The title says it all, it's a review of the first season of Amazon Prime's Invincible. Miles and Stein give an honest review of Invincible as well as give their opinions on censorship in comics and western comics vs manga
Published 05/24/21
Published 05/24/21
We apologize for the wait, just know Maps' responsibility to his family is the sole reason for the delay. But fret not, Maps' dragged Stein along for a review of the Mortal Kombat movie as well as how race is handled in the MCU and......trust us side-notes are aplenty!
Published 05/12/21
Miles Amadeus Prower is joined again by Stein, for a deep-dive review of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier television series on Disney Plus. After the review Maps and Stein discuss their love/hate relationship with comics and what they feel western comics could learn from manga.
Published 04/19/21
The title says it all. This episode Maps is joined by Stein and they review Godzilla Versus Kong and the new Suicide Squad trailer. As usual spoilers abound, no punches pulled, sidenotes aplenty and more hot takes then you can shake a badger at!
Published 04/11/21
Not much to say about this one that the title doesn't tell you. We review the Snyder Cut of The Justice League, and pull no punches. Everything from DC comics, BTAS to Teen Titans Go! NOTHING is spared.
Published 04/04/21
Fresh out the Doghouse! We apologize for the segue in this episode, but it honestly was unintentionally done and no malice was intended. :) Maps starts this episode talking about how he recently had his Nintendo Switch modded and how crappy video games are made on purpose now. From there he talks about his beef with the price Aniplex charges for seasons of anime and how it low-key promotes bootlegging. Lastly, the current worldwide violence/racism against Asian/Asian-Americans worldwide. Oh,...
Published 03/27/21
We back, offensively black and in the Doghouse! Maps starts off giving his 2 cents on the whole Meghan Markle and racist royal family thing, which he's honestly shocked people are even surprised by it all. The second half of the episode begins with Maps diving into the emotional minefield which is marriage and how apparently he's crazy. And to these allegations he responds with "I prefer differently sane." Sit back, have fun listening and maybe you may learn from Maps' mistakes lol
Published 03/19/21
Sorry for the wait, this hobby I got called a life is taking up all my time! This episode me and Bubby review the movie The Little Things starring Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto. No rant this time, but it's still offensively black and you KNOW I can't stay on subject about one thing for too long! Enjoy.
Published 03/10/21
I was gonna drop this on Monday but in honor of my friend Drax's good news I'm dropping now! I this start this episode off talking about a personal situation and whether or not we're obligated to maintain relationships with family. I talk about my friend SamWise, how he got his name and lastly I touch on how I believe women grossly underestimate how much men like women/ see them. This episode was recorded more out of a need to get it off my chest opposed to wanting to talk about it.
Published 02/20/21
I present to you a drunken conversation about the genius talent of J Dilla, Detroit Hip-Hop, cultural ownership, bull ish and politics among family. This episode I'm joined by Jaess of the Audio Trip Podcast, Biba the Diva and Kenyatta. This episode is sponsored by Sutter Home wine and was recorded at the beginning of the 2020 COVID pandemic, so it may sound a tad bit dated.
Published 02/15/21
Maps here...stopping by real quick to talk about Tessica Brown, McDonalds Pokémon trading cards and me and my oldest bonding over Friday Night Funkin and anime. If You want to check out Friday Night Funkin head on over to https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin Contains a sample of Fresh by Kawai Sprite
Published 02/12/21
This episode was recorded before the Super Bowl and finished dayish after. This episode I rant about black America's love for Tom Brady despite his support of Donald Trump, gets interrupted by Griselda Barko and reviews How It Feels To Be Free, a documentary from PBS. And if IBMP is doing a movie review you know Bubby is gonna be there!
Published 02/10/21
Maps here, and before you say it, I already know I'm taking a risk here but I feel it's worth it. This episode I talk about the joy of playing Pokémon with my daughters in addition to using it to battle depression. From there I go into my love/hate relationship with Nintendo and Gamefreak, as well as an interview with Pokémon Central's own Larry! Get prepared for 100% more blerd talk than usual and a lot of talk about video games, genning, Pokémon and Transformers.
Published 02/05/21
As the title suggests, this episode was recorded after being bested in verbal combat with my better half. Originally this episode was planned to be a angry black man, marriage is bull...but Bacardi and the joints of black panther had other plans. What ensued was a calmed minded logical complaint filled with self awareness and empathy. If you want relationship advice from a vet in the game that won't sugarcoat or pull punches, Maps got you covered! For more quality black content make sure to...
Published 01/28/21
The title says it all baby, it's movie review time! This episode Maps and Bubby review The Banker, as well as touch on the scandal associated with it's theatrical delays and eventual release on Apple TV.
Published 01/23/21
Sorry for the wait, but it's worth it! I know I haven't dropped in a minute, but this year extracts a heavy toll on us all. Maps starts this episode off humbly saying how he been yelling bout a situation like the attack on the Capitol for a long time now, he even predicted Kim and Kanye getting a divorce! IBMP may be a little late on the coverage but I can promise you haven't heard white America get a dressing down like this! After giving my two cents on terroristic white people, white...
Published 01/17/21
Worth the wait and worth our weight in our weight in bold, I Black Man Podcast is back! With the recent passing of MF DOOM, Maps was moved to demand Jaess( of the Audio Trip Podcast) take time out of his busy schedule and help him show love for your favorite rapper's favorite rapper. Maps and Jaess discuss about the marriage of Hip-Hop and comic books and how MF DOOM played an essential role as the villain, and how its highly unlikely anybody can fill it. The Dopeboyz also discuss Yung Thug's...
Published 01/08/21
This episode was recorded during a inebriated marathon recording session.....so there's that! This condensed episode is just Maps complaining about how good men can't earn the benefit of the doubt that beloved deadbeat dads/boyfriends get, and how he sometimes wishes he had the same perks as deadbeat dads It sounds offensive, and to some of you it probably is, but to those who get it.....enjoy a hearty laugh! PS: We know the audio is below standard but we couldn't go any longer without...
Published 11/30/20
Don't call it a comeback! Sorry for the wait but trust it's worth it. The beginning of this episode starts out about playing Pokémon as a form of self therapy and the complete and total mishandling of the PS5 upcoming release and how Maps is handling the the horrible odds of him obtaining one. The bulk of this episode is nothing but straight entertainment as a diversion from all the political nonsense that goes on with picking a new ruler in the US. The aforementioned bulk is a conversation...
Published 11/08/20
What up doe? The offensively black podcast is back with your favorite Melanted Misfit, Miles Amadeus Prower. This episode is rather simple, well for us anyway. Maps talks about Onlyfans Facebook groups and how he finds them humorous, how it blows his mind that the LFL isn't making a killing, and also he analyzes the madness which is Donald Trump. This episode is the first installment of a soon to be ongoing segment called 2 Dope Kingz, featuring Jaess of the Audio Trip Podcast.
Published 10/16/20
Recently members of an all white terrorist group known as the wolverine watchmen militia were arrested for planning to target police officers at their homes as well as kidnap and assassinate Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer.......and as a Detroit native you KNOW Maps has to cash in his 2 cents. This episode consists of two parts; the first being Miles giving a little bit of his opinion on the current events and the second being a rerelease of an episode titled APCF vs Michiganders Against...
Published 10/11/20
Maps begins this episode sharing his delight from hearing his Legal Property isn't against him getting a PS5! As a married man, that's damn near good as hearing she got you one. After that Maps vents about his feelings on some personal issues and touches on the the dissolution of black family structures and what family means to him. Discussion of family leads to Miles talking about his father subscriptions, it's way past issues lol, and how the men in his life shaped who he is and how he...
Published 09/30/20
The Melanated Misfit begins this episode discussing how him being antisocial plays into his love/hate relationship with the internet. From there he gets into the role social media has played in his life from AOL Messenger to using Facebook today. Lastly the new upcoming terms and rules of Facebook and the debut and review of the Melanated People Social App are discussed. For More Offensively Black content go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRXjJEUR41rGSjdrn17-tPQ
Published 09/07/20
This episode was made in an attempt to create a buffer for time between episodes. We're gonna be real with ya, Maps isn't taking the whole Chadwick passing really well. This episode was made after having a video Erica Mena posted on her Instagram brought to Maps' attention...so he decided to give his 2 cents! We hope you find this informative as you do entertaining. Please remember to subscribe and download. Love this? You'll love them!...
Published 09/01/20