Welcome back! It’s the New Year still maybe?!?! Hey! We are out of episodes that we totally didn’t do ahead of time! Also, I totally didn’t forget the order in which I was supposed to publish those episodes! Talking points - Consuming not just the hair of the dog that bit you, but the entire dog; it’s totally 2018 when we recorded this and I don’t use this fact to confuse HippoGriff at all, I break the space time continuum yet again, we have great pranks for people, I say some possibly...
Published 01/09/18
Welcome back! It’s the New Year! Hey! I bet you didn’t think this would come out today. You were almost right. Talking points - Adult arcades, questions about the timeline, Kaiser hates stickers, Kaiser is mostly drunk the entire time, Jeff Bridges doesn’t save enough penis for us all, professional YouTubering, and Kaiser forgets his new last name for the umpteenth time. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing podcasts! Go give them a listen!
Published 01/03/18
Welcome back! NO MORE SERIES FOR A LONG TIME! Hey! Sorry for the late episode. Blame everyone leaving for the holidays and Breath of the Wild. Talking points - I don’t really remember, but probably some s**t about gorillas and lasers. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing podcasts! Go give them a listen!
Published 12/27/17
Welcome back! WE WERE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT EPISODE 8! I HAVE A FEELING THAT I DIDN’T SLEEP WITH THE REAL FORGE JUCAS. Also, HippoGriff forgot his mic. He had to use his laptop one. Talking points - HippoGriff and Kaiser say some dumb s**t about stuff and spacebears and Kaiser doesn’t like the movie but HippoGriff does so there’s that. Look. I am working every day for the rest of the year until New Year's Eve and my wife is waking me up every day after only around five hours of sleep by...
Published 12/20/17
Welcome back! WE HAVE SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 8! I SLEPT WITH FORGE JUCAS TO GET THESE, SO YOU BETTER BE THANKFUL. Talking points - I don’t know. Some s**t probably. Look. It’s been a long day. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing stuff like Avocado Toast and The Crazy Town Podcast!
Published 12/13/17
Welcome back! I don't know why the audio is clicky on my end. I will eventually go back and redo my recordings, but that will take a while and I don't have time right now. It’s a bad movie that's really easy to talk about! Talking points - F*****g George Lucas by proxy and stupid f*****g re-branded teddy bears. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing stuff like Pizza Bros and Blood and Black Rum!
Published 12/13/17
Welcome back! It’s HippoGriff’s Birthday today! It’s a great movie that is really hard to talk about! Talking points - Birthdays near Christmas, Protips for Left for Dead 2, and WEEOOOEEEOOEEE. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing stuff like Pizza Bros and Blood and Black Rum!
Published 12/06/17
Welcome back! Thankskilling was better than this one. F**k this movie. Don’t watch it. Don’t watch Star Wars at all. Talking points - Favourite Star Wars Ships, Kaiser sighs, goes through the five stages of grief, tells all the Yoda sympathizers to f**k off, and starts doing some good good yelling. HippoGriff cowers. Kaiser then goes on to blame Yoda for the fall of the republic. Kaiser then writes about himself in the first person and starts getting really upset at this garbage movie. We...
Published 11/29/17
Welcome back! Happy Turkey Day and National American Genocide Day! I apologize for HippoGriff’s fan. I don’t know what is causing it right now, but I will figure it out and remove that background noise! Talking points - We play a song from my buddy Glitch Blade, Kaiser calls out HippoGriff on food choice, a quick Latvia jab, Thanksgiving, No Homo jokes, Bad Borat impressions, getting foody with our condoms, Dom Jeans, and checking giblets for clues. Here’s a link to the song I used today!...
Published 11/24/17
Welcome back! Another movie that doesn’t inspire hope in me for existence in general! I apologize for the random spaces. We were very tired for this one and I was feeling a bit under the weather. But hey! We are halfway done! Talking points - Milking Star Wars for years, Selling out big time, freestyle rapping, and misreading Einstein. Kaiser does some bad jokes and laughs alone at them. HippoGriff gets upset over 9/11 again. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have...
Published 11/22/17
It's our One Year anniversary! Isn't that something? I can't believe we have come this far. This week, we watched Bee Movie. It was popular again in the month when we started our podcast. It was another German Impressionist film, so yeah. Of course we were going to do it. Talking points - More Dick jokes. Too many Bee puns. I'm just so sorry about all this. Kaiser discusses the anti-communism themes and HippoGriff talks about lightning planes. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast...
Published 11/21/17
Welcome back! We watched a movie decent enough that I forgot it was a Star Wars movie. Hey. This one wasn’t that bad. I am excited for some of that good good OG Trilogy baby! Talking points - a-chicken a-parm-a-giana, stealing jokes from Gif Recipes, churrrrrrro, Seto Kyber, fever speech, understanding references, an entire planet that can destroy weapons, Mona Lisa with a non-erect phallus on her face, cheap antidepressants, we mention our only good joke again, Kaiser is an award winning...
Published 11/15/17
Why. Why did we do this... This week, we watched Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke Of The West. Good stuff for sure. Talking points - An awful joke, an apology, and some quotes! As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing stuff on there!
Published 11/08/17
Welcome back! We watched a movie much better than any Star Wars movie. A GOOD MOVIE HOLY S**T PERFECT FOR SUCH A SP00PY DAY. I lost my voice through this! I made a song for this too! Talking points - D00T!, Picking up fat chicks, scary remixes, Racist stereotypes, and spooky cotton candy. The song I remade for this used this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTgFtxHhCQ0 I own no rights to the original song and my edits and use of edited song are made in good faith without...
Published 11/01/17
Welcome back! More space politics and what a robot thinks human beings act like! Holy shit. I didn’t remember the prequels being this bad. I hear the voice of Ahmed Worst screeching “OBI” in my nightmares. Talking points - Stealing snacks on an airplane, cookie butter, diarrhea buckets, tagline and movie cost correlation, and talking about Kaiser’s other endeavours. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing stuff like Turning back the pages and Vaguely...
Published 10/31/17
Welcome back! We did a thing. Oh boy. Star Wars is not great with science. Not at all. This is also not a great movie. Yeah. Sorry. Jar Jar was a mistake. Don't do bad movies like this. Come on now. Nobody gives two s***s about drawn out space politics. More lasers and battles and laser swords and force things. Talking points: Bullying and gatekeeping, trapping HippoGriff in a long ass recording session, and burning through all of our science in the first movie. Make sure to follow us on...
Published 10/24/17
Hey... So... We got a little bit drunk. Just a bit. I personally had both tequila and a high percent beer. It was lovely. We watched a thing. Words cannot describe how beautiful it is. It was a horrific shitfest with awful editing and sound and action and actual plagiarism. Also lots of Islamic stuff. PM me and I can send you the file. Somehow this was better than Star Trek 5 or 3. I made the music. I will probably make more music soon.
Published 10/18/17
Welcome back! I hope you enjoy this podcast on our now second favourite movie! I am sorry. I was feeling really sleepy the day we recorded. We have about as much pacing as Blade Runner - The Final Cut. Talking points - Kaiser makes a quarky joke, HippoGriff refuses to read aloud or acknowledge an edit Kaiser made, and we get really sleepy with this. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! They have lots of good stuff like Blood and Black Rum and Coming Clean!
Published 10/11/17
***SPOILERS FOR BLADE RUNNER 2049*** ***SPOILERS FOR BLADE RUNNER 2049*** ***SPOILERS FOR BLADE RUNNER 2049*** Welcome. This is the best movie we have ever seen. Watch the movie at least once before listening to this. We don't have a whole lot of stats on this as we watched it the day before it came out. It comes out today. Watch this movie. We abandoned our traditional outline in favour of just talking about this movie. We recorded this while tired as we recorded right after we saw the...
Published 10/06/17
Hello! Sorry this went up so late! We had some technical difficulties. We will put out our Blade Runner episode and our Blade Runner 2049 episode this week most likely. There are probably talking points. Who knows. I only had an hour to edit. I'm sorry. There wasn't a whole lot I could do about this today. I used the Gerudo Valley theme from The Legend of Zelda series today. I own no rights to it.
Published 10/04/17
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR2XYraqyqs We get a bit serious here. I enjoy doing this podcast, but you can hear the depression I experience once we start discussing the movie. We are done. I’m done. HippoGriff is done. Talking points: Being more excited for Blade Runner 2049 than my wedding, shooting people already, and SABOTAGE! Next week, we watch an actually good movie. I… I don’t want to even think about this anymore. I’m done. Please excuse HippoGriff’s click pen.
Published 09/27/17
Welcome back! We watched yet another s****y Star Trek movie! We joined Ace Podcast Network! You can check them out here: acepodcasts.com We made some changes to stuff and I also made another song for this intro. Let me know what you think! Talking points: Banana radiation. That's it. That was our best bit. Make sure to follow us on twitter @HollywoodScienc, email us at [email protected], and tell your friends! Leave us a review too! That would really rustle my jimmies.
Published 09/20/17
Hello all! Welcome back! I finally put this episode out. Be prepared for next Tuesday when we do the next episode! This week, we watched the reboot Star Trek. It was much better than I thought it would be, but was somehow worse with the science. Talking points: Lots of forcing and not the good kind, filling chasms with Mormons, and USE A GOD DAMNED LASER GUN. We have something in the works for you all! We are going to be revamping our whole style, adding extra parts, adding better music,...
Published 09/16/17
Hello! Sorry I was late! I will have another one in a day or two for you. This week, we watched yet another s****y Star Trek movie. We are almost done. Talking points: Mandarin Chicken Tea, probably some other stuff. I am tired.
Published 09/13/17