While they ring in the new year, Alice, Curtis and Jelly look back at 2018, with all its highlights, failures, lessons… and how it differed from everything they’d expected back when it began.
Published 12/31/18
If you’re selling apps, odds are you’re going to go down the freemium route: offering the app for free, but charging for something within the app itself. Of course, this business model comes with a whole bunch of ins and outs that you have to navigate if you want to succeed, so Alice, Curtis and Jelly look at how they’ve managed their apps, what’s worked for them, and what’s failed miserably.
Published 12/17/18
Startups and independents have a lot in common, but they differ in a lot of ways too, and the approach one takes to creating a product doesn’t necessarily serve the other particularly well. Alice, Curtis and Jelly compare their approaches to the typical startup, and figure out what they could potentially apply to their own businesses, and what to avoid at all costs.
Published 12/03/18
We all need connections with other people, and so much about creating a product involves being in touch with the community of people who love it. Alice, Curtis and Jelly look at how fostering a community around their products could be beneficial… and a lot of work.
Published 11/19/18
Change is inevitable, but unless you bring the people using your product along for the ride, you’re going to find that at least some of them are going to get left behind. Alice, Curtis and Jelly take a look at changes they’ve made to their apps, how they’ve approached them in the past, and ways to mitigate problems.
Published 11/05/18
It can be time-consuming and difficult to get good feedback from people, but it can make a world of difference for the finished product. Alice is starting to think about how to approach beta testing with Gus on the Go, so Curtis and Jelly try to share their experiences to help make her job just a little easier.
Published 10/22/18
Software, unlike other products, tends to change and evolve over time: features are added and changed—sometimes removed—and the way an app looks when it first launches can be very different after a few years. Alice, Curtis and Jelly reflect on the changes they’ve made to their apps over time, and how they’ve tried to take their users along for the journey.
Published 10/08/18
As creators, it’s sometimes hard to tell where you end and your product begins. This gets compounded by the fact that customers associate often you with your work, which can have some significant consequences. Alice, Curtis and Jelly dig deep to determine why it is that they associate their products with their own worth, what the consequences are, and what they do about it.
Published 09/24/18
Introducing your product to new people is difficult, as any app developer can likely tell you, and while there are plenty of typical approaches that everyone tries, they don’t always succeed. Alice, Curtis and Jelly spend time looking at the techniques they’ve used for acquiring users, how they’ve approached it, and what’s worked for them so far.
Published 09/10/18
Failure is an inevitable part of and indie’s journey, but sometimes the looming weight of it is enough to negatively affect the decisions you make. Jelly’s been feeling it a bit of late, so he, Alice and Curtis take a look at what failure looks like for them, and how they deal with it.
Published 08/27/18
There’s a lot of theories out there about how feasible the Android market is for independent apps, and most of it isn’t exactly positive. To help cut through the noise, Russell Ivanovic joins Alice and Curtis to talk about his journey with Pocket Casts, what it’s like walking the line between platforms, and whether it’s even possible to find success with an Android app.
Published 08/13/18
Where do ideas come from? Is every idea worth building into a full-fledged product? Is it better to have many projects, or fewer? Alice, Curtis and Jelly take a long hard look at where their projects were born, the projects they’ve thrown out, and everything in between.
Published 07/30/18
Sometimes it can be really easy to work through a day and then keep it going until late at night, either because we love what we’re doing, or because we’re feeling pressure to succeed. Alice, Curtis and Jelly look at their own tendencies to put in the extra hours, and how it affects their overall balance in the long term.
Published 07/16/18
Every one approaches their day just a little differently. From how you plan your upcoming months (and years) of work, all the way down to managing your day-to-day approach, the way you plan your work is going to affect how you actually do your work. Alice, Curtis and Jelly look at each of their approaches, explain why it works for them, and look at what they’ve learned about how they schedule things over the years.
Published 07/02/18
Even as an indie, you’ll find that you need to make a bunch of decisions around what you do with the money you make: do you reinvest it right back into the business, or do you take the money and run? Alice, Jelly and Curtis look at the individual—and very, very different—approaches they each take, and find that the answer isn’t as easy as just one or the other.
Published 06/18/18
Every app is different, and the approach to marketing that app is different too. From word of mouth, to building communities, our hosts discuss their own experiences with marketing their apps and how it’s changed over time.
Published 06/04/18
Independence is one year old! For the inaugural birthday episode, our intrepid hosts answer your questions. They finally reveal how they optimise for App Store search, the doubts they’ve faced on the road to being an indie, and which of them you want to keep your phone away from prior to finding yourself stranded on a desert island.
Published 05/21/18
There’s nothing scarier than losing control, especially when it comes to the things you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Our three hosts recount some of the times they’ve lost control (or had their hand forced), what they did to recover, and what they managed to learn from the experience.
Published 05/07/18
We all make mistakes, and Curtis is no exception. He recently shipped a bug, which got him thinking about how he, Alice, and Jelly approach the QA aspect of creating and shipping apps, and how to avoid doing so, if at all possible.
Published 04/23/18
Getting from idea to a minimum viable product is difficult, because it’s all about knowing what to ship, and making the right decisions early on. Alice is about to start the journey for the third time, so she asks Curtis and Jelly how their first submissions went, and what they feel like they learned from the process.
Published 04/09/18
As it turns out, Jelly has been thinking a lot about his pricing lately. He really can’t figure it out, so he calls upon Alice and Curtis for answers. What’s the right approach? How do you come up with a sustainable model that works for your market? Is it really alright to experiment with pricing? Our three hosts look at the ins and outs of pricing as an indie, and how to literally value your work.
Published 03/26/18
Avoiding bloat in a long-term project can be difficult, and it could make you wonder whether you should even continue improving a product at all. Curtis is certainly questioning whether he’s reached that point with his app, so he, Alice, and Jelly talk it through to figure out whether spending all of your time on one project is healthy, and when you should just call it a day.
Published 03/12/18
Unfortunately, not every interaction you have as an indie is a positive one. Sometimes our customers run into problems, and their first instinct is to just complain; either via a negative review, an angry email, or a bad mention on social media. Alice, Curtis, and Jelly look at their own experiences and discuss how they deal with the negative stuff, with the hope that there’s something that can be gained from it.
Published 02/26/18
The task list for indies is seemingly never-ending, and requires effort just to stay on top of what needs to be done and when. Our hosts take a look at their systems—or lack thereof—and consider what they need to do to get things done.
Published 02/12/18
There’s a plethora of good things about getting to work from home—the reduced commute time, being able to set your own hours, and the optionality of pants being amongst them—but what about the downsides? Curtis, Alice and Jelly look through the challenges they face with having to work alone and what they do to manage them.
Published 01/29/18