes in a day you have, all those key aspects of going into a deep laser focused tunnel vision are what will allow you to truly elevate.
Published 11/05/18
You have to put things in place in order to get into alignment. It doesn't just happen on it's own. You figure out what actions make you feel aligned with your day and also your goals and you have to make those daily habits that then grow into automatic behaviours which in turn put you into alignment. Figure out what those things are and then put things in place that allow you to see them through.
Published 10/29/18
We all experience getting out of our momentum of being on routine, being on schedule and on high energy with everything and this is normal. Embrace the rut, take some time off, immerse yourself in things that will recharge you, sometimes best is doing absolutely nothing. Being in a rut is normal and necessary so that you re-group and come back ready to elevate.
Published 10/22/18
Stop planning already and just start. Forget about the little details and who cares what "they" will think, start NOW!. You deserve to go after your dreams and whatever your heart desires. Just Start.
Published 10/15/18
Free yourself up and own up to your mistakes, your insecurities, your story and your journey. Owning it and laying it all on the table eliminates anybody having power over you with it. Don't have shame in your game, it all has made you the beautiful soul that you are today. All of it was necessary so own it.
Published 10/07/18
We all have things that are automatic in our lives wether its a thought pattern, things that we say, behaviours that we do, decisions that we make, there are things that we automatically do just because it has been the habit. We need to stop and analyze some if these automatics because they are exactly what can be hindering us from elevating.
Published 09/30/18