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In Conversation
Most of the time, most of the people we see talking on current affairs shows are people who are there to discuss the issue of the day. In reality, these people are multi-facetted and multi-dimensional. "In Conversation" is a talk show, hosted by Stephen Davies, that hopes to get beyond the single issue interview. In choosing our guests we want to find people in whom we can bring out many dimensions of their experience, knowledge, and hopes. They may be politicians, artists, writers, social figures, or - indeed - come from any walk of life. The aim is to have a conversation that may...
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Recent Episodes
STEPHEN DAVIES: “The myth of Hong Kong is the hardscrabble person who began life in a squatter hut and has made it to a senior civil servant level or a comfortable boss of an SME, or runs a restaurant, and this just isn’t true any more.” FERNANDO CHEUNG:
Published 07/31/14
STEPHEN DAVIES: “The myth of Hong Kong is the hardscrabble person who began life in a squatter hut and has made it to a senior civil servant level or a comfortable boss of an SME, or runs a restaurant, and this just isn’t true any more.” FERNANDO CHEU...
Published 07/31/14
"It’s always the looking backwards as well as the looking forwards that makes human beings sane and social, and makes life liveable. We talk about the advance in science and technology, we talk about the great leap forward in material goods and technology
Published 07/24/14
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