Tap into the healing energy! For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
Meditation to join the high frequency collective, to step into that high frequency as a group, all of us together as one being. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
An exercise from Inelia Benz created by the WalkWithMeNow Collective for the Human Collective. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
This Unified Field is an instrument, a mystical instrument, a tool that we can all use. We will create an altered state of awareness, an expanded state of awareness, a high frequency state of awareness. Inelia will guide you to make a connection with your Source. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
Since May 2019, a group of individuals from around the world have been working together to co-create a Lemurian Portal where there was none.  In September 2019, the portal was completed and exists in Washington, USA. Since its completion, this group has been meeting regularly physically and remotely at the portal to activate it. The experiences have been subjective, and the intent is that the portal becomes a physical doorway between Lemuria and our reality.  Lemurians are humans, they are...
Published 05/22/23
This is a "Source Guided" meditation conducted on November 14th 2012, at the Symphony of Meditation, in Berkeley, California. Channeled music was by the late Kevin Doheny. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
Use this exercise to bring together the people and the resources you need to manifest your personal as well as your global intentions and be part of the Global Ascension Center Manifestation. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
A powerful meditation to Connect with Gaia and its multiverse. Connect to the realm of faerie and unicorns. From a Second Life meeting. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
This is a collective timeline exercise by Inelia Benz in 2011.For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
Money is an energy being. It’s alive. You can think of it like a very important elemental. You can have access to the class here:  https://ineliabenz.com/manifestation-skills/reconnecting-spirit-money/ For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
When you feel resistance or blockage it means that whatever is on the other side must be really worth getting, really interesting and that is why the resistance and barrier has come up. It is worth exploring these barriers so you can make decisions from your own moving forward and not from your own programing or barriers that were placed there by yourself or others. Come from your own place of joy by processing your barriers. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
Powerful exercise to help you process your firewalls. Those usually show up in suble ways as "I can't do this or that" or "This is not working for me" or "I feel stuck/blocked". For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23
Stress not only affects us negatively at a physical level but also at a mental and spiritual level. When we are over stressed we can have difficulty thinking clearly or we may find ourselves getting sick more often. Some of us may resort to self-medication such as alcohol, excessive sugar consumption, binging on television or even drugs to make ourselves feel better. We just want to get into a state of being comfortably numb so that the stress we are feeling doesn’t make us crazy. We are...
Published 05/22/23
You can do this exercise at any time, whenever you feel fear. For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/
Published 05/22/23