She’s Back ! Yes, Charity B. is finally back with another episode and this time with another guest. This week’s episode will complete the 3 part relationship series. The first part was Ep 20: Manifesting your Ideal partner, Ep 21: Healing while in a relationship, and this week’s episode. Charity’s own relationship is something that she looks to when she considers of what a healthy and stable relationship looks like. So Charity and Guapo Southside will be giving tips and tricks on what it...
Published 11/04/23
Tune in this week to listen to an episode with Charity B. discussing how to face and cope with your triggers . The things that we deal with on a day-to-day basis can become triggers for us causing us to have negative feelings just from the thought of them. You could have experiencing unwanted and uncontrollable emotions from your past that can or are currently affecting your life now. You know that something has to give but you just don’t know how to deal with these stressors. Well you are in...
Published 09/09/23
Tune in this week for another brand new episode on the I am Enough Podcast with Charity B. ! This is the second episode of the three part relationship series .This week we will discuss on what it looks like to try to heal while in a relationship. Healing can be done in many forms, but in this particular case we are referring to healing from past hurt we experienced from someone we were intimately involved with or someone that we cared about. We are simply discussing if it is healthy for us to...
Published 08/25/23
Are you tired of attracting the wrong people? Are you someone who doesn’t know what they really want in a partner , but just knows who you are dating is not it? Are you ready to attractthe man or woman that is for you ? Well tune in to listen in on some tips from Charity B. on how to attract your ideal partner! YouTube link https://youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram page:...
Published 07/28/23
There can be many factors in our lives that effect how we feel about ourselves . It could be work , school, social media, feelings about physical image, not having enough support, and much more. We’ve allowed these things to get control of our lives lowering our self esteem and confidence. Well now it’s time to fight back . We deserve to be happy with ourselves and we have to be determined to go get it ! Tune in to listen in on an episode that helps us figure out what in our lives are causing...
Published 07/14/23
It’s getting Spicy 🌶️! This is a must see episode! This week we are talking about healing your inner child. There are some things we have been through that has really effected us through our adulthood. You may be trying to practice yourself love journey but not sure how to do it authentically because you have so much damage and hurt deep in you that needs to be healed! No more putting on that temporary bandage let’s really understand true healing .The goal of inner child healing is to...
Published 06/30/23
This one is for my strong people ! The people that everyone looks up to , tends to go to them for advice, or help with fixing an issue. The ones that everyone thinks has a good head on their shoulders and seems to have this “LIFE THING “ figured out when it comes to making good decisions for themselves. Yes it’s a great thing to be thought of so highly of. But it also can have its downsides especially when other people issues start affecting our personal live and we can’t figure out how to...
Published 06/16/23
Hey y’all ! Your girl is back in full effect ! I don’t know about you all, but it’s felling like “ME SEASON”! I’m ready to level up in my life including my health , finances, emotions, physical well-being , and mental! It’s time to move up to the next level in pursuing things that make me feel happy and whole. If you are in the same boat and tired of feeling stagnant , tune in to listen in on an episode on why it’s important to choose you and how you can start choosing you. Let’s level up...
Published 06/02/23
Tune in this week for a fun episode! This week we will be discussing some popular controversial topics getting views from a woman and man’spoint of view. Charity B has invited some special guest to come and give some insight on how we think about many issues going out today such as Marriage in todays age, roles within a relationship, and much more. This is something you don’t want to miss. how to access the podcast on other platforms! : https://linktr.ee/iamenoughmsl Follow my instagram...
Published 03/17/23
If you have realized we live in a time where what size, shape, and color matters a little bit to much. People are always worried about how the next person looks and doing. Society has a big influence on what the ideal body should look like and they use social media to get their point across on why certain body types are imperfect. It’s hard to get a way from these views when social media is a big part of everyone’s lives now a days. You need to advertise your business as well as keep up with...
Published 03/04/23
Today Episode 13: Tips for Overcoming Mental Block with Charity B. ⚠️ We’ve all had that moment when we’ve tried so hard to do something and we can’t think. No matter how much we try or want to we cant think. That moment when you feel mentally cluttered. It’s what we call Mental Block. You maybe wonder I’m tired of feeling stuck , unproductive and unmotivated. Well here is the episode for you. Tune in to learn more tips on how to overcome these mental blocks and see what things you need to...
Published 02/18/23
Many of us have trouble with embracing who we are . Whether it’s because of social influences , fear of who we really are , still haven’t figure ourselves out , not knowing who we are, or not knowing how to figure that out. Tune in with Charity B. to get tips on how to be your authetic self and embracing that so we can live the life we want and walk in our aligned path that promotes self happiness and growth. Remember what you need to achieve greatness is already inside of you. You just have...
Published 02/04/23
Well, Well! We are finally back for another episode! Since we are in a new year we often use this as an opportunity to start fresh. New opportunities, new mindsets, new environments, and new goals we want to achieve. We usually set “resolutions” for the year but they often fall through. Wondering why? Well resolutions aren’t as action oriented as goals are. Tune in this week to listen to your host, Charity B. provide some tips on how we can stay focus when it comes to setting goals and how we...
Published 01/21/23
Tune in this week to listen in on a discussion between Charity B. And our special guest Guapo Southside. This episode is for the men out there who practice self love or not sure what self love is but looking to better their lives . Who better to give advice about men or speak on men’s behalf other than a man himself. We will discuss many topics such as setting boundaries in a relearionship , what does men self love look like, men mentality, and mental health for men. This is one you don’t...
Published 12/17/22
Sometimes we tend to love people to a fault because we care about then even we need to distance ourselves. that includes Family. Family is supposed to be the ones that we turn to when we need help, who love us unconditionally despite our shortcomings, respect our boundaries, and love us for just being us. But that is not the case with all families. Tune in , and listen to Charity discuss the many toxic signs we tend to ignore when it comes to our Family. Sometimes we feel like we don’t have a...
Published 12/03/22
Sometimes we tend to love people to a fault because we care about then even we need to distance ourselves. that includes Family. Family is supposed to be the ones that we turn to when we need help, who love us unconditionally despite our shortcomings, respect our boundaries, and love us for just being us. But that is not the case with all families. Tune in , and listen to Charity discuss the many toxic signs we tend to ignore when it comes to our Family. Sometimes we feel like we don’t have a...
Published 11/19/22
Often times we can be the problem Why we are not able to level up in our life . Whether it is spiritually, physically, or mentally. We often try to remove the external things thinking that will change the way things happen in our life. Tune in to listen to Charity to discuss some signs that we may not be aware of , that could mean we are standing in our own way. She will also discuss ways we can stop standing in our own way so that we can start receiving the things owed to us and elevate in...
Published 11/04/22
This week , tune in to listen to a discussion between Charity B. and fitness influencer Jasmine aka Jas the gym hottie ! Many topics will be discussed regarding views on plastic surgeries , natural bodies , and how to social media has a big hold on influences on what society thinks is the “ideal body” . We will also go into more detail about our special guest, Jasmine on what her journey is like being a fitness influencer and how obtaining her fitness goals has changed her life. This episode...
Published 10/21/22
****SHE’S BACK**** Hey Y’all! I know it’s been a minute since I have uploaded a video but I’m back full effect!Better than ever. In this episode, Charity B. discusses the breakup and healing process. Ending things with a long term relationship with a significant other or having a fallout with a close friend that terminates the friendship can never be easy. There are so many overwhelming and unwanted feelings we feel and sometimes we fail to show ourselves some self loving . Either because...
Published 10/07/22
In this episode Charity B. will talk about what does it mean to protect your energy, why it’s important, and also provide you with some tips and tricks on how you can protect your energy.
Published 08/05/22
In this episode we will have a special guest! this guest  has had experiences  from their childhood as well as adulthood that has effected their adult relationships. Here we will go into detail on how our pass traumas can effect how we handle certain situations within our relationships with others. This episode is intended to show the importance and encourage those to face their truth and traumas in order to be able to move forward in their self love journey . If you are starting from the...
Published 07/22/22
In this episode we will discuss how past traumas can hinder us in our self love journey as well as our relationships .
Published 07/08/22
In this episode Charity will discuss the meaning of what self love is , what it looks like, and provide those who are looking to start their self love journey with steps that they can take to begin their process. for my visual people the podcast is also available on YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5mwJ5NEY961IN9OHw_VOSQ! like and subscribe. 
Published 06/24/22