Published 02/09/21
Julianna Barwick, Los Angeles-based musician and composer, marries process and improvisation in this episode of Variations on a theme. And host Dessane Lopez Cassell explores how Sol LeWitt built complex works from simple layers and unpredictable deviations. For more information about Microsoft's In Culture podcast and to read the transcript, please visit: microsoft.com/inculture/podcast
Published 02/09/21
Published 02/02/21
“This COVID pandemic closely resembles a diagnosis like ALS. When I choose to see the trial or adversity as an opportunity, I'm able to accept and acknowledge the reality of my situation rather than resist or deny reality,” says Steve Gleason. Discover a truly inspiring conversation with the wise and resilient former NFL athlete. For more information about Microsoft's In Culture podcast and to read the transcript, please visit: microsoft.com/inculture/podcast
Published 05/20/20
“I think right now in this COVID-19 pandemic, people with cognitive and social disabilities are really being overlooked. Because it's a really easy time to overlook them. We're all in isolation,” Delaney Foster shares. She and her sister Kendall, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder, are raising disability awareness and changing the stereotypes around what it means to have ASD. For more information about Microsoft's In Culture podcast and to read the transcript, please visit:...
Published 05/20/20
“For a lot of days of this quarantine, I forget that I'm visually impaired. It's so little of an issue because I'm able to do everything that I need to and want to because I'm so familiar with everything,” says Casey Harris of the X-Ambassador’s. Hear more from the infectiously positive musician who hasn’t let living with low-vision hold him back. For more information about Microsoft's In Culture podcast and to read the transcript, please visit: microsoft.com/inculture/podcast
Published 05/20/20
Katie Sowers lives and breathes football. As the second woman ever to coach in the NFL, she helped lead the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl LIV in 2020. Hear from Katie about her groundbreaking journey to the top.
Published 03/13/20
Meet Emily Adams Bode, the first female designer ever to show at New York Fashion Week: Men’s. In this episode, she opens up about breaking boundaries, the past that shaped her, and her innovative creative process.
Published 03/07/20
Grace Nshimiyumukiza shares her courageous journey from Kakuma refugee camp resident to a computer skills and digital literacy teacher. Find out how she pushed through prejudice and personal strife to get her Master’s Degree and how she’s helping thousands of refugees learn digital skills.
Published 03/07/20
Halee Mason is defying the odds as one of the few women in esports. Her path to becoming the lead data scientist at Cloud 9 was anything but straightforward. Learn how she carved her own path in a competitive and male-dominated industry.
Published 03/07/20
“I want to change no into a yes. Because yes girls can code. Yes, girls can do whatever they want,” says 12-year-old wunderkind Anna Miller. Find out how’s she’s building a more accessible world.
Published 03/07/20
Hear how mixed reality and the Internet of Things are helping to preserve our past. Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney speak to Brad Smith, Will Lewis, and Yves Ubelmann.
Published 11/11/19
Find out how data is revolutionizing sports to gain a competitive edge. Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney speak to Pierre d’Imbleval and Halee Mason.
Published 11/11/19
Shaping a sustainable future for the fashion industry with tech-powered innovation. Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney speak to Ashwini Suhas Deshpande, Matthew Drinkwater, Natasha Franck, and Kitty Yeung.
Published 11/11/19
Meet artists who are transforming the way audiences experience and interact with music. Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney speak to Julianna Barwick, Peter Chilvers, and Matthew Dear.
Published 11/11/19
Learn how modern storytellers are immersing people in the worlds of their stories. Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney speak to Kiki Wolfkill, Rocky Bucano, and Michael Bodell.
Published 11/11/19
Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney set out to uncover how leaders in fashion, art, music, and sports are using technologies like artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and the Internet of Things to reshape the future. Becca and Todd collaborate with Microsoft to find out how these creators are turning ideas into reality and inspiring others along the way.
Published 11/05/19