EP020: We can't control the past. All we can do is set ourselves up for success in the future, and we have a new opportunity to do that in 2024. Transforming your life begins with self-love, and in this episode, I delve into numerous practical tips on cultivating self-love. Additionally, I offer expert tips on creating a powerful vision board that serves as a catalyst for manifesting your dream life. I also share daily practices that have significantly enhanced my own life. Tune in for...
Published 12/11/23
EP020: We can't control the past. All we can do is set ourselves up for success in the future, and we have a new opportunity to do that in 2024. Transforming your life begins with self-love, and in this episode, I delve into numerous practical tips on cultivating self-love. Additionally, I offer expert tips on creating a powerful vision board that serves as a catalyst for manifesting your dream life. I also share daily practices that have significantly enhanced my own life. Tune in for...
Published 12/11/23
EP019: Sometimes it feels like fear is the root of all evil. Commitment issues? Fear. Staying in a job you hate? Fear. Staying in a relationship that isn't serving you anymore? Fear! Fear has stopped me from doing so many things in the past, but this is my attempt to move past fear and into bravery. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's just doing it anyways. the goal is always to choose bravery over fear. That's why I wanted to make this episode, FEAR will NEVER stop you again. (or...
Published 12/04/23
EP019: Sometimes it feels like fear is the root of all evil. Commitment issues? Fear. Staying in a job you hate? Fear. Staying in a relationship that isn't serving you anymore? Fear! Fear has stopped me from doing so many things in the past, but this is my attempt to move past fear and into bravery. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's just doing it anyways. the goal is always to choose bravery over fear. That's why I wanted to make this episode, FEAR will NEVER stop you again. (or...
Published 12/04/23
EP018: Today I want to talk about living alone especially because I am MOVING! Personally I think one of the best things you can do for yourself as a young adult is to live on your own. Especially as young women we spend so much of our time looking and caring after other people, but it's beyond amazing to have your own space. A space to do things that you want to do, cultivate your own interests, and put yourself first. Living and being alone doesn't mean that you're lonely. I have learned to...
Published 11/27/23
EP018: Today I want to talk about living alone especially because I am MOVING! Personally I think one of the best things you can do for yourself as a young adult is to live on your own. Especially as young women we spend so much of our time looking and caring after other people, but it's beyond amazing to have your own space. A space to do things that you want to do, cultivate your own interests, and put yourself first. Living and being alone doesn't mean that you're lonely. I have learned to...
Published 11/27/23
EP017: TRIGGER WARNING: This episode is about recovery from eating disorders. This is obviously a super sensitive topic, but one I care deeply about. I shared about my eating disorder publicly on my social media, and now I want to share about how I have healed. I’ve been in recovery for a year now, and I am so excited to share everything I have experienced and learned with you here. Topics:   ⁃  How the ED started   ⁃  Why it is so common for women to have disordered eating    ⁃  The negative...
Published 11/20/23
EP017: TRIGGER WARNING: This episode is about recovery from eating disorders. This is obviously a super sensitive topic, but one I care deeply about. I shared about my eating disorder publicly on my social media, and now I want to share about how I have healed. I’ve been in recovery for a year now, and I am so excited to share everything I have experienced and learned with you here. Topics:   ⁃  How the ED started   ⁃  Why it is so common for women to have disordered eating    ⁃  The negative...
Published 11/20/23
EP016: I have been diagnosed with ADHD but I am honestly very very good at it so I want to share with you some tips that have helped me, skills I have learned, and how it has impacted my life. All WITHOUT medication. The tools I am going to give you in this episode are not just for people with ADHD or add, they can and should be used by anyone who is trying to get organized. Topics:   ⁃  Morning Routine   ⁃  6 tips that make a HUGE difference   ⁃  Tools I use to optimize my life   ⁃  How to...
Published 11/13/23
EP016: I have been diagnosed with ADHD but I am honestly very very good at it so I want to share with you some tips that have helped me, skills I have learned, and how it has impacted my life. All WITHOUT medication. The tools I am going to give you in this episode are not just for people with ADHD or add, they can and should be used by anyone who is trying to get organized. Topics:   ⁃  Morning Routine   ⁃  6 tips that make a HUGE difference   ⁃  Tools I use to optimize my life   ⁃  How to...
Published 11/13/23
Published 11/06/23
EP015: I don't think I could be a very good friend to other people until I figured out how to be a good friend to myself. And that means showing up as my authentic self, not as a version of me that I thought would make me more likable for other people. For a long time I didn't know what I liked, I just knew what I didn't like… That all FINALLY changed:) I also put together six things you can physically do to help you make genuinely amazing friendships. Topics:   ⁃  My backstory on previous...
Published 11/06/23
EP014: What I have been learning about self doubt is that especially when it comes up really really strong, and we start having a lot of fear about the next steps, or having a lot of anxiety about it. It's actually usually a sign that we are just ready to level up. That we are ready to upgrade ourselves in someway or upgrade our external world in someway. I think it's just very hard to see it that way because in our culture we normalize it in a way that most people take this self doubt as a...
Published 10/30/23
EP014: What I have been learning about self doubt is that especially when it comes up really really strong, and we start having a lot of fear about the next steps, or having a lot of anxiety about it. It's actually usually a sign that we are just ready to level up. That we are ready to upgrade ourselves in someway or upgrade our external world in someway. I think it's just very hard to see it that way because in our culture we normalize it in a way that most people take this self doubt as a...
Published 10/30/23
EP013: TW The vulnerability queen is back to dump some truth all over this podcast. You probably don't need another reminder that social media is only a highlight reel, but I am someone who's whole goal is to spread healing and empowerment to the women who follow me. I think that's why it has been such a hard blow dealing with my own mental health recently, while publicly supporting others.  This is the first time I've ever had mental health crisis and actually had friends to lean on, that's...
Published 10/23/23
EP013: TW The vulnerability queen is back to dump some truth all over this podcast. You probably don't need another reminder that social media is only a highlight reel, but I am someone who's whole goal is to spread healing and empowerment to the women who follow me. I think that's why it has been such a hard blow dealing with my own mental health recently, while publicly supporting others.  This is the first time I've ever had mental health crisis and actually had friends to lean on, that's...
Published 10/23/23
Published 10/16/23
EP012: My most HIGHLY requested podcast- and one I wish I had when I was being manipulated. I want to remind you that manipulation would not be manipulation if you knew you were being manipulated, ok?? the whole POINT of manipulation is that you don't know it's happening to you. So if listening to this podcast is just another way for you to continue to blame or shame yourself into feeling guilty for you being manipulated in the past: I don't want any part of that.  YOU DID NOT 'ALLOW' ANYONE...
Published 10/16/23
The biggest misconception about boundaries is that they are meant to keep people out of our lives, but we set boundaries so we can teach people how to treat us and keep them in our lives. If you have a big heart, this episode is for you:) Boundaries are your best friend ESPECIALLY when you have a big heart.  If you're tired of having to block people or consistently remove people from your life, this is the biggest sign from the universe that you need to learn how to set boundaries. I’m going...
Published 10/09/23
The worlds best kept secret is that being a people pleaser is actually incredibly toxic. It’s so easy to downplay it and say “I’m just a people pleaser what’s so wrong with that? I just want everyone to be happy and so I sacrifice every single need or want that I have to provide for the happiness of other people” The problem is that you betray yourself, your wants, and your needs for other people that way. You present yourself as someone that you are not. Every time you’re people pleasing,...
Published 10/02/23
Who am I was one of the biggest questions I had coming out of abuse. All of my identity was wrapped in a belief system that minimized my self worth. I was so consumed by the responsibility I thought I had. the responsibility to live for the approval of other people and  be "good enough". I have tried so many things that have helped me understand myself and I tried to narrow it down to 5 things that helped me do this in today's episode: Topics:     ⁃    My Human Design     ⁃    What is your...
Published 09/25/23
I want to remind you that you can set boundaries, say no, exit toxic situations and STILL be a kind, loving person. It is not one or the other. We've all been in a toxic relationship whether it's within a friendship, a family dynamic, or a romantic relationship. Starting off the episode, let's get some clarity on whether or not you should be removing this relationship from your life. We will go over some questions you can ask yourself, or journal about. Once we get clarity on the...
Published 09/18/23