How do international financial institutions (IFIs) conduct due diligence on projects they finance? In this episode we will try to answer this question together with Xavier Sol - Director of Counter Balance, and Manana Kochladze - Chairwoman of Georgian NGO "Green Alternative" and Regional Coordinator for the Caucasus at CEE Bankwatch. In particular, we will look at the human rights role in IFIs' due diligence process and discuss the identification, monitoring, and assessment of projects'...
Published 01/31/22
Published 01/31/22
This is the second episode in our series on the situation of Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang. This time we focus on legal aspects and international mechanisms surrounding the issue. Our guest is Fernand de Varennes - Extraordinary Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria (South Africa), Adjunct Professor at the National University of Ireland-Galway (Ireland), and Cheng Yu Tung Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong (China). Since...
Published 01/28/22
The word “Uyghur” has gained popularity in human rights recently, and so has the fight for its people’s liberation from what is considered to be the biggest crime against humanity of our century. Numbers vary, but it is estimated that over one million people have been sent to internment camps in the Xinjiang since 2017. In today’s episode we will be focusing on the history of Uyghurs, China’s minority policy and relations with its Central Asian neighbors. Our distinguished guest is Dr. Dru...
Published 12/20/21
На этот раз тема эпизода – ювенальная юстиция в Казахстане. В гостях подкаста Гульжахан Абдулаева – детский врач, реаниматолог, анестезиолог в Научном центре педиатрии и хирургии, а также член национального превентивного механизма по городу Алматы и Алматинской области, и Эльвира Ватлина – директор Детского Фонда Казахстана, вице-президент международной ассоциации детских фондов и член национальной коалиции против пыток. Мы говорим о системе ювенальной юстиции с юридической, медицинской и...
Published 09/01/21
The next two episodes of our podcast are devoted to juvenile justice. In this episode we focus on the international dimension of juvenile justice and main challenges surrounding the topic. Our guest is Frances Sheahan - a lawyer and a child rights expert with more that 17 years experience working on children’s rights law, policy and programming. Together we will discuss the main the international legal standards within the juvenile justice and identify the key steps that can ensure a...
Published 07/30/21
Сегодня по всему миру отмечается Международный день в поддержку жертв пыток. В этом эпизоде подкаста мы беседуем с Гулчехрой Холматовой - Директором Общественной организации "Мир права" и Руководителем группы правовой помощи Коалиции гражданского общества против пыток и безнаказанности в Таджикистане, о ситуации в Таджикистане в контексте противодействия пыткам и жестокому обращению, о работе с семьями жертв пыток и о том, как помочь себе и своим близким пережить столкновение с пытками и...
Published 06/26/21
In this episode we reflect on legal aspects of the European Court judgment in the case of Georgia v. Russia II. Our distinguished guests are Philip Leach, a Professor of Human Rights Law at Middlesex University, a solicitor, and Director of the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC); and Vanessa Kogan, a Director of Stichting Justice Initiative - an organisation dedicated to the legal protection of victims of human rights violations connected to armed conflict and counter-terrorism...
Published 03/02/21
In the third episode of our accountability series Richard J Rodgers, International Lawyer and Partner at Global Diligence LLP and Noa Roque, Legal Officer at IPHR discuss the relationships between human rights and environment through the lens of environmental justice, climate justice and climate litigation.  They explore how can the law be used to enhance the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, how effective current instruments are in practice and what role does civil society...
Published 02/08/21
What is universal jurisdiction (UJ) and why it is increasingly discussed in human rights circles and among international stakeholders recently?  What is hidden behind the overhyped UJ concept, how did it emerge, what's the scope of it and how could it evolve in the years to come? In the second episode of our "accountability series"  Alexandre Prezanti, International Lawyer and Partner at Global Diligence LLP and Simon Papuashvili, Programme Director at IPHR discuss these questions and spice...
Published 12/11/20
Who was Sergey Magnitsky and why are sanctions named after him? How are Magnitsky sanctions different from other sanctions? What role do civil society play vis-à-vis sanctions? In this podcast episode we answer these and other equally informative and compelling questions together with Melissa Hooper - Director of Foreign Policy and Accountability at the NGO Human Rights First and international expert in the field of sanctions.
Published 11/02/20
In this episode we will explore the topic of healthcare. Thanks to infamous Covid-19 crisis, shortcomings in healthcare systems around the world are more visible than ever. Yet, in some countries, the poor state of the healthcare system is part of a much deeper and long-standing problem. And people in Tajikistan know it firsthand. One of the poorest countries in Asia, with the 9.5 million population and only $ 55 per capita investment in the healthcare sector – is in our focus today. Our...
Published 09/28/20
In this episode we are going to focus on the situation with human rights in the United States and possible implications recent events may have for the human rights community worldwide. We will also explore some parallels and linkages between what is currently going on in the US and violations that we observe in the Former Soviet Union region. Our guest is Kate Watters, Executive Director at Crude Accountability, an environmental and human rights nonprofit organization based in the United...
Published 09/18/20
Тема настоящего выпуска - расширение понятия пропаганды терроризма в российской риторике и правоприменительной практике.  Вместе с Александром Верховским, Директором Информационно-Аналитического Центра СОВА в Москве, будем разбираться:  1. Все ли в порядке с определением терроризма в российском законодательстве?  2. Как с этим связано резонансное дело Светланы Прокопьевой? 3. Как нынче применяется статья УК о пропаганде/оправдании терроризма? 4. Чего следует ожидать в будущем?
Published 08/24/20
As IPHR continues to follow the events happening in Belarus, we spoke to Volga Siakhovich, legal expert for the Belarusian Association of Journalists. This time special focus has been put on the role of women in opposition and persecutions of journalists and bloggers during the protests. 
Published 08/19/20
IPHR continues to cover the events happening in Belarus. In this interview we spoke with Belarusian journalist Yan Avseyushkin. 
Published 08/18/20
In this episode we are covering the events happening in Belarus. The Presidential elections on the 9 August were marred by mass falsification. Alexander Lukashenko’s proclaimed victory was met by unprecedented peaceful public protest across the country. the law enforcement responded by detaining and ill-treating hundreds of protesters. As the escalation continues, we asked experts in Brussels and on the ground to comment on the situation. Our first guest is Yevgeniya Andreyiuk, Expert at...
Published 08/14/20
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Helsinki Final Act, and the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe. Instead of celebrating these anniversaries and recapturing a common purpose in challenging times, the OSCE is in serious trouble. The 57 member states failed to reach a consensus on extending the mandates of four of the OSCE’s top officials. Since then the OSCE has been de facto leaderless. We speak with Walter...
Published 08/10/20
Вторая часть выпуска о проблемах бытового и гендерного насилия в Казахстане. На этот раз мы обсуждаем правовые аспекты бытового насилия, в частности вопрос декриминализации бытового насилия в Казахстане, а также культурные аспекты проблемы. Гости выпуска: Диана Березовская, сотрудник Казахстанского бюро по правам человека и соблюдению законности, Роза Акылбекова, заместитель директора Бюро и координатор Коалиции НПО Казахстана против пыток, Кундыз Утебекова, адвокат и юрист по делам женщин...
Published 07/31/20
На этой неделе у нас специальный выпуск для вас на русском языке, посвященный проблемам домашнего и гендерного насилия в Казахстане, и влиянию COVID-19 на ситуацию в этих сферах. Гости выпуска: Диана Березовская, сотрудник Казахстанского бюро по правам человека и соблюдению законности, Роза Акылбекова, заместитель директора Бюро и координатор Коалиции НПО Казахстана против пыток и Зульфия Байсакова, председатель правления Союза кризисных центров в Казахстане. Первая часть выпуска посвящена...
Published 07/27/20
Together with our guests we explore the limitations and possibilities of existing instruments of the international human rights law, compare the ECHR model with the UN Treaty Body model, and discuss how civil society can impact the enforcement of international legislation in their countries. Our invited experts are: Anastassiya Miller, Senior Legal Officer at PILnet Kirill Koroteev, Human Rights Lawyer, who specialises in taking cases to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Published 06/24/20
In this episode we discuss disinformation. Particularly, how it affects us during the pandemic and what civil society сan do to fight back. Our guests are: Lukas Andriukaitis, Associate Director at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFR Lab). Roman Osadchuk, Research Assistant for Eurasia at the Atlantic Council's DFR Lab.
Published 06/15/20