We use the failure as an endgame, yet is it? Coach Marcos weighs in on how to turn what we think of as something we can't change to a whole new world of motivations and growth. Baseball is defintely a game of failures yet the games are so exciting because of it. How do baseball players learn to use failure to grow their sport and their mindset? Tune in and join in on the conversation! 
Published 03/03/22
Published 03/03/22
Coach Marcos Bugarin is a guest I have known for a long time! He coached my son in his own early years of baseball and here we are! A conversation about how to enjoy baseball. At the end of each day we remember the fun, the game and wanting to go back the next day because you love it so much. How does Marcos contribute to help keep players playing and keep their dreams alive. Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM PT. 
Published 02/15/22
If you have a question, let's talk about it and see what happens! Leave your question here or DM me and we will face it together! Join in the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 07/09/21
Dream and See. See and Learn. Learn and incorporate. Incorporate and grow. Grow and change. Dreams can be the biggest part of us giving the everyday us a message or two. What do our dreams mean and what do and why do we have them?  Give me your dreams and let's see what they say together. Inbox me or put your dreams right on this page and we will talk about it on Dream Theme Thursday! It is a world of information that we never thought to take on and look at in this way. Tune in and join in...
Published 07/08/21
No relationship is a mistake or a problem. All relationships are learning trees for our souls. What draws us in and what keeps us there and even what shows us the exit door are all parts of our lives. No one is expempt from being in relationships of anykind, since love is love is love, it is simply the relationships that are different. If you find you are spending your life thinking about how wrong every relationship you have ever had was or is, look again. There is a world of knowledge about...
Published 07/07/21
Making two hard decisions is not meant to be easy. Our decisions are a testament of all we have learned now being used to us into action. How do we use the best of what we learned over and above all the shiny pennies that are trying to lure us away from our truest selves? Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 07/06/21
We spend our lives looking for meaning, feelings, depth and questioning why this or that happened or happens to us. There is always more and I think we are ready to talk about our Souls and the Resources that exist inside of us already. Turning what we know in heart to what we do can be a part of our lives, just knowing what is already within us. Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 07/05/21
If you have a question, lets talk about it and see what happens! Leave your question here or DM me and we will gace it together! Join in the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 07/02/21
Dream and See. See and Learn. Learn and incorporate. Incorporate and grow. Grow and change. Dreams can be the biggest part of us giving the everyday us a message or two. What do our dreams mean and what do and why do we have them?  Give me your dreams and let's see what they say together. Inbox me or put your dreams right on this page and we will talk about it on Dream Theme Thursday! It is a world of information that we never thought to take on and look at in this way. Tune in and join in...
Published 07/01/21
We all heard that saying, Familiairity breeds contempt. Yet why should it? Why not treat others with kindness and respect to their feelings? Why discount them because you don't think what they want is as important as they may think it is? How does being conscious and kind change how the relationships of your life play out in your life? Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/30/21
We can't have everything or be everything. We already know that, however we can't grow forward if we do not clean out what already exists that we no longer need. How do our emotional strings get pulled and keep us in the same place, at times for our entire lifetimes? Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT/ 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/29/21
It is magical. It is the simplist of things yet is it too simple? We feel good on those days that we put things in order and then feel like we can see where we are going or what we are doing. So why do we put it off, avoid it, wait on it or even ignore it all together for days on end. What about orgainizing anything beg to be put off? Are we avoiding something? Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT/ 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/28/21
If you have a question, lets talk about it and see what happens! Leave your question here or DM me and we will gace it together! Join in the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/25/21
Dream and See. See and Learn. Learn and incorporate. Incorporate and grow. Grow and change. Dreams can be the biggest part of us giving the everyday us a message or two. What do our dreams mean and what do and why do we have them?  Give me your dreams and let's see what they say together. Inbox me or put your dreams right on this page and we will talk about it on Dream Theme Thursday! It is a world of information that we never thought to take on and look at in this way. Tune in and join in...
Published 06/24/21
Every relationship is an investment of our time, our love and our connection. Being reminded of our commitment to each other and life that we built is a great way to look back, be present and look forward to more to come. Anniversaries are at times understated by some couples, "Oh we don't celebrate our anniversaries and our birthdays." My thoughts are, why would you take that joy away from each other? What do you think? Should it be a big deal or not? Tune in and join in on the conversation...
Published 06/23/21
Being observant is huge. Because we are not taught how valuable it is to be a good listener we end up hurting ourselves and others feelings thinking we are just being ourselves. Being a responsive listener is different than being a good listener. Anyone can repeat what we may have said, word for word, however if the response is if we have never said it, repeating ourselves and feeling unheard become part of the relationship. How can being responsive help us create great bonds between...
Published 06/22/21
Saying No to anyone, even to ourselves is something we are so good at not doing, avoiding or even when we really shouldn't be saying yes under any circumstances, and we still say Yes. So what is up with us? What is being the belief that No is a bad word? Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT/ 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/21/21
If you have a question, lets talk about it and see what happens! Leave your question here or DM me and we will gace it together! Join in the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/18/21
Dream and See. See and Learn. Learn and incorporate. Incorporate and grow. Grow and change. Dreams can be the biggest part of us giving the everyday us a message or two. What do our dreams mean and what do and why do we have them?  Give me your dreams and let's see what they say together. Inbox me or put your dreams right on this page and we will talk about it on Dream Theme Thursday! It is a world of information that we never thought to take on and look at in this way. Tune in and join in...
Published 06/17/21
For every time we think there is no way out, once we think out of the box and find that there was a way out, we never look at conflict the same again. How is it that we can look at conflict as a growth and bonding rather than something went really wrong feeling and go down that road? How can you tell the difference between a red flag and a growing conflict? And how do we turn ourselves around in situations where and when we find ourselves there? Tune in and join in on the conversation...
Published 06/16/21
We all experienced hurt. We all deal with it differently and yet the same, we have to unbury it, think about it, say it outloud, acknowlegde it, and start the journey of healing it. If we decide it is not worth healing, it starts to run the show of our lives, yet we are not making the connection that one thing we are doing today has anything to do with it. So how do we get there? How do we hear it within ourselves and realize how our hurts, our injuries have affected every decision we make?...
Published 06/15/21
Frances Robinson asks, "Has Christ ever spoken to you about "Do not be deceived?" I had never heard that term before nor have I ever heard the expression until I read it before the "Ask Nadia" on Friday's "I Dig Your Soul Podcast." So I looked it up and found a lot of information. So why was I not ever spoken to about this and what could it mean? Tune in and join in on the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT/ 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/14/21
If you have a question, lets talk about it and see what happens! Leave your question here or DM me and we will gace it together! Join in the conversation tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PT / 8:30 AM ET! 
Published 06/11/21
Dream and See. See and Learn. Learn and incorporate. Incorporate and grow. Grow and change. Dreams can be the biggest part of us giving the everyday us a message or two. What do our dreams mean and what do and why do we have them?  Give me your dreams and let's see what they say together. Inbox me or put your dreams right on this page and we will talk about it on Dream Theme Thursday! It is a world of information that we never thought to take on and look at in this way. Tune in and join in...
Published 06/10/21