“The prevention is easier than the cure”. We have spoken about entrepreneur burn out quite a bit on this show. It is very real and can be detrimental to your business especially if it’s only you. I have been working 6 days a week for the whole year with no holidays, and I have started to notice the early stages of burn out, therefore I have made the decision to book the week off work. Today I started my burn out prevention week, and to ensure I have successful week I have made the hard...
Published 10/26/20
You need a proven trained mindset to give you and your business the best chance to get through the current times. “Wherever There Is Darkness There Is Light You Just Need To Open Tour Eyes”
Published 10/24/20
Everyone has dreamt of being on a conference call in the Bahamas on a beach sipping a margarita. What if I was to tell you, you can do this today. The beauty of what we do is it allows us to work remotely in any location as long as we have a laptop, phone and internet connection. Just think about that for a second. All you need is a laptop, phone and internet connection, that’s it! So why do you need to be in an office? There is no reason, only you are stopping yourself today from achieving...
Published 10/23/20
Burning out happens to most entrepreneurs at some point in their journey, but it is also something a lot of us do not fully understand. It is hard to grasp at first, but having an understanding on what burning out means and how to prevent it will not just have a positive impact on your business but also your life. I stand here today having sadly had quite a few scary run ins with burning out. If you would like to hear the full story of my life changing experience with burning out, then listen...
Published 10/22/20
It shocks me to think no one is talking about this. It is very real and has been for a very long time, however since the pandemic it has shot through the roof. This is the silent killer of businesses that no one is talking about. Let’s come together in this episode to help each other through these tough times.
Published 10/21/20
Ego is a a weird thing that haunts us all. We can’t get rid of it but we do have a choice to let it or not let it direct our decisions. The question is do you let it make your decisions on day to day basis. The problem we face here is sometimes it is hard to recognise this. You need to be very self aware which can take years and sometimes a lifetime to achieve. This is why you want to learn this fast and have people around who can help you drop your ego at the door.
Published 10/20/20
Word of mouth is one of the most powerful and effective ways to get your brand out there and get more sales. It’s actually not as hard as you think, you just need to be focused on the right thing. This quick trick will have people talking about your brand and product/service in no time.
Published 10/19/20
There are some tasks that seem to always be on my to do list. No matter how hard I try, they never seem to get done. I learnt that you need to work smart not hard. You can work hard for your whole life and get no where, working hard doesn’t get things done if not focused on the right things. That’s why we need to work smart. You will also find working smart will make work faster and easier. It just takes an extra breath and thought.
Published 10/17/20
If you combine the strategy we discussed in yesterday’s episode with this episode, you are on the path to ultimate success. But you need to drop your ego and become comfortable with asking for help and support. This does not devalue your talent, instead it gives you an opportunity to become better and build respect with your peers because you show your passion to learn everyday. Your passion is bigger than you, don’t let your ego or negative people tell you any different.
Published 10/16/20
You should be doing this strategy. It will be hard for some of us at the start, however the result is lifetime digital marketing and career success. Once you start and get into the habit of doing it, it will become natural, but at first it will feel weird and uncomfortable. But just like anything the more you do it the easier it becomes and the better you become at it. This strategy took me the first year of my career to discover, since then I have become better and better at it and seen...
Published 10/15/20
I'll be honest I was a bit hesitant about the title today, but I want to be 100% transparent with you guys. I really feel fellow digital marketers will resonate with this one. I really dived into the problems we digital a marketers face in companies and with clients. Working with people who don't understand digital creates all sorts of problems but there's defintley a few that are the worse. I discuss the ones I struggle and get angry with. We get a little heated in this one guys.
Published 10/14/20
Today I'm going to tell you why you don't need to be worried about the upfront cost of marketing. Most entrepreneurs will invest anything to create their product, service, website, emails but the second it comes to marketing you suddenly stop spending. In todays episode I am going to introduce you to a subtle mindset change that will instantly convince you to start throwing more money at your marketing. Don't worry we are not just throwing more money at your marketing, we are going to 10X...
Published 10/13/20
This is the best piece of marketing advice business influencers tell us, but most people miss it. It is a simple mindset change that will make all your marketing efforts easier and 10X your return. It is the smallest change to your marketing but it will create the biggest impact. More than anything else you could do. I welcome you to join our show today to learn this truth together.
Published 10/12/20
90s kids listen up this is a once in a lifetime, there is a serious way to make a quick buck in these hard times. Pokémon cards, that's right peokmemon cards are the talk of the influencer world right now. Influencers create demand, demand creates lack of supply, lack of supply creates higher value. I bet if you are a 90s kid you used to play or trade Pokémon cards, well if you did you need to stop what you are doing and run to them right now! The value of Pokémon cards have shot through the...
Published 10/10/20
Today I watched someone online sell a playing card for £650,000. £650,000 for one card! Let me just let that sink in. Yes this is happening right now, people like Gary Vee and Logan Paul are doubling down on playing cards right now with serious investment moves to create profitable businesses. Today might be the day where you fish out your playing cards from the attic and realise you have been sitting on the most profitable business you could have ever imagined in your lifetime. Please do not...
Published 10/09/20
I need more time in the day to get everything done on my to do list. Is there a way to create more time? Go back in time to get more time maybe... This is something I’ve always wanted to be able to do, I always seem to need more time in the day. I’ve learnt a few things on my journey, number one we sadly can’t go back in time to get more time, but I have learnt some cool strategies to become more productive and create both time and more energy for myself. Today I will share these with you.
Published 10/08/20
This mindset has left me with more physical and mental scars than anything in my life. It is a mindset most of us are brought up on and encouraged to believe. But I am here to tell you today this mindset will leave you with more physical and mental scars than you can imagine. This is not the way for you to get ahead in business, fitness or life. Actually doing the opposite and listening to your body will get you ahead of any competitors. Join me today and I’ll take you through why and my...
Published 10/07/20
There are lots of sales courses, books and mentors telling you how to sell. What’s the best words to use, strategy, touch points, you have to get them to sit down, say yes 6 times, offer them something warm. Honestly I could go on, there are so many weird and random tips and tricks out there on how to sell to people. But honestly I find all of this very confusing and when your in the moment you get so overwhelmed with what you should and shouldn’t be doing you don’t sell at all. So just for a...
Published 10/06/20
It was the day of the biggest meeting of my life, a meeting with the CEO of one of the worlds largest optical companies. I had done all the research on every angle of the project. I felt bulletproof! I was ready to wow the socks off the CEO. It was all going great until he asked one question. This one question made me realise where I had been going wrong for 7 years of my career. I will never forget this lesson.
Published 10/05/20
Keeping up to date with the ever changing world of digital marketing and then keeping up with your industry and competitors can be and is very tiering. What if there was a 5 minute daily routine you could do to achieve all of this and more. It’s taken me 7 years to test and learn a way for me to achieve this and today for the first time ever I talk about it.
Published 10/03/20
Competitors can dominate your industry and take all the customers, making it harder for the small guy to even have a chance. No more will we accept this, today we fight back! This easy strategy allows you to dominate your industry and sap up all the competitors customers without them even realising. It’s simple and easy to apply and will get your business started or grow your business to heights you never imagined.
Published 10/02/20
I finally got around to the watch the new Netflix documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’. Oh boy, where do we start... Robots taking over the world, countries going into civil war, suicide increased by 150%! This is a frightening intricate behind the scenes look into social media and how it corrupts and controls the human brain and population. This is a MUST listen to episode. “If you are not paying for the product, you are the product”.
Published 10/01/20
Feeling stuck for social media content, what do I post today, tomorrow, next week? This is a real pain that most businesses will hit, and if you don’t then you are posting the same stuff over and over again with no engagement. This quick hack takes all the hard work out and gets you in front of millions of potential customers. You could implement this today and instantly increase engagement and decrease time spent on your social media marketing.
Published 09/30/20
This is a secret killer of projects and businesses and you don't even know about it even though you do it every day. This is something that has taken me years to finaly pick up on, now I know it I am so thankful and can now put strategies in place to deal with it. In today's episode we will discuss this one thing and the strategies to overcome it. Keeping you one step ahead at all times.
Published 09/29/20