Pastor Bobby teaches on the kingdom of God and shares that it is found on earth as it is in heaven. When we are submitted to God’s ways, heavenly life comes to earth, and this is the foundation for a successful life that’s made available to all believers. 
Published 06/10/24
Pastor Chad Blake teaches from Luke 6, the story of a man who comes to Jesus for healing. When Jesus tells the man to get up, stand in front of everyone, and stretch out his hand in faith, he is healed. His healing came through his action in faith!
Published 06/03/24
Pastor Bobby teaches from Job chapter 42. Faith unlocks the provision of heaven. It is the attitude and belief that comes from the knowledge of God’s word that opens up our lives to God’s provision, health, life, restoration, forgiveness and meaning. Everything we want and need in life comes by faith!
Published 05/28/24
Pastor Bobby teaches from John chapter 4, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. This woman is searching for something and finds the living water that can only come from knowing God. Her past does not keep her from fulfilling her destiny. God can heal your heart and change your future!
Published 05/20/24
Pastor Bobby’s teaching is found in Exodus - the story of Moses. God opens a door for Moses, yet he tries to close it with five different excuses. When God opens a door for you, walk through it!
Published 05/13/24
Pastor Bobby teaches from James chapter 1, and asks the question: ‘how do trials create joy in our life?’  God asks us not to shy away from the trial, but to get stronger, get better, get the skills and the wisdom. There’s no limit to the person you can become if you work on yourself.
Published 05/06/24
Pastor Bobby shares that the biggest way to overcome fear is with love. He teaches there are two lives you can lead: one led by fear and the other by love. Do not limit your life in God because of age, lack of education, or past decisions. Instead, be passionate about what is possible in your life!
Published 04/29/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you if you’re going through a challenge, a difficult situation or a crossroads, is to ask God for a word. One word from God can transform your life forever!
Published 04/22/24
Pastor Bobby teaches that Jesus commands us to do greater things than He did, and the scriptures give us two ways on how to do that, with today’s message, “How to Have a “Greater Things” Life.”
Published 04/15/24
Pastor Chad Blake's encouragement for you is to always remember: your best is still yet to come! God will heal you, open doors for you, break chains of brokenness and addiction, and give you a future.
Published 04/08/24
Pastor Bobby brings a powerful Easter message entitled, “The Ever-Abounding Love of God.”  Found in Luke 15, Jesus is teaching the Pharisees three parables on the one hundred, the ten and the one. No matter what your story is, God loves you right where you are, just as you are, and He’s asking you to come home and be made into a new creation.
Published 04/01/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is to make choices that expand your life, even though they may be hard. A will to life means you make hard choices to get great outcomes, so reject a will to death and instead embrace a will to life.
Published 03/25/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement today is to take care of the roots; of what people don’t see, of your thoughts and your heart, of who you’re becoming, and everything else will take care of itself.
Published 03/18/24
Pastor Bobby teaches that today’s message is going to show how to get a freedom to release the dream or calling God has placed inside of you, and that with that release, you will put to death the spirit of fear.
Published 03/11/24
Pastor Bobby’s message today is entitled, “The #1 Reason People Can’t Get a Breakthrough.”  Faith comes from hope, and that faith, a godly kind of Bible faith, creates action inside of us. Action comes from faith! 
Published 03/04/24
Pastor Bobby teaches from the book of Romans, chapter 4, where Paul is convincing people of his transformation by faith, not by the law. Bobby teaches on three specific ways that Paul’s life changed in today’s message.
Published 02/26/24
Pastor Bobby offers six ways that unstoppable dreamers rise above.
Published 02/20/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you today is to ask God for a double portion. Every single person is called to a great purpose from God, and today, Pastor Bobby shares three steps to finding your purpose.
Published 02/12/24
Pastor Bobby teaches on the Biblical principle that tells us a refiners fire is how obstacles fuel success, but that ironically, we need those very obstacles to become the people God has called us to be.
Published 02/05/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is to see people the way God sees them – through the eyes of love, with today’s message.
Published 01/29/24
Pastor Bobby’s challenge today is to become more than 99% of people. Your life can be bigger, you can experience more, love more, touch more lives, dream more dreams, and accomplish more. Think about tomorrow when you make your decisions today. Begin with the end in mind and things will go better.
Published 01/22/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is whatever you do in life, do it with passion, love and enthusiasm.
Published 01/16/24
Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is to train yourself to become a magnet for what you need. Commit to becoming the person that attracts the thing you want, instead of hoping that when you’re out there, you’ll find it, with today’s message.
Published 01/08/24
On this New Year’s Eve Sunday, Pastor Chad Blake’s encouragement is to embrace new beginnings and forget former things. Every human being has baggage – things you did or things done to you, but scripture says to lay it down. Forget and know God will continue to do new things with today’s message.
Published 01/02/24