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Helping parents decode their children's behavior so they can make deeper connections.
Human Design for Parents & Kids Podcast
Stop trying to sip from the Human Design Fire Hydrant of T.M.I. and start getting clear, specific, and tailored guidance for YOU, your family, and your circumstances. Because You are tired of feeling overwhelmed by all of the Human Design guidance out there on the internet. You are an amazing parent, yet you know there is more. You just can’t put words to what’s missing. You don’t want to spend a lifetime getting to know your child, because you want to connect with them better NOW. The Problem Is ↠ You are too busy being a GREAT PARENT to sort through all of the fluff to find the...
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Recent Episodes
The Ajna Center - The (usually) green upside-down geometric triangle in the Human Design chart just under the Head Center in the top third of the chart.  51% of the world has a Defined Ajna Center, 49% has an Undefined Ajna Center.  It is the hub of conceptualization and planning.  In this...
Published 04/10/24
The Throat Center - the brown geometric square in the upper third of the Human Design chart - has 11 distinct voices of expression and creativity.  It is taught in Traditional Human Design that the Throat Center is the Manifestation and Action Hub in the body.  But, that was taught by Ra, who was...
Published 03/08/24
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