Anthony:  All right. So here we are, in the arena, different kind of in the arena, now not interviewing a guest but being interviewed by Beth, who's going to ask me some questions that we get frequently about Eat Their Lunch and Level Four Value Creation and my general approach to sales, which is different and does cause people to question what I'm saying and what we think they should be doing. So, let's go ahead and get started talking about some of the questions and how we can help people...
Published 09/10/19
Published 09/10/19
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:06 — 47.4MB) Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | RSS There's a reason that Anthony and Mike have been friends for almost a decade, co-founded the OutBound Conference together, and have written the foreward for 3 of each other's 6 books. They share a passion for helping salespeople learn the truths about selling, even when those truths may be unpopular or require more work. On this episode of In the Arena,...
Published 06/11/19
Outreach.io is the Title Sponsor of the OutBound Conference 2019
Published 05/29/19
Published 05/27/19
It’s a bit presumptuous to claim a book is one of the best books on habits that exist. There are lots of great books on the subject out there, including Charles Duhigg's seminal work, “The Power of Habit.” But Anthony is not shy about saying that his guest, James Clear has penned exactly that. James and Anthony share a common story: a debilitating brain injury that forced them to discover a new way of living. For James, his recovery took him to a new understanding of habits and the power...
Published 12/21/18
Seth Godin’s latest book “This is Marketing” is filled with industry truths that you simply can’t afford to miss hearing. On this episode of In The Arena, Anthony and Seth dig into the book’s brand-new insights and talk about the differences between being market-driven and being driven by marketing. You’ll hear how you can make a bigger difference in the world while changing the lives of those around you, and why truly ethical marketing encompasses layers of empathy and compassion. It’s a...
Published 11/13/18
Amy Franko is an author, speaker, and expert in modern selling and sales skills. She’s put her most recent observations and lessons-learned as a sales consultant and trainer into print in her new book, “The Modern Seller.” In this conversation, Amy and I discuss the top 5 skills every modern seller needs to have in their arsenal as well as why sales professionals need to think like an entrepreneur these days - and why it’s not always glamorous. In Amy’s words, modern sales skills must be...
Published 11/09/18
Making better decisions - in business and in life - is one of the top goals for many people. On this episode of In The Arena, Anthony interviews author and professor Steven E. Landsburg, a global expert in economics, philosophy, and the science behind rational decision making. Steven and Anthony dig into why people make poor decisions and rationalize them afterward, as well as seek out the answer to why people are irrational in predictable ways. You’ll hear insider information behind the...
Published 11/02/18
On Tuesday, November 6th, I am releasing my third book in three years. If you read this newsletter each week (or even most weeks), you know the book is titled “Eat Their Lunch: Winning Customers Away from Your Competition.” It’s a book about competitive displacement, or put more directly, “stealing your dream clients from your competition.” Eat Their Lunch is a book about living, thriving, and surviving in the red ocean, where there is fierce competition, where clients want to commoditize...
Published 10/29/18
Word of mouth marketing is essential to the success of any business. Why is it then, that so many marketers don’t have a specific word of mouth marketing strategy? Jay Baer, the author of the new book “Talk Triggers,” joins Anthony on this episode of In The Arena to answer that exact question. He’ll walk you through 4 criteria to keep in mind when creating a talk trigger for your business, as well as share stories of how talk triggers have led to immense success for some of the top businesses...
Published 10/26/18
The recognition that there is a beginning and an end means that you can do what you want with the time you have here. I have seen this idea described as “the dash,” the little mark between the day of your birth and the day of your departure. You get to decide what you do with your “dash.” You are free from having to worry about all the inconsequential things that happen from day-to-day, as they are meaningless in the big scheme of things. Nor do you have to consider what other people think...
Published 10/21/18
After spending a lifetime in the industry, Jen Gluckow knows a thing or two about how to make better sales. She talks with Anthony on this episode of In the Arena about how you can own your career as a salesperson and how to connect better with your peers and leaders. She also answers 5 main questions that will help you become a better salesperson and ignite your career. All of these insights and more are included in Jen’s upcoming book, “Sales in a New York Minute,” available for pre-order...
Published 09/28/18
Napoleon Hill’s keys to success are sought after by salespeople around the globe. On this episode of In the Arena, Anthony interviews the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer, and asks him how he earned the opportunity to annotate a special new book of Hill’s earliest works, entitled “Truthful Living.” You’ll hear about 3 main keys to success that Hill refined over his years of teaching, as well as why sales advice can be applied to every aspect of your life. You won’t want to miss this sneak peek...
Published 09/21/18
Sales optimization is the soup du jour in the sales world - every company is working hard to streamline processes and bring in revenue faster. While it’s important to optimize every bell and whistle you can, it’s also important to understand that growth is not only about getting more leads into the pipeline or more customers to sign on the dotted line. You’ve got things like the buyer’s journey to consider, the importance of decreasing churn, and a whole lot more if you really want your...
Published 09/14/18
There are systemic challenges, in some ways greater than earlier times. That said, a scrappy go-getter always bends the system to their will.
Published 09/12/18
All of the decisions you’ve made—or refused to make—up until this point produced your BEFORE picture. The decisions you make today are what will produce the AFTER picture.
Published 09/09/18
Leading from a distance is a thing these days - because remote teams and distributed workforces are becoming more and more common. With that reality come a number of difficulties, all the leader’s responsibility to solve. In order to bring some insight to the issues involved, Anthony invited Kevin Eikenberry to be his guest. Kevin has given a good deal of his life to thinking about leadership and has made it his mission to learn all he can about the way leaders need to modify and improve...
Published 09/07/18
There are two kinds of problems or challenges in business. The first category are problems that, while coming with a bit of conflict, they are resolved with a single decision. The second category are problems and challenges are systemic and can't easily be solved, least of all with a single decision
Published 09/06/18
The time you get with your clients and prospects is a gift. You dare not waste it. That means you need to plan your sales call, making the most of your time--and creating the greatest value possible for the contacts with whom you are meeting. Here is little framework you can use to do good work and move things forward. The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need The Lost Art of Closing Eat Their Lunch The Outcomes Planner  Sales Accelerator
Published 09/05/18
I no longer find the language "overcoming objections" to be as useful as it once was. It is more often true that we are really resolving our client's concerns. The challenge is that they don't always present their real concern. Here is how to listen to what is really being said so you can help your client gain the confidence to move forward. You can find more language like this in The Lost Art of Closing and much more in Accelerator.
Published 09/04/18
If you haven't read my column on Forbes.com titled A Red Ocean Strategy. My experience in sales is only in the Red Ocean, where there was ferocious competition and more competitors than the market needed. The competitive strategy that allows you to displace your competitors is in my new book, Eat Their Lunch (which you can order on Amazon.com now).
Published 09/03/18
Regardless of what the pseudo-experts say, the telephone still dominates when it comes to generating appointments, the key to creating new opportunities. The social tools are useful, and they play an increasingly important role, but they are no replacement for outbound and outreach. 
Published 06/30/18
If you want to transform yourself, you are going to need to leave part of your old self behind. That’s the price you pay for transformation, and the price you pay for becoming the person you were born to be.
Published 06/27/18