Transcript: And today we're going to talk about the story of Emily. Emily was in her late 20s, working a very monotonous 9 to 5 desk job that you really didn't like in everyday.  She felt like she was stuck in a cycle of spreadsheets, meetings, and she really wanted to change this.  One day, while she was participating in a work meeting, she saw one post on Instagram that really caught her attention. It was an advertisement for a volunteer program in which she could go to a remote...
Published 10/25/23
Published 10/25/23
Today we’re going to learn some expressions related to getting angry. Our first expression for today is "blow a fuse." Imagine a person who suddenly gets angry and has an explosive reaction, just like when a fuse blows and the lights go out. When someone "blows a fuse," it means they lose their temper or become extremely angry in a sudden and dramatic way. Example: "My boss blew a fuse when he found out about the mistake in the report. He was yelling and slamming doors.” Now, let's...
Published 07/12/23
So the protagonist of today’s story is a guy called Mar and he simply loves taking up new challenges. One day, he learns about a local marathon happening in his town, and he decides to give it a shot. Mark has always been passionate about fitness, so this seems like the perfect opportunity to push himself further. Mark starts training hard, running every morning and following a strict exercise routine.  As days turn into weeks, Mark's enthusiasm and determination remain high. He runs...
Published 07/11/23
So today's story is actually Samantha's story. And the thing is Samantha was waiting for her job interview for weeks. She had prepared for every possible question and rehearsed her answers or practiced her answers until she felt confident she could impress the interviewer. On the day of the interview. she arrived early and she sat, she was feeling very nervous in the waiting room, going over her notes trying to practice and rehearse the questions once again. And finally, the interviewer...
Published 04/11/23
Aprenda nesse epísódio duas expressões úteis relacionadas ao ambiente de trabalho em inglês. "Hit the ground running" e "go the extra mile." - I'm excited to start my new job next week and I'm ready to hit the ground running. - John always goes the extra mile to make sure our clients are satisfied. Gostou? Me siga no Instagram para mais conteúdo como esse (@teacher_guilhermealves).
Published 03/29/23
Uma expressão muito comum em inglês é "on the same page", ou seja, "na mesma página". Quer saber como usar essa expressão no dia a dia? Check it out.
Published 03/28/23
The focus of today's story is on two interesting expressions. I hope you enjoy it! If you want to get in touch with me, follow me on instagram (teacher_guilhermealves) or check my website (teacherguilhermealves.com.br).
Published 03/25/23
Você conhece alguém que fala demais? Aprenda como falar sobre pessoas assim (e aproveite e envie esse vídeo pra pessoa).
Published 03/24/23
Como dizer que algo "vai funcionar" ou "vai dar certo" em inglês? Veja algumas variações no episódio de hoje.
Published 03/23/23
Learn two different ways to express your opinions in English. And if you believe in aliens or believe the earth is flat, please don't get mad at me. Hope you enjoy it!
Published 07/14/22
Aprenda como falar expressões como "funcionar" e "dar certo" em inglês.
Published 03/25/22
Expressões para você usar junto com o verbo "know" para dizer que sabe de algo em inlglês.
Published 03/09/22
Veja algumas formas (positivas e negativas) de descrever traços de personalidade em inglês.
Published 02/09/22
Aprenda algumas variações pra você dizer que está bravo e irritado em inglês.
Published 02/03/22
Como falar de existência em inglês? Em português, usamos muito o verbo "ter". E em inglês, como podemos expressar essa ideia? Descubra nesse episódio.
Published 01/27/22
"To let the cat out of the bag" is a common idiom in English. Learn its meaning by listening to a short story.
Published 01/21/22
Em inglês, nós temos duas formas principais de indicar o futuro. Aprenda como usar cada uma delas em contextos diferentes.
Published 01/19/22
Obviamente está tudo bem em dizer coisas como "How are you?", "I'm fine", e etc. Mas que tal ver algumas formas de variar essas frases?
Published 01/17/22