because you may have fizzled out in December!  Whether you are thinking about homeschooling, are new to homeschooling, or have been homeschooling for years, listen to this podcast for a suggestion on how to start the new with year off with a less-stressful, more enjoyable homeschool experience than before!  
Published 01/03/15
Published 01/03/15
With the holidays often comes a time of stress and commercialization and we often end up dreading, rather than enjoying one of the most important holidays of the year for Christians!  Why not plan a holiday co-op so that your family can join along with others to celebrate while serving this year?  If you begin planning now, you can make this year's Christmas experience one that your family long remembers.  Listen in as I share a few ideas on how to make a holiday co-op fun and...
Published 11/24/14
    Joyce Herzog (teacher/author/consultant/speaker) has been a friend to homeschooling families for over 20 years.  Listen to this interview and be encouraged to help your children learn in spite of labels, or in spite of curriculum that does not seem to be working, or in spite of the naysayers!!  Curriculum is to be a guide, not a god!  Joyce offers all kinds of great advice and she shares a few secrets that teachers never tell!    
Published 11/10/14
Homeschooling should be a natural extension of your family life!  Learn while living!  Learn while loving!  And, while you are at it, teach your children to love learning!  Join us today as I interview Dr. Mary Hood, an expert in the field of enjoying a successful, yet relaxed homeschool experience! Check out Mary's websites here: http://archersforthelord.org/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/maryhoodgroupies/
Published 10/15/14
Is your homeschooling experience less- than- exciting?  Are you ready to throw in the towel or, worse, throw out the kiddos?  Have your expectations for a great year already been demolished by reality?  If so, listen in and receive some advice that might make things better.              
Published 10/03/14
It is vital to be intentional about specific subject matters to be included in teen co-ops in order to help students think critically, speak articulately, question respectfully, understand the world around them and, most importantly, be ready always to give a gentle answer for the hope they have!  This podcast gives specific instructions for including power point, current events, worldviews, debates, break-out sessions and more in order to prepare students for life after high school by...
Published 05/27/14
Teaching children to master public speaking skills is a must, and using the safe and friendly environment of a co-op makes this task easy!  Listen in to hear specific instructions on how to be intentional as you plan public speaking opportunities for the students who attend co-ops.   After all, we do want our children to be ready always to give an answer!
Published 05/14/14
This podcast will answer the questions below that have been asked by those who have yet to enjoy homeschooling co-op style: * How in the world do I find people to co-op with when so many of my friends are either engrossed in a compete curriculum or they already belong to a larger, formal co-op? * Is every parent expected to participate? * Does every student have to participate? * Are adults ever involved who do not have children in the co-op? * What if your group, for one reason...
Published 04/16/14
Now is the time to start thinking about fall co-ops.  If you have never been a part of a co-op, consider giving it a try next fall.  You will find the experience quite rewarding!  Several of our podcasts on the Ultimate Radio Network discuss how to start a co-op, but this week's podcast will give you specific step-by-step instructions for how to begin now planning for the fall!  Below is a sample parental assignment chart as well as the front page of a co-op...
Published 04/02/14
Listen in as Kendra Fletcher, a fellow Ultimate Radio Show host and a mother of 8, shares her co-oping experiences!  Sometimes Kendra's co-ops included only one other family while at other times more joined in! Using the strengths of additional parents greatly enhances the co-op experience!   Neither Kendra nor I care for dissecting animals so we love that we can turn duties like that over to the parents who do enjoy dissections.  In this picture Kendra's children and their friends are...
Published 03/19/14
Meet Terri who has worked part-time and full-time through her homeschooling adventure.  Listen in as she describes her co-op experiences and be encouraged to give homeschooling co-op style a chance!
Published 02/19/14
1, 2, 3's of Starting a Co-op   Join me as I give simply, step-by-step instructions for starting a successful co-op!  Use the handout included that goes along with the podcast!  (Click on the blue link '1, 2, 3's of Starting a Co-op.)
Published 02/04/14
Melanie is a psychologist, author, radio show host, and a homeschool mom of six who loves to homeschool co-op style!  Join me as I interview Melanie tomorrow and hear about her co-op experiences!  For more information about Melanie, go to her website at http://www.psychowith6.com/
Published 01/22/14
  Join me as I interview Carol Topp, CPA extraordinaire as we discuss the ins and outs of money matters in regard to co-ops and other issues that pertain to homeschoolers (such as fund raising)!  If you are like me, the thought of formalizing your co-op into a non-profit might not have entered your mind.  However, there are benefits to becoming a non-profit and, if you hire teachers you may find it quite beneficial.   Carol Topp is a retired homeschooling mom who is also an...
Published 01/01/14
This week's interview is with Charlotte, a homeschooling mom who struggled through an unwanted divorce.  Never having participated in co-ops before, she decided to give it a try and has not regretted it for a minute.  Listen in on December 18th at 10:00 am EST as Charlotte shares her experiences.  
Published 12/16/13
Felice and I met at a homeschooling convention many years ago and have been friends ever since!  Felice has a heart for encouraging, training, and helping homeschooling families enjoy their homeschool adventure.   Listen in as Felice shares her co-oping experiences as well as her thoughts and advice regarding making the study of science (as well as other subjects) meaningful! Added bonus:  Hear how Felice and her daughter, Christine, began writing the Truth Seekers mystery series of...
Published 12/04/13
When I first saw this product  advertised I could not wait to get my hands on it.   I so hoped it would meet my expectations and it did!!!   Finding a curriculum that encourages students to think, discuss, study, and share is rare, but Philosophy Adventure fits the bill!  Why philosophy is an elective and not a mandated subject is beyond me!  Listen in as Stacy Farrell shares her motivation for creating this wonderful product that can be used either by an individual or in a classroom or co-op...
Published 11/20/13
I had been homeschooling my children for several years before being introduced to homeschooling co-op style and it changed my life!  On this show I interview my friend, Edress, who invited my family to join her co-op.  This introduction to homeschooling co-op style changed the direction of our academic experience in a huge way.  Listen in to hear more about the ins and outs of co-ops as well as a few stories on how our co-op experience led our family in a few entrepreneurial...
Published 11/06/13
Discover how easy it is to plan, organize and start a homeschooling co-op!  Include a few parents who will help you prepare for an adventure that is sure to please your students, improve skills that require group situations, and make the most of your homeschooling experience.   This broadcast will cover the basic questions: When should your co-op meet? How often should you meet? Where do you meet? Who do you ask to join you? How long do you meet each time? For how many weeks do you...
Published 10/23/13
Listen in to an interview with Ryan Sprague.  Ryan is an author, pastor, homeschool dad, former athlete and co-op guest speaker.  Discover how your co-op can be enhanced with intention and purpose.   Ryan played on FSU championship team and he played for the pros!  Join our show to hear a little bit about his life as well as his involvement with co-ops!    Ryan's newest book, Seasons, is a book that should be read by all teens and young adults.  This book would make a great addition to a teen...
Published 10/16/13
Our first broadcast includes an interview with Suzanne, who is conducting a co-op in Florida for teens. Co-ops provide a way to meet a few goals that are not easily met in the home (particularly if you have a small family). Suzanne's co-op includes lessons in worldview, current events, conflict resolution, the Constitution and more, including breakout sessions, student presentations and guest speakers! Listen in to find out more! Here are a few benefits to homeschooling, co-op style: 1....
Published 10/09/13
Welcome to Homeschooling Co-op Style — a weekly podcast hosted by Pat Wesolowski. Pat began homeschooling her nine children more than 25 years ago. It didn’t take her long to discover that co-ops were a perfect fit for her educational goals. Co-ops allowed her family to study together with other families, creating a safe and friendly environment that was conducive to honing public speaking skills. Sharing responsibilities with other parents lessened the stress and the workload. After years of...
Published 09/25/13