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Alice Veneziani
The Fat Burning Podcast
I know you’re tired of yo-yo dieting, taking another day 1 photo, and going to the gym every day. What if I can show you a way to lose weight forever by eating everything that you want whenever you want without gaining fat or getting bigger than others. Would you find value in that, wouldn’t you?
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Recent Episodes
Hi everyone! In today's video I'm teaching you how weight loss works and why weight loss has nothing to do with how many calories you're eating. And if you're not losing weight on a caloric deficit is because you're making this huge weight loss mistake which is: being on a caloric...
Published 04/20/23
Published 04/20/23
In today's episode we're talking about why weight loss has nothing to do with calories, and how you can lose weight easily and naturally just by rebalancing your hormones and adjusting your mindset! We're sharing insights on how fat loss actually works, including changing your lifestyle to heal...
Published 04/13/23
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