Published 12/03/22
Published 11/03/21
Kellsie is using her acting experience to help others show up on video. This was a later career that became a passion and now she is helping others demand the best of their video presence. Check her out here: https://instagram.com/kellsie_moore Join our free community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 10/25/21
Philip and Trent talk about the habits of the man, the myth, the legend, The Rock!
Published 10/20/21
Charles has an incredible thirst for knowledge and after running a few successful businesses over his life, he's here to help others achieve their success too.  His first bit of advice, "Check Your Ego at the Door". It has served him well and his stories range from heartbreaking to uplifitng. Check out the episode and let us know what you think in the Hustle Habits Community. https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits Connect with Charles: https://getpayroll.com
Published 10/18/21
Philip and Trent discuss Hustle Culture. Is it toxic? Is it helpful? Join us as we dig in to it. Join our free community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 10/13/21
Sherry Edwards is using the power of habits to help her clients get fit. She doesn't start with the big daunting habits either. Great conversation, check it out! Find Sherry here: https://www.munchiesandmacros.com/ https://www.instagram.com/munchies_and_macros/ Join our Free Community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 10/11/21
How long have you been clinging to your old habits? What has the cost been? Imagine if you had started years ago, where would you be if you had started then.  Philip and Trent break it down the cost of the old habits. Join our free Hustle Habits Community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits 
Published 08/18/21
Who is in your corner is crucial to your success at building habits. If you have someone who is keeping you attached to your bad habits, it's time to look at making a change. Listen in for Philip and Trent's tips. Join our Hustle Habits Community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 08/11/21
How often do you over complicate things? Chances are, often! Don’t spend your time doing more than you need to.  Check out our Hustle Habits Community! https://Facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 08/06/21
Philip and Trent keep up the mentorship topic and dive in to being both a mentor and a mentee. Can you be both? Is it possible to do that with the same person even? Listen as we talk about our experience with it. Join us in our Habit Building Community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 08/04/21
Alex recently discovered some of his negative habits holding him back. He got to work eliminating, and now leads a successful branch of a company and is setting out on a mission to help others in the same field. Check out the episode! Connect with Alex here:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10738615 Join the Hustle Habits Community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 08/02/21
What do you do when you want to quit? If you don’t plan for it, you won’t succeed at it, so make a plan to implement when you want to quit. Because you will want to at some point, so plan for it. How can I get out of my head and into the mission. Make a plan now! Join our free Hustle Habits Community! https://Facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/30/21
How to find a mentor is a lot easier than it may seem. It isn't always a 1-on-1 in-person relationship like the traditional version of mentorship may be. We dive deep into all the different ways to find mentors and how they can provide you with value even if they don't know they are mentoring you. Check it out! Join us in our Habit Building Community! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/28/21
Developing a mindset to overcome all obstacles and past trauma requires grit. Cassandra shares her fascinating story of gratitude and how it sets her mind right to tackle the day. She also shares why we partnered together on the Hustle Happy Hour each week in our Facebook Group, Hustle Habits. https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits Connect with Cassandra: https://instagram.com/cassmarie_fit https://puregritfit.com
Published 07/26/21
Would you believe that gratitude can lead to success in business? It's true, and we dive in more to it on Monday's episode with our guest, but I also talked about this in a recent Instagram post. Listen in and see what we mean. Join us in our Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/23/21
Our typical Monday guest episode hosted by Trent Bray, brought to you on Wednesday this week. Ruben Alvarez has been nothing but consistent. He talks about the habit of Winning, the doubts and insecurities and how to deal with them, and his foundational habit. Check it out! Connect with Ruben here: https://instagram.com/iamrubenalvarez https://rubenalvarez.com Check out our free Facebook Group, Hustle Habits! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/21/21
Yes, this is a Wednesday episode, airing on Monday. Due to a scheduling issue, we are switching it up this week and will be back to normal next week. What is Mentorship? What does it look like? Does it need to be in-person? We answer these questions and more about what it means to be mentored by someone and what that might look like. Check it out! Join our Facebook Group, Hustle Habits! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/19/21
Do you really need to be motivated to do the work? What's it going to be like when you are no longer motivated, but you need to put in the work? Easy to answer, hard to execute. Let's talk about it.  Check out our free Facebook Group, Hustle Habits! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/16/21
This question gets asked a lot on Google apparently. I get the well-meaning intentions behind the question, but Trent dives in on why this is the wrong approach. Big changes are rarely sustainable, let's start small. Join our Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/14/21
Chris got into real estate and after reading some books decided he needed to keep his real estate going and use habits to get himself out of doing the day-to-day work. It led to him having too much free time while still living the lifestyle he wanted. We dive in to those habits in this episode. Connect with Chris Bello: https://chrisbello.com https://instagram.com/chrisbello_ Join our Free Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/12/21
When does Hustle become toxic? Or does it? Join me as I talk about how culture hates Hustle because it gets results.  Join our free Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits 
Published 07/09/21
What does being a good speaker and habits have in common? They are both learned skills, listen as Philip and Trent talk about speaking and why it is so important in developing habits. Check out our free Facebook Group, Hustle Habits! https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/08/21
Erik Allen managed to turn his life around from a place of bad habits and bad decisions to taking his life to levels he couldn't comprehend before. We discuss some of his routines and how he manages to keep them consistent. Dive into the episode, you won't regret it. Connect with Erik: https://instagram.com/erikgallen https://erikallenmedia.com Join our Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/hustlehabits
Published 07/05/21