I did the thing! Sorry the episode is late. This will probably be a regular occurrence as I don't get paid at all for this and it takes about 10 hours of editing per episode. Woof. Really, It's my fault for learning more and more about audio editing to the point I have to use all I know in all my work. It takes a lot of time. I don't get the same kick out of learning and editing like I used to anymore. Honestly, I think it was because I was getting paid to do it and this seemed like a silly...
Published 02/26/19
Published 02/26/19
Welcome back! Sorry for the super late episode. This one took a really long time to edit to where I was happy with it. It's done now though, so yay! Give us a listen!
Published 02/12/19
Published 01/31/19
Welcome back! We have another short episode! It's great stuff. We talk about wonderful and horrible and unrealistic things. Give it a check. Or a listen. I don't know. I'm just a lazy description.
Published 01/25/19
We're back? We are! I don't sound like I am, but that's just because this movie sucked all the ass! Go read the book. Or better yet, go pirate the book so no proceeds go to the cult of Scientology or anyone related to it. It's a fantastic book that I want to read again, but it's a horrible movie. Just the worst. We will likely be doing weekly episodes again! Hooray!
Published 01/17/19
WE ARE BACK! HUZZAH! Honestly, I was in a slump and working way too much. This new move cost us a lot of money and I can't even look at school as an option until I am back on my feet. Yeah. It's harsh. We'll make it though. The reason I haven't been able to do this is that I have no time, and when I did, I didn't want to do more of what I do for work for free. It's a dumb thing to worry about. I do this because it's fun and I was just too worn out to enjoy it. Please be patient in the next...
Published 07/17/18
We are back! With something bad! Give it a listen and tell me what you think of the new editing style!
Published 06/14/18
Yep. This was actually a wonderful episode and very over edited. Enjoy!
Published 05/03/18
Hey there! I did a couple of things that were pretty great. I learned and grew as a person. I also did my ASMR voice the entire time. Sorry about that. Go check out my stream at twitch.tv/lordreverend and help me achieve my goal of becoming an affiliate!
Published 04/25/18
Hey there! We are joined by Sean Faust for this one! Make sure to check out all of his stuff! He's on twitter @SeanFaust and @WDIMPodcast! It's a show I personally love listening to and would suggest to anyone wanting something real.
Published 04/18/18
Hey yo. I'm traveling and without literally any of my things to do a podcast with. I also just got to my place after driving. Anyway, I'm sorry for what we did for this movie. It's a great one. I will be back home soon and we will do a better podcast for the next one. Huzzah!
Published 04/11/18
Hello! Welcome back! We have a wonderful guest for this episode. Matt from Geekend Warriors! We have fun! Go check his shit out!
Published 04/04/18
Hey yo. Go vote on our twatter poll!
Published 03/27/18
Hey hey! We are trying some new stuff this time around! It's awesome! Just give it a listen!
Published 03/21/18
Fart Planet Functioning Penises
Published 03/14/18
Hello! Welcome to the description! This week, we watched Cloud Atlas! We did a thing. It wasn't perfect or good, but it was all right. Not much science, but we do talk about stuff. Go check out the things! And the stuff, too, if you feel so inclined!
Published 03/07/18
Whew lads. We got it out. I am going to be a bit honest with you guys. I am in a bit of a rut. I have made money from streaming. I have 15 followers at the time of writing this stuff. This is compared to the ~150 listens per week here and our 2,100 twitter followers. HippoGriff and I haven't seen a single cent from this podcast since we started. It's so rough sometimes to try to keep going after putting in so much effort. Even editing, I find it hard to spend the hours I normally do working...
Published 02/28/18
Welcome back! Back to our non-live (dead?) shows! Hooray! We got the episode done in time today! Talking points - Mostly just a lot of Hunger Games and PUBG jokes, man. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing podcasts! Go give them a listen!
Published 02/21/18
Oh boy. We watched a video that was three seconds long. A movie. 1888. It wasn't bad. Pretty fun though. The live show wasn't bad. I guess. How about you watch it? Here it is! https://imgur.com/gallery/jpcKygX
Published 02/13/18
Welcome back! We have a live show this week! If you have figured out where Chupacabra is, go to the synonym for crossroads near the towers on a college campus at 1 pm this Saturday, February 10th and we will be there! Talking points - I channel my inner Mr. Torgue, explosions happen, we look up explosion facts, some explosive mind sex happens, and then my mind exploded after that so I forgot what else happened. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing...
Published 02/07/18
Welcome back! It is our second guest episode! We are joined today by Rob from Gamma Radio and we had a lot of fun! Thanks for joining us, Rob! Talking points - I get the god damned show on the road, more burrites, Rob joins the party and HippoGriff and I immediately subconsciously adopt bad English accents, Hell exists and it is bad latency, cruelty free coffee, I do some nerd shit, we talk about cider drinkers and isopods, I get stopped as I wonder what the whole thing about mechanical...
Published 01/30/18
Welcome back! IT’S ELIJAH WOOD’S BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy birthday, you beautiful man. I would have met you in real life but I couldn’t get $80 out of the ATM there. Next time, for sure! Talking points - IT’S ELIJAH WOOD’S BIRTHDAY AND GRIFFIN DOESN’T KNOW THE WORDS TO HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kaiser eats a burrito, HippoGriff doesn’t feel at home on this world anymore, Kaiser eats another burrito, we bastardize burritos into burrites, Kaiser realizes his jokes are bad, Kaiser remembers not to write in...
Published 01/28/18
Welcome back! We have a new worst movie... Oh my god. To the at least 8 people that told us to watch this, f**k you. Talking points - We talk about the movie for maybe 20 minutes and then f**k around for the last 30. It’s far better than if we talked about the movie. Honestly, I have seen better home movies shot by people who had never held a camera. HippoGriff maintains a half chub. Kaiser gets depressed again. As always, we are a part of the Ace Podcast Network! We have lots of amazing...
Published 01/24/18
Welcome back! We are here again with I guess our 50th normal episode? I thought we did a thing for our 50th episode, but I guess those were bonus episodes and grovpologies included. Talking points - More clone s**t, we s**t on IMDb pro, s****y taglines, we have a s****y connection take a s**t on us, Val Kilmer gets his s**t together, and we talk the s**t and say s**t about this movie that actually wasn’t s**t. We also don’t say any s**t about this being our 50th episode. As always, we are...
Published 01/17/18