Published 10/19/20
DHS is deployed against U.S. citizens and descends upon nationwide protests for racial justice. Just how far will this go?
Published 10/19/20
As a deadly pandemic looms, DHS doubles down on plans to abolish immigration to the U.S.—sickness and death be damned.
Published 10/12/20
The Trump administration gets ahold of DHS and implements a new, horrific policy: Family Separation.
Published 10/05/20
The Obama administration locks up families and labels mothers and their children as national security threats—setting the stage for Trump’s crackdown on immigration.
Published 09/28/20
Instead of hope and change, a new regime conscripts local law enforcement to do DHS’s bidding and furthers the narrative of the “bad immigrant.”
Published 05/27/20
A new economy forms around detaining immigrants, handing power to private corporations with financial incentives and deep ties to Washington. There is no turning back.
Published 05/27/20
Congress approves extraordinary funding to secure the border in the name of national security—not thinking through the practical implications or unintended consequences.
Published 05/27/20
A nation shaken by an unprecedented attack on the homeland immediately searches for ways to regain control.
Published 05/27/20
I'm Erika Andiola: immigrant, activist, and host of the new podcast Homeland Insecurity, which asks "How did immigrants like me become the enemy?"
Published 05/13/20