Today, we're diving deep into something we all crave, but may not fully understand: acknowledgment and confirmation. These two little words can make a world of difference in our parenting journey and our lives. Do you ever find yourself seeking validation from others, especially when it comes to being a parent? Join me as we explore the power of self-acknowledgment and the magic of confirming our children's feelings.
Published 10/06/23
Published 10/06/23
An anonymous parent seeks guidance regarding their 2-year-old daughter's tendency to hit when she is upset or frustrated. They are uncertain about the best approach to handle this behavior and ask for advice on how to effectively address it. Despite their efforts to encourage apologizing and offering a kiss, they find it challenging for their daughter to resist hitting. The individual expresses appreciation for the valuable content that promotes better behavior.
Published 09/22/23
Nicole seeks guidance on fostering independent play with her 1.5-year-old daughter. She is dedicated to nurturing her daughter's independence and is seeking gentle methods to encourage this behavior. Nicole's care and commitment to creating a nurturing environment for her child are evident in her question.
Published 08/11/23
Katie presents a question about her husband's comment to their son, stating that the son's actions reflect on him and can be embarrassing. Katie seeks guidance on countering this perspective and finding ways to be positive examples to their children, recognizing that each child is an individual rather than an extension of their parents.
Published 07/28/23
Today's topic revolves around the remarkable benefits of free play for children. By engaging in play, kids unlock a multitude of advantages that contribute to their overall development. Let's delve into these benefits and explore them together.
Published 06/30/23
Frederico seeks advice on dealing with his daughter's tantrums, which have become challenging for him. He wonders if there are any resources available, such as books or posts, that discuss this topic. He describes his daughter's extreme reactions and worries about her potential self-harm during tantrums. Frederico expresses frustration at not being able to handle these situations effectively.
Published 06/09/23
Today's podcast delves into the concept of HYGGE. A concept that encapsulates the importance of presence and togetherness in your family.
Published 05/19/23
Today’s episode features a question from Nanna. She is experiencing a child who will not stay in her bed after being put to sleep, and is wondering how to handle it.
Published 05/05/23
Today’s podcast features a question from Alison who brings up the concern of catching your children lying and asks how to best handle this situation.
Published 04/21/23
Today’s podcast features a question from Ahmed. He wants to know how being away from his child affects them, and whether or not he should accept a job that requires him to travel away from home.
Published 04/14/23
Today’s podcast features a question from Jess. She has noticed her daughter has become exclusive in her play and in her actions and is wondering how to approach this.
Published 03/24/23
Today’s podcast features a question from Lori. She is asking about how to deal with aggressive beahviour when it comes to bedtime.
Published 03/10/23
Today’s episode features a question from Maren who wonders about Iben’s thoughts on magic and letting children believe in it.
Published 03/03/23
Today’s podcast features a question from Kirsten, who’s daughter is dealing with unkind classmates. She wonders how to best handle this situation.
Published 02/10/23
Today’s podcast features a question from Lisa, who wants to learn more about how to redirect her daughter’s attention so she can limit her screen time.
Published 01/27/23
Today’s podcast delves into the Danish phenomena of raising healthy, capable and happy kids.
Published 01/19/23