Embark on an enlightening adventure with Dr. Free Hess, pediatric emergency medicine guru and child safety consultant, as we navigate the tumultuous seas of parenting and child health. With the holiday spirits still lingering, our latest conversation is a treasure trove of professional wisdom and personal reflections that will equip you with the tools to foster a safer, healthier environment for your children. From the dark humor that buoys ER staff through the roughest nights to the...
Published 12/28/23
Hottest new track of 2023, featuring Flavcity breaking every FTC rule and blatantly lying about his affiliations. Support the showWrite into the show at [email protected] and join our patreon at https://www.patreon.com/InModeration40 plus follow Liam (@theplantslant) and Rob (@roblapham) on social media!
Published 12/26/23
Get ready to have your assumptions about health and nutrition thoroughly entertained and, more importantly, challenged by the witty wisdom of Dr. Terry Simpson. We're popping the lid off the creamy myths surrounding pasteurized versus unpasteurized milk, with a side of chuckles over the perplexing world of burger math. With Dr. Simpson on board, our 13th episode promises not just laughs, but a debunking session on those pesky health misconceptions that cling to us like stubborn...
Published 12/21/23
Ready for a joyride? Buckle up, as your hosts Dr. Rubin, Rob, and Liam take you on a hilarious journey, where we tackle everything from favorite TV shows and Mario Kart characters, to elbow-licking abilities and peanut butter preferences.  Ever wondered what it would be like to have the ability to lick your elbow or face a zombie apocalypse? Well, we've got you covered! Not only do we delve into these fun and random topics, but we also tackle more serious discussions like overcoming...
Published 12/14/23
Our guest this week, Redain Caije, talks about getting you started in the gym.  He's got several steps to follow taking you through beginning to get swole, and don't worry he'll be back by the time you're ready for the advanced lessons.  You can find more of him @redaincaije where he's happy to help anyone with any questions they may have. Support the showWrite into the show at [email protected] and join our patreon at https://www.patreon.com/InModeration40 plus follow Liam...
Published 12/07/23
We summon Morticia from the depths to talk to us about foods that have potential health consequences!  Sometimes people under estimate how scary bacteria in our food can be.  Unfortunately, Morticia is also from the past with her 360p webcam so we apology for the audio being a little off.  Check Morticia out on Tiktok @bloodflower or on Instagram @fetalskeletons ....*shivers* Support the showWrite into the show at [email protected] and join our patreon at...
Published 11/30/23
We tackle 10 different beliefs surrounding nutrition and if they are fact or fiction.  No we're not running out of ideas, Liam just suddenly had an opening to record free from Oakley and we took it!  We have a line-up of upcoming guests but in the mean time we give you some advice on some of the different things you've probably heard a family member say about nutrition.  And in the end Rob had one job and he messed it up. Support the showWrite into the show at [email protected] and...
Published 11/23/23
Time to celebrate a milestone!  As thanks for hitting 10000 we took a bunch of listener questions to answer back to back!  We hit all sorts of topics from fiber to what we buy for our fridges.  And we talk about future plans for the 20000 download special, if you're interested in participating when it happens head on over to our Patreon! Support the showWrite into the show at [email protected] and join our patreon at https://www.patreon.com/InModeration40 plus follow Liam...
Published 11/18/23
Happy Halloween!  We decided to treat you by talking about the tricks social media influencers use to hook you and sell stuff.  From conmen to conspiracy theorists, we try to inform you about how these tricks work so you can identify and defend yourself against them.  We also name our favourite grifters.  Liam even goes off on an angry rant so intense we had to cut parts of it out - the full uncut version will be available on the Patreon!  And don't forget to follow Andy...
Published 10/31/23
We define what a diet is and discuss how we feel about various diets and just how to approach them over all.  Even if your favourite diet isn't in this episode we still cover what makes a diet a diet.  Spoiler alert: Liam hates keto.  Rob also discovers the soundboard.  We also start a patreon for people to support the show, you can find it at www.patreon.com/InModeration40 we'll announce our first call-in show some time in the next month. Ps. I fixed the audio -Rob Support the showWrite...
Published 10/26/23
Does pineapple belong on pizza?  Find out in this episode where we talk to meal prep king Zach Coen about what goes into his meal prep, choosing affordable food options, and... 17th century French architecture?  We're never really sure how Liam's brain works.  Don't forget to write-in after with your favourite meal prep hacks so we can bug Zach to come back to the podcast and read them out!  And make sure you follow Zach @zachcoen Support the showWrite into the show at...
Published 10/12/23
We give you the overview on poop, and occasionally calories in this episode.  What are they, how do they play into metabolism and what is calories in calories out?  Our featured guest this week new to our cast of characters is Oakley, Liam's newly made mini-me. Write into the show at [email protected] and join our patreon at https://www.patreon.com/InModeration40 plus follow Liam (@theplantslant) and Rob (@roblapham) on social media!
Published 10/05/23
We're going to get you started on the right foot by setting you up with goals.  Everyone has different goals and it's important to understand what yours are.  It can be anything from wanting to look good to wanting to be healthy to wanting to play with your kids as they grow up.  And when you hit your next goal we want to you write into to us so we can celebrate with you, we'll pick one to read on a future podcast! A list of communities you can join (may be updated in the future with even...
Published 09/22/23
In this episode Liam talks about his favourite subject - himself!  We discuss who we are, where we came from and why we do this.  What got us into health and fitness?  What are the obstacles we had along the way?  Will we ever sell-out?  Spoiler alert: Liam is going to sell-out to a sponsor, find out which one. Write into the show at [email protected] and follow Liam (@theplantslant) and Rob (@roblapham) on social media!
Published 09/14/23
We start our podcast by talking about what moderation is.  You hear us talk about it a lot well now it's time we step up and define it, and help you find ways to incorporate moderation into your life.  You can email us at [email protected] after you finish the episode. Write into the show at [email protected] and follow Liam (@theplantslant) and Rob (@roblapham) on social media!
Published 08/10/23