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The word “collection” usually conjures up in one’s mind valuable antiques and jewellery being sold at auctions, or rare and priceless objects that belong in museums. But many collectors have been quietly gathering everyday objects of the past using their own time and resources. The volume of the items collected and the breadth of the categories covered by these “personal private museums” are formidable and can rival any museum in the world. The 20th series of “Hong Kong Story” will be looking at these “personal private museums” and the passion the owners have for their collections. The...
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Hong Kong’s plastic toys were once known worldwide. To preserve that glorious past, KK has been collecting plastic toys made between the 60s and 80s. By displaying them at home, he has made them part of his life. Joel, on the other hand, has been exhibi
Published 06/26/13
Published 06/26/13
Hong Kong’s plastic toys were once known worldwide. To preserve that glorious past, KK has been collecting plastic toys made between the 60s and 80s. By displaying them at home, he has made them part of his life. Joel, on the other hand, has been exh...
Published 06/26/13
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