IELTS Speaking Test with Luba / Band 9
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Brought to you by English 911 What is your name? Hi, My name is Luba. Do you like to go shopping? Definitely! Who doesn’t want to? For me that’s one of the best stress-relievers, it makes me feel so much better whenever I buy some new things like shoes or clothes. Honestly, I have this habit to buy impulsively and I know it’s not good but I just can’t help it. Do you compare prices when you shop? That depends, if money is tight, it’s a must for me to compare the prices of the products or the food items that I’m going to buy. However, if I have some extra, I don’t really mind the prices. I just buy things without a second thought. Is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop? Yes sometimes, most especially if I buy clothes or shoes. I always have tendencies to become indecisive when I’m already in front of a huge display of shoes or clothes. I dunno I just can’t easily decide on whether to prioritize the design, the color, or the price. That’s always a pain in the neck. Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones? I believe so because expensive products have the best quality, design, or material. It’s no wonder why designer bags like Louis Vuitton, Fendi, and Givenchy among others are sought-after by a lot of people. Also, for electronic devices, Apple products are well-loved simply because of their technology and design. So no matter how pricey their products are, lots of people still buy them as they believe it’s better to buy something really expensive that’s incredibly durable than buying cheap ones that won’t last long. Do you ever buy things online? I buy products online all the time. One of the reasons is that the products seem to be cheaper online than they are in the shops. Also, it is so convenient, I can order something and within a few days or sometimes even 24 hours it is delivered to my door. It is a good way to get something that you can’t find at the local shops as well. PART 2 Describe a useful website. You should say: • what it is • how often do you visit it • what kind of information does it offer and explain why you think it is useful. I will start by pointing out that I was struggling to think of which website to talk about because I’m an internet junkie and spend ages surfing different websites each day. Anyway, I’ve decided to talk about Facebook. Facebook is a social networking platform. It’s a free website that lets you keep in contact with friends or find people you’ve lost touch with. It’s one of the most popular websites worldwide, with millions of users in different countries. I use this social media site almost daily to remain connected with my family, friends, and relatives who live far away from me. It also allows me to stay updated with trending news on health, food, fashion, sports, and lifestyles, among many other things. Now regarding the matter of why I think it’s useful. There are so many features which people can use. An excellent example of this is fundraising, which implies the possibility of raising money directly on your wall’s post. So all your friends and subscribers can participate in a good cause just by pressing one button to transfer money. PART 3 How has the internet changed social behavior? Generally, the Internet has influenced the social interaction of people in both positive and negative ways. The magnificent effect of the Internet on socializing is that one can now easily communicate and make friends with people all over the world, without having to step out of the home. However, because of this, some people have become somewhat isolated, and now spend most of their time online, neglecting real communication with friends and family around them. What influences can or, does the Internet have on children/teenagers? Do you think parents should control what Internet sites their children visit on the Internet? What kinds of people don’t use t
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